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Everything posted by ivan

  1. snafflehundus rex! ave snafflehundus morituri te salutamus! ave!
  2. now that's a stimulus package
  3. i think mickey of mickey n' mallory said it best: "badasses don't die"
  4. ivan

    Iranians Attack!

    i love it when the 800 lb gorilla cries about the 90-lb-soaking-wet-faggot-boy fucking w/ him
  5. awesome - wish i could have gone. wonder if beckey's eventual cermemony will involve chanting? a great casting of mcdonalds napkins and ketchup-packets into the air? ahhh, saturday - a good day to die!
  6. slacker start!
  7. omfg, do i just spend 5 minutes watching that - hmm 4:52 - yeah...
  8. don't worry bill - it's still early enough you can pass out now and be rage'n'for act 2 in a few hours!
  9. john, you actually gon' be there? would be rad...but surely there must be ice in SOMEWHERE in N America?!?
  10. ivan


    'dos bitches got nuttin' on charlton heston!
  11. joe, do you have a clif-notes version of the above? i couldn't bring myself to read all of it, but i assume it has the logical statement in there somewhere that bitchign about the birds is like bitching about the weather - i just wish the climbing at the ozone was more similiar to beacon - i didn't feel right at all making the transition last spring...
  12. no such creature exists - this time of year one must suffer in order to get the privilege to suffer more on a route - that said, once bott tracks get put into lake colchuck/stuart area, that approach isn't too bad
  13. how about poverty and an acknowledged lack of training w/ one too?
  14. nice, pitts - you should still look into the tauntaun thang!
  15. ivan


    More repetitious than a tree full of woodpeckers. dumber than a bag of hammers
  16. ivan


    "it's raining harder than a horse pissing on a flat rock" "sweating like a fat kid in a candy store" "sweating like a whore in church"
  17. whoa! bill, i thought you didn't go in for such tomfoolery!?! was it a devil that pushed you off the Path of the Prudent?
  18. wallawalla ken aka 112 on da board here not really trying to knock the 2 guys who've gotten so much attention lately - i imagine they weren't real familiar w/ the upper mtn and having no altimeter or gps you're pretty much totally fucked on descent in a whiteout so they did the most logical thing and went down - for ken and i, the ice in the hourglass was probably much harder then than now and a scarey thing to down-climb for a newb, and i figured it would be easiest and most strait-forward to top out and return to camp from there - i'm happy to be on the good side of the comparision, as it's damned rare
  19. you can expect wind-blasted ridge-walking on the last few hundred feet to the summit no matter how deep the snow is down on the elliot - i wouldn't be suprised if it's very deep down there - be safe w/ the avi - there's a lot of slope w/ a lot of snow on it there - a truly beautiful place to be this time of year though - enjoy!
  20. funny, that's exactly where ken and i were, and the same type of weather we encountered, on our trip back in november - having experience on the route and an altimeter (no map or gps - i had a compass and a bearing back to camp but never used it) was sufficient to top out and get back down w/o incident i pretty sure ken would have killed me if we had ended up in a snow cave that night
  21. on pasiano pinnacle, right in front of burgundy (kinda hard to distinguish from that higher summit actually)
  22. ivan

    For Raindawg...

    dude, the blue route looks siiick!
  23. i think maybe the first actually, but it's an old saw 'rouuuund here for sure - i figured i'd give it another stroke
  24. i'm a definite maybe
  25. if the survial of my hobby is predicated on the mental stablity of my wife when plans get wierd, i am hopelessly fawked
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