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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. OBL Osama Bin Landan Just reading between the lines , a few months ago afghanistan officials said OBL was surronded by american troops than recanted, now troops are moving back into afghanistan. If I'm right youall be think'n I'm really up on shit
  2. Bush has had OBL surronded for months and plans on bringing him out soon to win the next election Think he will get away with it?
  3. Let me see if bolted climbs where removed. I would grab my rack and trad climb only. G crack in levenslab would be a non stop white highway, OS access would be shut down, P peak would have a five year waiting list . Keep it up! have you ever heard the expression...shoot yourself in the foot. Yeah! this is how it started... helmet laws on road bikes, first we gave concessions to keep lidless than after the man had everthing he wanted they still passed a law, mandatory brain bucket. So my own brother riders gave away my freedom of choice, to ride free wind in my hair or a hot ass brain bucket... ever have a phuk'n bee up your helmet at high speed same$#!t dif activity PHUK IM GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE UP BIRD WATCHING OR WORSE GOLF. Do I have to were those dorky shorts?
  4. POPE It's not about blts, it's about natural progression, this has has happened in many other sports when more people are taking up outdoor activities. Don't think SCW or LBG are immune Pope I fully understand your line of thinking . Every time I have to share the quite of the outdoors with a dirt bike ( yeah I use to ride them cross country) snowmobile( yeah tried that too ). The trail with a dang horseback rider (tried that too)or Mountain Bike ( still do that) day glow hunters in the woods around my crag ( I still hunt )or what really burns my ass is when I make endurance slog up a mountain and when I summit some dude whips on his board and floats down the hill, what will take me hours I just want these other people to go home and get fat like the rest of america. I have learned that even though I may not like, understand, or agree with some of these activities I tolerate and share my space. Pope you have all the right in the world to your dickhead DICK opinion just try not to bring $#!t down on the rest of us . I love all climbing and I don't want to give up any portion of it. Hang in there Pope we need a couple of old crusties around here just to stir the pot. DICK
  5. Your not getting it,it's not about blts it's about trails accessing climbs and the mention of any climbs blts or gear or pads is leading them down the path of denied access so just keep blaming the other guy and we will all wind up in the same pile of$#!t
  6. Larry the Tool and his fellow Tools don't think so. DICK
  7. One of my hommies told me the weather at Frenchmans Choss was superb and no one was there. I didn't go! that just burns my
  8. Bend over it's coming As often said in the service of my uncle! BOHIC
  9. This no joke or spray Government agency's and activist groups are watching this site for beta on areas to close. I post this in spray , in hopes they do not weed through all posts. We all know these guys could not hike up Si without a sherpa and supplemental oxygen . In an effort to lead them astray and to clog down their clout, I suggest sodo posts of false routes on bushwack wilderness peaks If nothing else watch what you say on this site, arguing amougst ourselves IB is just the begining those that would deny you access to your love ..climbing... are on the march BTW groomed trails to crack, sport, bouldering areas are out, an impact study, review and approval is needed for any new trails, this is where we as climber are going to find the most trouble.
  10. Because i'm a Dick Head Dru says the bolt hanger looks like penis DICK
  11. I'm done with this thread. The internet = biggest threat to climbing
  12. The thread has degenerated into the typical piss'n match, the meeting is over , nothing good can come from it at this point. Now it is like right and left politics both sides have an argument and both sides think theirs is right Do we really want ALPS and the USFS useing this? left right
  13. I think it's time to move this topic to spray PLEASE!
  14. This is just a taste of coming restrictions by land managers .... trails to climbs in the alpine lakes wilderness...think about it SnowCreek Wall. freedom to enjoy any outdoor activity will have to be fought for, wake up this is not about bolts this about accessing climbing routes, alps have political push we don't , where do you think this going? Thanks for the backup Alpine K Pope this route is 23 pitches long and is not a sport route it was given that title by a climbing mag, your beating a dead horse here dude
  15. Yo ....I also wanted to make it clear the alps want to stop access to preserve the area for future generations, so they can also be denied access. Lets all stay at home and get fat ...climbing MT Garfield is toooo much work anyway. Big FAT DICK
  16. In another post MattP refers to an ascent of the same face about 20 years ago by David Whitelaw and partner. We can presume they took a less direct line and might have even placed some bolts, but big routes on big faces can be established without having to rap bolt them first. Of course they were inconvienced by a round-about and difficult descent......thank goodness that's no longer an issue. Yo dude it's not about the bolts, as with most access issues it's about people. Let's all dress up like goats or better yet like those Grizzly mofos, nobody phuks wit dem Nice day for a hike to the base of Garfield DICK
  17. dis'n BIG LOU ...nothing from Pope or Dwaner I figgered a troll like that would bring the old crusties out from under the rocks just getting hard to light a flame anymore
  18. ok scott.. you some kinda hacker or have an in with this BB you replyed before my post even hit the BB for me to see whatupwitdat? not that there is anything wrong with being a ninga sprayer
  19. He doesn't really subscribe to the minimalist school of art. BigLouW minimalist snowslog..art.. I would not call leading thousands of bumblies up Mt Rainer and turning the DC route into a shitfest for money a minimalist If you ever spent any time around him or knew someone that guided for him you would know his rap is...elitist redneck
  20. Sorry ground up, the last of the route I heard was a real bitch to put in , requiring most of the day to get to the top. Whatsamatter cyber cops don't want to hear the truth Phuk,n spray geeks
  21. I never read a post that loooong or hardly ever agree with a cyber cop . Rightious post Matt
  22. First they spray about the FA, LW putting in too many bolts Now there's spray he did not put enough bolts in You guys crack me up , just can't keep you geeks happy. Complain to Alpinewanker about not enough bolts If you would have ask around you could have found out this was a committing route , or better yet, just STOP spray'n shit about routes and route setters , than this board might be getting the beta. Want a topo, sent your request to dickhead@yomama'shouse DICK
  23. BOULDERING Ethics/style...pull down not out ...give me a break...it's a freak'n rock...there inherently dirty,loose. Kinder gentler bouldering, no crank'n on boulder problems
  24. richard_noggin


    Elderly Jewish man quote, " Die hard repulicans would reelect Hitler DICK
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