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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i wouldn't hold out much hope dude, but who cares, it's just a pin - i gotta an old booty one you can want if you wish and i wouldn't be so sure it's someone you know - as mentioned in this thread, we all saw some folks we had no clue on wailing on blown out in full on conditions and i bet you coulda got that thing out w/o a hammer or funk anyhow who replaced the webbing on the wind surfer anchor? it's nice they left both steel rings.
  2. 2/3 of Americans want a progressive agenda, what's the hang up? the bankers who own congress? sure, though there's plenty of other powerful interests dug in like ticks and happy after at least a half century of uninterupted time at the Public Tit
  3. the consequence, no doubt, of unrealistic expectations on the part of the voters, yes?
  4. any route that i can find someone else to climb w/ me
  5. hey, did i ever send you the big-sized version of this?
  6. i like, uh, have climbed, like, uh, the monkey face and the turkey monster - do they count?
  7. yo bill, who's talking of going ot the valley this spring? i wanna go do an el cap route on my spring break but all my homies are having kids n' jobs n' shit!
  8. had you put the bolts in prior to the freeze or y-day on lead?
  9. anyone wanna skip school w/ me on friday?
  10. ivan

    Name Changes Due

    i was clearly born in the wrong damn decade
  11. ivan

    Name Changes Due

    well ivan i think u would like to see gun's banned, RIGHT???? pope and dawg would like to see bolts banned. alan watts is like the sam colt of climbing... don't bring ur drills to town homeboy ban guns? naw. a nice idea maybe but impossible. what i'd like is the 2nd amendment to be interpreted to include only weapons technology dating to the 18th century. oughta make school shootings a bit more comical and a little less tragic
  12. ivan

    Name Changes Due

    there can only ever by one cave man, and he had to be killed so that we could live it's impossible to have a conversation w/ a zealot - it can only turn into tragedy or comedy, both of which belong in spray - in fact, wtf are YOU saying kev, you think EVERYTHING belongs here!
  13. probably 'cuz only fox can ask the difficult questions
  14. nice dude! totally random too, or were you also a clancy bros fan?
  15. the rich n' powerful appear to be dipshits on both sides of the spectrum (seem to recall the same story last year re: auto bailouts)
  16. No shit? Thank for clearing that up. I suspect many Oregonians would have no idea That would be correct. Most people are clueless. Just trying to add more information that seems pertinent. Glad you are so well informed as to not need the extra information. drool is probably not on your redudant emailing list is all and therefore don't dig that yer mass emailing these dispatches to your entire address book, which no doubt contains the climb'n'clueless
  17. like trying to fashion a statue of david out of petrified pelican shit
  18. i wouldn't be that excited yet pete - it was windy as hell at beacon y-day but still the day time temps were above freezing - if you got the time though, why not take a drive?
  19. i was gonna put up some video of it last night, but instead mostly i just laid on my couch in a ptsd-coma dave, you get any decent pix? if i'd got any video of you doing the insane twist on your jug, rope ripping over the edge and all, you know i'd have it out for you!
  20. i bootied a pin similiar to that on the local access anchor a few years back joe - take a look at it adn have it if you wish - fwak'n nuclear day out at beacon 2day - felt like god was screaming at me all day
  21. fuck - its the end of them all [video:youtube]
  22. Thanks Dave It's a work in progress. Guess I forgot the camera doesnt auto orientate like my blackberry when u rotate it. Yeah, I do the same thing. Today was the day. Blue skies, no wind, but lucky for me, I GOT to go do the family Christmas tree day thingy. Anyone heading out Sunday? will be out there in the morning dave - gonna do s-wulf w/ justin in the fawk'n cold - come along and hang out! might want to bring some jugs too as i'm planning on doing the upper pitches
  23. shit, cool views of scw if nuthang else!
  24. good thing that wasn't a video, eh, dave?
  25. ivan

    Sport vs Trad

    don't know'bout'the bone's, but my POTD award wears serious merit, and you my'man have earned it w/ the no-doubt wicked-ardous research that musta been necessary to root-out this gem
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