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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. I like Scotts avatar... Wooooo she's hot!!!! Maybe intimidating to some Try to please everyone and you will please no one! Political correctness is not funny and sucks huge
  2. Thanks dude for the beta .Hope to catch it this next week.
  3. Maybe if you would divulge your identity to him it would encourage him If alpinwanker ..aka..alpineK offered him a ride at the pony ranch he might give up the beta DICK
  4. Why wood anyone use a name other than their own? What could be funny or thought provoking in a name? DICK
  5. Stimson Bullitt pulls crux on Illusion Dweller 10-B Joshua tree at 83 years old Picture on page#9 Climbing mag and in the new patagonia catalog. He can also find him pulling plastic in seattle ,crag'n and mountain climbing in Washington That wirey old dude And btw when you snivel bout my spell'n( and I do it on per-pus) climbing and patagonia by the same writer... one lists his last name as Bullitt the other as Bulitt
  6. I almost forgot this one because it happened two years ago. My wife was working an office job (hey all that cubical $#!T's the same) the boss hires his daughter ,has my wife train her , tramps her after 12 years,has to go to work doing the same thing in another office at a drop in pay and starting at the bottom of the bennie line. The company had a fire at will policy WTF Maybe this is what unions are about
  7. C'mon dude get real dude ..think I don't know how to spell would? It's part of the Dick Head character (avatar)I even look for other posters wrongly spelled words to lead spayers astray Quote: I have no respect for a man that knows only one way to spell a word...Mark Twain DICK
  8. Whoa! dude You have that crazed psychopath look in your eyes. I wood post a picture of my face but I wood have to wipe the fried chicken off my face and to do that I wood have to stop eating and your just not worth that kind of effort. What's your weapon of choise: The shillelagh,bow and arrow, or my fav a drumstick The keyboard is allways a safe option My bellys so big I can't see my DICK when I pee
  9. And you'll be deal'n with 250 lbs of Irish/native american spray and if I could get my fat ass up off this armchair I wood kick your ars! DICK
  10. I know Trask never contributed any climbing beta but I got the best jokes and funny pic's from him, I useta skim his post just for links and pic's I always wondered how many computers he sat in front of to be on top of that much data. I sure do miss that redneck
  11. I take it tat's a from the master of spray. I wood know way better than to get in a piss'n match wit the MASTER How do you do it?Your political correct enought to keep from getting banned but funny enought when I have the time I read most of your posts and you keep it short and intelligent. I am such a DICK, and I so love to stir the pot
  12. Thanks for confirming my statement that Ironworkers are gay. ...Not that I needed that; just look at the Ironworker in the Village People Alpinwanker there is nothing funny or interesting in your statements Alpinwanker Is there a butt pirate wanting to come out of the closet. Your kinda hung up on this gay thing!Not that theirs anything wrong wit dat Alpinwanker =Homophobic or Butt pirate? eat asseyes
  13. Marylou Like does anyone here have the attention span to read something that long without going to sleep? Hey this is spray spray it don't say it!
  14. While I was out I stopped by this construction site , they were building one of them tall buildings. I was just driveing by in my F550 turbo deisel monster truck , so I stopped tied off my rope to the sterring wheel and rap'ed down. When I hit the ground I yell up...HEY ANY YOU IRONWORKERS GAY !!It took them some time to climb down that huge set of monkey bars. Then about 5 burly look'n dudes started mill'n around me, about then the meanest burly one grabed me up by the neck , he had the look of my bear dawg when he is bout to eat a pussy cat, quickly I explaned how BRONCO told me Ironworkers were gay. suddenly he dropped me. He than wanted to know more ...confuzed I told him the whole story. To my suprize he had this longfull look on his face. He told me this story how a few years ago he was in prison and how he had This bitch he named BRONCO because he was such a wild ride, he told me he wood let me go if I did my best to get you two hooked up ,so if you post a link to your bung hole It will save me an ass woop'n Bronco come out and play DICK
  15. NEVER!!! Dude a wet match wood touch you off. Are any of your xwifes still alive Like to stay and play but gota go. DICK
  16. Ok let me spell it out I'm not an ironworker so I don't care , if you trash a whole profession I wood be carefull, no threat just thinking of you. Some of them might read this , I ask around, I don't think this is the kind of people you wood want to piss off, but if want to go on and on making a ass of yourself... have at it , I personaly want no part of any because your ego got hurt long ago. Dude just let it go!
  17. Trash dumpers, car thieves burning cars, Yahoos shooting up the country side and generally seattle punks have phuked it up for those of us that act responsiably. Cali has come to Washington, and with it has come it's politics and punks
  18. The new unions are more of a temp pool now that no one has the right to wildcat strike. Some unions are for security so when you get caught hoz'n the boss's wife you still have a job. I like the old kickass days myself. Carefull what you say , Things might not be what you think they are. Personaly I could give a $#!T, Bronco I'm sorry for your bad time and I should not have let you and alpinwanker run this far, but I think you two might be going someplace you will not want to be.
  19. Bronco I don't know about Ironwork, but I do know what a scab and a rat are. When a union man stands up for a good wage and medical a scab or rat will work for lower wages for the man. Alpinwanker Ironworkers...Gay This site banned Trask Looks like reason and logic just took the last plane out of seatac Might want to check out some labor history there bucko
  20. I think there is more to the long shoremans wages than meets the eye such as hours worked and time as a temp put in to reach that wage. So how much does a Lawyer make on average ...that produces nothing of worth... How about sports players think they are worth those mega bucks? How much do the cubical people that surf cc.com on company time make? Unions are made up of workers for FAIR wages and conditions As in all things that involve money in this country there is GREED and CORUPTION All unions are not the same they are like people there are good ones and bad ones.
  21. Man!! tat's a lot of spray by a bunch of punkass mofo's that know nothing about union labor or labor history. This country was build with the blood and sweat of hard working family UNION labor. And if anyone of you would like to spray about it in detail I know of a couple of roughnecks at the sidetrack Tavern on Marginal way that would gladly discuss the in's and out's of their livelyhood. I have never seen a Union member getting rich from union wages, but I have seen a lot of Familys raised with Union barging power for a decent wage and medical You assholes have taken spray to a whole new level !!
  22. What happened to Bush's plan for hydrogen fuel? Now I here Greenspan says cut SS benefits because of the Bush administrations blow up of the deficit NO SONOFABUSH IN THE WHITE HOUSE! YEAH! so i'm off topic big frik'n deal DICK
  23. A Bill Robins classic 5.7 Seven Virgins and a Mule ..Squezz chimney to stem.. way cool..good pro..no pigon shit .. a very classic climb, one of my fav's , and the ever popular and always a line on it Party in your pants, a long hard climb for an 5.8 totaly classic , can be TR as of a few years ago , but if you do TR it , let lead climbers cut in , no TR fests. I heard there are some easy short cracks on the lower walls mixed in with the bolted climbs ,but not sure of the names or location, you can also set up a TR from the top on Burning Spears 5.10-B,a nice clean crack, an anomaly at vantage. I'm not always a DICK
  24. Vantage...bitch'n classic choss Index...bitch'n classic pukered butt cheeks
  25. richard_noggin


    This guy is not a DICK ! He is totally Dickless.
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