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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. mat fags? save the homophobic name calling for inside your head only please, respect people What do you have against boulderers? Yeah! I love to boulder, I have a Metolius pad, I was just troll'n with the Mat fag and Sherman thing, light'n up dude Mat fags is what they called those of us on the wrestling team in skool, it kinda spills over into bouldering don't you think? The costco pad tri folds and is covered with nylon on three sides and cloth on one, and I was think'n that some of you might like a cheep boulder pad or car camp pad also a good add on pad for bouldering . Glad I wasn't a Cube Geek today ,How can you stand an inside job durning the summer ,tell the boss to take his job and shove it( we could get nuked tomorrow by NK) and I will see you at the crag
  2. Death Heads and Euro death knott Don't show your girlfriend the death heads in the guide book or tell her your going to tie the ropes together with a Euro death knott or you might become belayless
  3. Yeah! All you MAT FAGS should be all over this one . It measures 75 inches x 31 inches x 3.5 inches $28 I'm going to use mine for when I car pool and have to bivy at the crag. BTW i got a new bumper sticker that will piss Sherman off Bouldering is neither sport nor climbing
  4. Phuk'n left wing tree hugg'n butt pirates chop'm all down, so I can see where the H#!! i'm going like we don't have enough phuk'n scrub trees and brush in Wa allready What really pisssss me off ( insert Troll) is when those Cali and Colo mofo's come here with there tree hugg'n politics
  5. 11 pages of spray about the SOS while you were spraying I was a climbing BTW if you don't climb it ALL, your not really a climber , just a $#!t talk'n wantabe
  6. Yeah! He dis'ed on Mountaineering, bouldering and sport climbing. He did'nt dis on WALLS ( that he is famous for ) or surf'n that is his sport of choice now
  7. Grapevine knot , Fishermans knot same thing , depends on the book or who taught you. Overhand knot with both ends coming out the same end= EDK Thanks for the hands on input from all . Guess I just have to take my tail from between my legs and suck it up.
  8. Ok I know some of you will point me in the direction of endless treads, but I just want up to date first hand beta. I have been useing the grapevine knot for tying two ropes together , it was the knot used by most climbers for years. I have tried the overhand knot and it passes the swingset test but I am still a little spooked. How many of you use the overhand knot with no back up knot and do you trust it? It's just hard to trust just an overhand knot with my life!
  9. Mountaineering is the least environmental sport...Surfers are more aware than climbers. Quote by: Yvon Chouinard: climber turned surfer? september issue of Rock and Ice
  10. Ok everyone knows Fossil is a choss pile almost as choss as the Feathers, at least at Fossil the bolts looked trust worthy not that I would climb there again, once was enough , spooky look'n holds. But what up with Lovers Leap,I dug those 400ft cracks with an easy walk off,and cool when the big ditch is hot. Toulomne Meadows way cool , love that white granite, the thunderstorms were a bit much. Dude you spoiled by Leavenworth?
  11. I would rather be a bold climber dying in a pool of my own blood than an old climber dying in a pool of my own piss. Quote: by dickhead, as he gets on Freeway over the 4th of july weekend
  12. I agree with those who say that climbing is not life. It is much better than that. In climbing you get nothing other than what you absolutely deserve. It has no skin color, no gender, no rules that matter ( att: retrosoreass )and no lawyers, referees, or pushy parents. You can't get any more than exactly what you put into it. There are no dead ends in climbing, no barriers other than the ones we impose upon ourselves. The blend of skill, boldness, and the desire of each route is unique unto itself and yet connected to every other route as if within one long contiguous passage. Life is hard on dreams, and even harder on dreamers. Climbing was built for them. For in climbing success and failure both lead to the same place, to new resolves and new possibilities. LIFE SHOULD BE SO GOOD!!! From Stone Places by Geof Childs
  13. If the Mountainsteers rope up it's 4 class. Use of hands and if you fall, you will probably die. Rock climbers solo it . Alpos carry a 3ft ice ax.
  14. richard_noggin

    Hey DRU

    Riped off by the Gestapo again I fell so left out
  15. that really hurts. Yeah I was troll'n Good comeback Guess I didn't hook you ! I respect that
  16. richard_noggin


    Trask Dude how about updateing your profile. No rude pic nothing. I expect more from you than that, you are the Dice Man of cc.com Try not taking PM's any longer , I got a few kick your ass PM's myself. I'll bet you don't click that rat/nark (notify moderator) icon eather. If they ever met me in person I,m certain they wouldn't talk smack
  17. ?????? people who waste their money on climbing mags they then diss are suck. People who have dung for brains and it falls out their mouth suck eat balls asseyes
  18. Keep your eye out for the August issue of climbing. Dickhead's written version: It shows drawn pic's of trad climbers discretely pinching the rope with their hip, knee, foot and whatever calling it DT (discrete tension) In my (dickhead opinion) it is way disgraceful to trad climbers, and in the short time that climbing mag has changed staff it has fall'n to the bottom like a bumbly on a multi pitch. I will not be renewing my subscription. climbing mag and Primedia the wallmart(cheap and unethical) of magazines
  19. Only a Orgoonian hiker would like to hike through that SOOT! As a climber I would prefer to walk across a bridge and climb . I get enough hikeing on Mountain approaches. HEY is anyone giv'n up on the beta for the new sport crags in the Tieton canyon? I know some of you sprayers are hold'n out on me !!!!
  20. I'm not only a dick head I'm lazy! Just give it up
  21. Anybody got a clue when they plan on putting that bridge in place across the Tieton river ? Check it out, it's just setting in the Oak creek wildlife parking lot ready to go. I am so looking forward to that short walk to good cracks like it use to be. I heard that there is a lot of new walls and sport climbs going up in the Tieton canyon anybody give'n up any beta as to where?
  22. I don't care if they chop all the bolts, I have a rack and know how to use it. But in that case the cracks will be seeing way too much action , every try to get on Godzilla lately?
  23. Retrosoreass What's a matter dude , don't have a funny bone, you can throw some dung my way I can take it. Yes I do have have first ascents, you have even climbed a few , I won't tell you how many or the names 007/dickhead. Lighten up dude climbing and spray is about FUN I can't believe climbing put that dung under Trad Tech Tip i dunno about that new staff. Even a day glow spandex sporto mofo would get castrated for pull'n that kind of pussboy ascent.
  24. Trad Techtip from climbing mag page 70 It must be a joke or these guys saw one of Retrosoreass's famous first ascents!
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