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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. UH! the prez says the war is over. I am confused also why there has been more deaths after the war is over than durning the war. But hey don't drag me into this he said, she said BS, or I'll have to do the.. Lymp Bizkit break stuff.. on you!
  2. Thats some funny shit! Right(conservative)Left (liberal) which way do I go! I think I'll stay in the middle and choose on an individual basis.
  3. In a country with no job security and on the brink of war People can get a little weird. If all the partys involved in the internet war would stop talk'n politics, go climbing for a day, drink some beer and chill it would all work out. Quote from old post: Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics , even if you win , your still retarded chill drink beer
  4. I never thought of trying that fix , but thanks for the heads up and a laugh at your
  5. Good example of a tread that should have been put in spray, that's what it's for. =Sphinx= Your such a ...I want attention, cyber geek ,dumbass!
  6. It is sooo true Erik is not near the in person that he is on this board!! Why is that ERIC? How come redheads are a little tweeky? Dick
  7. He must have cooled it because he was the most baned avatar on the site Sure do miss his rip your head off shit down your neck humor
  8. Hey what about me? I feel so left out! I want on the list , or at least a dickhead list , after all I am the headdick around here. To all that made the list, because I didn't PH-Q-2
  9. Sorry to here about your bro Scott!Hope his recovery is 100% Because of negative spray awhile back I started my Dick head Avatar ,so I could sling the dung back. I still post usefull beta by the real me . Get an avatar and kick there ass Scott Shit happens, accidents are just that , nothing you can say or do is going to change things. Water under the bridge , piss in the wind, you can't take it back.
  10. Take sides: Tree hugg'n limp wristed liberals on the left Oil drill'n steal your money Nazi dictators on the right If you are way left or way right you are part of the problem! I NEVER vote for someone that runs on a platform of slaming and not there past preformance. Give me freedom and money in my pocket or give a new smak talk'n mofo
  11. Glad to see a new guide book for Smith is coming out Why would Watts get hooked up with a scuzzy publisher like Falcon
  12. Is Spinkter boy an annoying little megafly(eats shit and bugs people) that most of us would like to see disappear? Some sprayers are funny , maybe not all the time , but at least a giggle once in a while. Does this geek every say anthing funny?
  13. richard_noggin


    Ban uglyness(eric) at the crag! Come on chalk I'm dip'n at every rest and pose'n. I really like chalk'n up a sloper at the end of a runout and watch'n the whips
  14. Nice pic of a real man spinkterboy. Your just a 24/7 cyber geek ......dumbass...... The rest of the board I have just been joke'n with and they know that , you on the other hand just don't get it. Most of the other posters are just having some banter. Your not funny, your just an annoying little piss ant!!!! Back off ....or BRING IT ON.....
  15. I would not know if he hangs on the and really don't care . He can be a waist of band width with his endless BS over trival BS and he talks a lot of BS about stuf he knows nothing about. PETER PUTRID
  16. Talk about climbing, what up wit dat? Most of us climb on a regular basis instead of spray'n about it like you Peter Putrid. Don't mention mikes name again or I'll hunt you down with my bar dawgs I know who you are!
  17. Yeah! all 10 inches of it Those are not giggles of laughter there moans of joy
  18. Did you try the 120 ft 5.8 overhang'n spliter hand crack called Yo Mama's crack or the 40ft off width full of bird shit called OFFWHITE? Anyone wishing a guided trip to the secret spot need only supply me with and babes
  19. Sorry slap that's not the secret spot If I told you It would not be my special secret spot and if you knew I would have to kill you! For a good giggle see related tread under spray
  20. Rock type: overhanging columnar granite 100 ft tall to 6 pitch Rateings: 50 climbs room for 50 more 5.6 to 11-C that's as hard as I can climb on these overhanging bottle neck jams without ripping the skin off my hands. I don't use tape that would be Aid!!! Directions to the secret spot: Drive up Icile canyon road till it turns to gravel, keep driving for 5 miles find granite boulder on right, looks like, well a granite boulder stupid, find unimproved trail, access trail where it enters big black berry bush, continue on unimproved trail for 2 miles, if you can see the ground below your feet , or 20 feet in front of you your not on the unimproved bushwack trail, when you come to a cliff with a huge poison Ivy bush ( don't worry the lost vally and the secret spot are on the other side )crawl into poison Ivy bush ( if you get ticks on you don't hurt them they are gods little creatures) where you will find a trap door, enter trap door crawl through 3 ft tunnel for 1/2 mile( if you encounter rattle snakes please don't bother them they are pets)come out on the other side into the lost vally, don't tell anyone about the prehistoric animals or the frogs with the asshole in there face, or some tree hugg'n mofo will scerw up the access. Oh yeah don't let the frogs at your beer or they will get shit faced. The secret spot is the cliff at the base of the spew'n Volcano
  21. I'm not one for click'n the RAT/ NARK (notify Mod) button and after getting a few PM's from Rock cops I don't do PM's any longer, if you got something to say it has to be up front. From your previous posts I can tell your a Levenslab climber , tell Vick that new guide rocks and the FA list with the route discription is way cool That walk to the special spot was longer than I expected but the Javelin was well worth it . The really good climbs in Levenslab can be spread out but they are well worth the hike.
  22. When it comes to guide book authors, think about it. What have they done for climbing. Have they put up routes, Have they given you new climbing areas through previous guide books? Smoot, Bruse or have they stolen beta from old guide books (check out black market exit 38, it does not exist but was copied in Smoots book) Can these guide book authors actually climb most of the routes and give first hand beta? I for one would prefer to buy my guide book from a climber that puts up routes, has climbed most of the routes . Not just some one with a camera and a computer. What's next: slected climbs in the North West by DICKHEAD Oh yeah I can feel my walet getting fat and my ego pumped
  23. I was just look'n through the new levenslab guide book and I noticed some dude named Jim Yoder has all kinda first ascents with death heads , What up wit dat, has he got brass balls or couldn't aford bolts ? Buy the Frenchmans Choss guide book he sure can aford them now How bout that picture of him from the old newspaper, what a geek (just kidd'n) Yoder seems to be cool and he climbs hard.
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