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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. alpinwanker ....Dude..... I would not know you if I saw you. I hope were cool I wood'nt want you going off on someone you thought I was, that would not be cool or what Dick Head is about erik say's i'm JB Who is DICK I think their is a little DICK in all of us. Or at least you have a little DICK
  2. Vantage on SAT, it was a classic choss crack day .. dude when that sun goes down it gets cooooold quick .. back to Seattle to climb at stoned gardens on sunday , wish I would have stayed , that plastic just ain't the same.
  3. Oh my GOD! TRASK has tak'n over alpinwankers body DICK
  4. UP Chuck and Alpinwanker Butt buddies
  5. Well I'm here to tell you, I would not tell him who you are . You know as well as I do , you were implying he was dishonest ...wet suit.. in reference to money exchange for guide book. I would like to play but I have some climbing to do , you like to have the last word so have at it. WTF does ironworks have to do with it and WTF is a spud wrench..I take it this is some kind of sick comment. You'v just been trolled by BIG DICK
  6. AHHHH!! yes our Siskel and Ebert speaks Need I say more Your such an easy troll DICK
  7. richard_noggin


    Rotohammer $800 Misc.tools $200 Hardware 1 route $100+ possible trashed rope$$ A week of your time work'n getting grimed out , having you cheeks pukered form setting anchors, hang'n and cleaning large debri, worrying about the rope getting cut,rattle snakes, bats and bees. Searching endlessly for that right bolt placement, that might not be where you want it because of rock quallity, evaluating fall potentual , final brushing and cleaning, beg'n for some belay time to work the route. So after all that you feel good about the route and yourself. Than they trash you and your route on the SPRAYBOARD NOW THAT'S CLASSIC So tell me again why a route setter would want to put up a route and post the new route on this board If this topic does not degenerate to the bolt anti bolt topic you could move it to the RC forum
  8. Let me see, you also called a guide book author... something about a pony ranch and a wet suit I don't think that had anything to do with overbolting!!! So enlighten me... newbe's have been notifying moderators and complaining about TRASK and if so should this not be public beta so we will all know what is going on ..if not then some are putting themselves in an ELITEST possession Alpinwanker when you start putting mega bucks$$$ and devote a large amount of your free time putting up YOUR so called classics than maybe your opinion might have some weight and I suggest you climb the route first before you trash it So PH-Q I'm a DICK I don't have a buddy
  9. Now this asshole has got two FA dudes I know so pissed they will not post here . As far as I know TRASK has not pissed off any beta giv'n FA dudes . SO
  10. The rumors are true ,this board has went to the self righteous , would not know a joke if it was up their ass, non climb'n cyber trash HOW boring DICK
  11. Even a liberal like me, liked Trask and his red neck humor He was the ultimate SPRAYMASTER of this board and will be greatly missed by most on this board. Keep him in spray if you must. IF you try to please everone , you will please no one! Question Authority...if I am banned I shall die...but till then I will have my FREEDOM
  12. Ok ..I have allways cut my vulgarity...hence ...phuk-Q or ph-Q-2 or $#!T that I use instead ,but abusiveness now that something else in spray ..ph-Q punkass mofo You do have to have a place for the kids to play Trask ..that was a $#!T talk'n spraymaster WAS the most well know and talked about member of this board outside at the crag or a mountain slog. Dang that redneck was cool If you try to please everone you will please no one. Question athority..push the boundaries it's the AMERICAN way it's called FREEDOM ..it's who we are
  13. richard_noggin


    I'm not a regular surfer here. Did I miss a change of content and the elimination of spray on other forums If so clue me in and I think it is a good thing. I do love being a Dick but I am willing to do it only in spray.
  14. I want to see detailed beta on the new routes going up,I'm getting tired of the same old classic choss. Speaking of classic choss, who is holding on to the beta for all that new stuff I here is going up in the Tieton. I heard there is some killer stuff up at south fork, I can't seem to find that crag, I went up that way last fall and got lost ,I road around on old dirt roads for hours. Do the FA dudes surf here? come on give it up , spring is getting close. DICK
  15. Not trying to stir the pot jon ... but what are you getting at ? I'm not a daily suffer so I missed the Trask banning ..he was a kick I had not seen any death threats by him so I'm confused. Just tryiny to catch up on whatup and new spray rules. I thought the appeal of this site was a good spray battle to lighten up everyones day . I don't agree with eveything writen here..but i am willing to read it, and take it for what it is. The time I have heard Trask name at the crag or the mountains ...it was like that guy kills me I'm the DICK your MOMS warned you about.
  16. anyone have the beta on the TRASK banning or a link ? BANNING TRASK now that,s just wrong DICK
  17. I always thought TRASK was the spray GOD and I got links to some of the best stuff from him... please tell me he is not banned for good Willians/mikeadam..that was some kickass SPRAY Can sprayers just be banned to spray??...if you come here you know what your going to get
  18. It all works for me.. but the voice of reason is way What up off wit .. did some one turn on your funny bone what did it take .. was it like .. lighting .. green in your brownies
  19. I just caught that.. Now thats funny
  20. I can't spray on a for real topic tread..like you guys trying to clean up this site or ..what up wit dat Punkass mofo moderators Really it's the right thing to do .. the tread should have started in spray. I gotta tell ya , it was like a kid in a candy shop to me ... sorry ... DICK
  21. I have had my posts Deleted...thats cool it just means I use my freedom of speech ,so I don't take it personal And I guess I deserve that sniveling whiner under my name..like it's fun to spray and be a DICK Think about it.. getting your panties in a bunch over what DICK HEAD said on the internet What I can't figger is why they have not banned a DICK like me
  22. All the cracks in Tieton river canyon seem hard for the grade and some need an r or x rateing Climbing cracks in Tieton river canyon is like sport crack climbing Orange Sunshine..Tieton Godzilla..Index Seem right for the grade if you TR them ..but on lead they are a total diferent animal...WOW!!
  23. John Long's Rock Jocks, Wall Rats, and Hang Dogs is my Fav If you meet Largo in person ...he is a kick ...and the real deal ... he pulled down hard for a BIG dude My fav short story is about the plane crash full of hemp..he told me it was true ..but he changed the names
  24. Dude you trying to see how many posts you can slam out before the cyber cops bust you? If your going to troll you have to pick someone out and lead them into it gently, then after you have sucked them in giv'm the flame thrower. DICK
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