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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Dude you hit the nail on the head...the shoot yourself in the foot mentality of your fellow climbers.... the god squad/rock cops need to STFU, it's ok to talk ethics one on one but not in public forums, go cry to your mom not to land managers
  2. Anyone with over 8000 post must be hip to spraying and passing around avatars, some with multi avatars and computers would argue with themselves The good old days when spray ruled
  3. You think after all the trash we use to talk we would want anyone to know that. But if anyone wants to fess up I would be all ears! I had a few that were shared avatars that got out of hand and everyone kept changing passwords and hacking into my ISP of course i returned the favor all in fun
  4. Due to the fact that my time on this site is random I can't keep up with the new avatars. I can't hardly believe sprayers like Erik, Trask Retrosaurus, Caveman,Willians, ECT. don't surf this site . It took me awaile to realize Dru's new avatar. Could someone send me a PM and clue me in , unless it's like some big secrete
  5. chronic masturbation, obsessive orgies. Got a fucking problem with that Yeah! masterbation is for those who ain't get'n any(please wash your hands and use chaulk before you climb), and orgies are sooo gay. Real men like the two babe sandwich or the double header BJ!
  6. You talk,n to me MOFO, what's your substance of choise sport, trad, peaks...whatever it is I think it's mank As my fav prez said ...bring it on oops, that's right we got our ass kicked on that one
  7. OK we know we probably won't be going to North Bend or Offs for some afternoon crag'n So who's going to start the best trad geek /spandex sporto intenet flame for the day? The chaulk tread is kinda weak and I think beacon (the butt plug) has seen more spray this year than it has ever seen climbing. Those west side boys can really get a good old red neck flameing spray fest going,I love that brass Knuckles and guns kick your ass kind of talk, the heat over there must bring it on. Get r done
  8. sport climber: day glow spandex wear'n metro wantabe can usually be found hang'n at the mud pile (SMITH) pose'n and spray'n Trad geek: goodwill dress wear'n is metro but doesn't know it...can usually can be found hang'n at the big butt plug (beacon rock) with the rest of the ethics god squad DICK
  9. You didn't hurt it did you? they are rare and should be protected at all costs
  10. Thats a first anyone has said that about IB usually it's off route runout epic!!! You must be LUCKY,HAVE GOOD BETA, OR GOOOOD AT ROUTE FINDING or a little of all the above. Thanks alpine1 for a hands on evaluation
  11. Friday night please don't judge me when i'm wasted
  12. How about some Rock and Ice history They receive a long article about LW and what he has done for climbing in Washington instead of printing that article they print a blurp on the longest sport route ,this term comes from them they even have a picture with the wrong line as the route in print and LW,s line hardly resembles the Preiss meandering route ,trust me he did not climb the 5.10 sections without pro ,so after they start an ethics war in washington they come out with an ethics issue with IB as the high light....sold a lot of issues... phuk'n assholes I personaly no longer subscribe to that rag for that reason and Jonathan Thargsa now on there payrole ...the lying route chopper than crag burning at J tree dude. So you go through North Bend gangsta way to the back side of a wilderness area , climb a peak that most have never even seen let alone would want to climb ,no one even hikes there, dude it's not the Enchanments , 23 pitches complete with hair ball runouts, everyone is getting lost because of route finding...what a bolt ladder . The route was put up outside the wilderness area untill latter they go OH!!!! that FS map is wrong So let me see here JO, you have not done the route or even stood at the base, call it a rap bolted sport route because some put it in print, what are you like one of those gapers ...how did that rope get up there yeah like he went to the top with a 2300 ft rope and rap bolted it. Like I said JO mind your own crag, your not part of the fix here you are part of the problem , there are many more bolted areas in wilderness areas they just have not been getting any spray ...Thank rock GOD!!! This is the most long winded post I have ever made
  13. Glad mostly only you have seen my rant. people like you amazzzze me the totally clueless, this is not the alpine lakes wilderness, its a gangsta approach to a bushwack epic.... mind your own back yard Thats one big BUTT PLUG you got there JOE
  14. What happened! it's all gone!!! sorry i got so fired up SOS glad it's gone
  15. I agree oops this isn't spray
  16. That would have to be stoner peak. I sure do miss all the old skool smack talk'n spraymasters they all got banned or cooled it with different computers ID's and avatars
  17. The use of a rope for protection would be a must for the mile high peak club. Big wall nookie club could also fit into the erotic vertical pleasure sub clubs Waren Harding my hero It's true none of the sprayers on this board are get'n any except me and Ken the rest of you sooooo suck
  18. I take it Ken ,you don't have a story for an airliner or a peak Let's just change the subject to the mile high peak club.
  19. bump for monday morning Mile high peak club...come on fesss up you know you want to...confessions of the vertical perverts
  20. dry rock in north bend ...a little dripage but totally doable sunday
  21. Frikadell... oh yes the poron link ...the spayboard on a friday night . Farweather.... mast3rbation ohoo yeah!!! Just got ld ...maybe i was troll'n for who wasn't ...on a friday night just giggles
  22. So say you do the deed at 5604 feet the Tooth and a mile is 5280 feet does it put you in the mile high club ? I think doing it on a peak is way cooler that doing it on a airliner..... I think it would be way more enjoyable on a peak . The bathroom on an airliner whoooo weeeee....I don't think so .
  23. Oh dude it is so you!! Matching hand bag and shoes next?
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