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Everything posted by ivan

  1. you also wear far less makeup
  2. ivan

    Another beauty!

    have you lost yours? you seem a man fond of those who "fight and die for our freedoms" - isn't protecting the right to vote a big deal for you? at any rate, wtf are you worried about? have you seen the statistics for voting rates among the poor, who make up the masses of convicts?
  3. ivan

    Missed this beauty

    wait - cubans are all gay and hiv infected?
  4. Anyone with three or more posts in spray is going to hell. God told me. funny - i have this visceral memory of being 9 years old and, reflecting on my playground langauge and demeanor, realizing i was w/o a doubt strait-fucked n' hell-bound!
  5. that don't look like no fun at all what's that big bastard being used in place of the gri?
  6. good thing erik don't live in uganda or he'd never be able to see the guys w/ machetes heading his way
  7. then hopefully the virgins are all blondes with big boobies. dude, i would kill all of you if i thought that would get me in! i always wondered why in the end they all have to be virgins though - wtf? i'm thinking it's far, far better if half of them are dirty, dirty, dirty...
  8. the gri annoys me too but it's not so bad i'd want to go packing the rope of me for the reason you say - i've been okay w/ just fitting the gri check into the cycle of upward progress - place - test - check gri - move i do love it's tendency, especially as more rope is out, to take away whatever slack you had in when you go to do the check
  9. damn, beaten to the punch - stink'n work! funny, i got confirmed a catholic on threat of death from my folks, despite the fact that i was a screaming atheist at the time (as opposed to the quietish paranoid agnostic that i am now). and as you should know, of course pat thinks that people are the key problem - we are united i believe in our contempt for all life - we just spend a lot of time quibbling on the specifics
  10. ivan


    word. writign on teh interwubs iz real easy to fuck up - it takes a keen, frakked up mind to do it right.
  11. naw, as i said sumwhere up thar, people are definitely the problem, and getting rid of all of them sure would solve the problems of war and poverty
  12. if this was a disney story, ole'angel has to get rabies now so the boy has to plug'em
  13. not being a mullah, i will merely fart on this thread
  14. if dog feels like showing off his powers, wavign his hand and producing a year w/o his pets killing and brutalizing each other for the simple reason they were made fucked up from the start would be an impressive demonstration my recent favorite of such fucked up behavior amongst god's spitting images was the chick todya who wigged out at mickey-d's when she was told they were all out of chicken nuggets adn beat the holy-hell out of the drive through lady
  15. ice in the nw makes us stupid - it's so rare to see and hard to get on that whenever it forms up, judgement is impaired - jeebus, come watch crown point in the gorge when it forms up and a dozen teams will do it in a day, all stacked on top of each other and taking heavy artillery from the teams above - how that hasn't given someone the chop already i dont' know anyhow, as to the question, we all know the only thing worth dying for it god, cooze n' kkkountry!
  16. 'cuz only chicks w/ fuzzy armpits wanna play w/ yer wonder weasel?
  17. think of winter as your excuse to learn aid-climbing
  18. the whole country's gone to shit since creedence broke up
  19. hey, in ireland the cartoonist could be fined 35k$!
  20. ivan


    i think the good dr's been "off hiking the appalachian trail" w/ his gay luva for far too long now
  21. Trip: [TR] Snowking Stumble-fuck - 12/27/2009 - Date: 12/27/2009 Trip Report: Trip: Snowking Stumble-fuck - Date: 12/27/2009 Trip Report: every frak'n december seems the same - i get a phatty 2 week break and burn w/ ambition to do somethang hard-kkkore, but then gotta figure out how to make it fit between xmas and new years and the eternally impetous weather this one was pretty much the same - drooling to take a 2nd whack at j'berg, at least until i looked at the forecast - monday was for good weather, but the next 3 days after were total dogshit - sigh - well, it's not like me n' my people are short of the mind-bending intoxicants that can render a death snow slog and 16 hr nights in a cramped tent damned tolerable tvashie was out last minute to heal up n' persue his rawk-star lifestyle, so it was just josh and i - 3 years ago we'd set out in the teeth of the worst forecast imaginable to do snowking and had ended up shit-hammered and horse-fucked barely 2 miles from the car, but had still managed to last 2 nights out - why not take a second shot? the virtue of the route is it's ability to be navigated safely in zero vis and dangerous avi conditions we brought several liters of wine, vodka, whiskey n' jaeger, 2 packs of smokes, all the fine swedish snus man can stand, handfuls of horse-tranquilzers, pep-pills, sleeping-pills, etc. etc. just in case we couldn't leave the car - also critical were our 2 mp3 playing systems, 2 pairs of speakers, and a video ipod w/ 22 episodes of the office as promised, day 1 was beautiful - not that it mattered, stuck in the shade as we were - the cascade river road, the turnoff n' the bridge, the new washouts, packed up and off - more washouts, an hour of abandoned road walking (mercifully in the dry this time - last time we did it w/ golf umbrellas deployed the whole time) into the forest! josh had his boards on his back of course. this section sucked satan's ballz last time, as the brush was so wet we were soul-soaked w/n 20 feet of the trailhead the lower forest section went crazy fast this time - good trail - no snow - clear route-finding - the main annoyance was, as the trail steepened to your typical cascade's tree-climb, that the forest floor was frozen solid and slick as shit w/ no snow coverage eventually the snow was reached - we switched over to slow-shoes for the retarded and happy, happy sliddy boards for the enlightened - eventually we found a nice camp near the col we were to hop through the next mornign day 2 morning lived up to expectations - gunmetal skies and a continious etheral fine-sifted snow, but blissfully not a breath of wind - ah well, pack the shit up and let's see how far we can get before despair sets in! after a couple hrs the terrain turned difficult - bizarre terrain traps and detours, easy to pass in summer and in spring were now giant crevasses and canyons - getting around and into the worst of them in the pouring snow, i saw the most delightful of places to throw up a camp, and even though we had a couple hrs till sundown, we eventually resolved to settle in for the night and get to the serious business of tying it on nice n' tight:) patagonia camp just before sundownt he snow let up and we got some views, including our objective - w/ only another night of food, we figured to keep camp stationary the next day and day-trip as far as possibly, hitting the summit if the weather and conditions allowed it, otherwise just chilling if the inevitably blizzard set in holy shit, dawn broke w/ no wind and glorious skies! i gulped down my 2nd gullet-full of grits n' bacon and we were off, meself w/ no more than the fag-pack of me mega-gregory-denali, mercifully light needless to say, the anti-vernal vistas were cumshots on the virgin-mary's visage! the way was not easy unfortunately, a lot of traversing n' up n' down, but all on beautiful sugary-snow by noon it was clear we weren't getting close to the big boy - we'd need another day or better hiking conditions or better wedder everyday or sumthang - still, no reason not to enjoy the sights... [video:youtube] josh in gawd's kkkountry dildorado, site of our mutual molestation a mere 6 months ago! a fine time of year for the forbidden traverse looking back at our highpoint - the wind had started, sundogs had first surronded the sun, then blotted it out as the clouds crowded the southern sky - the final straw that is was time to flee was when naval aircraft began roaring just a few hundred feet above our heads, barrel-rolling and generally acting like they were having way more fun than us by evening it was clear the great cock of the creator was being positioned for a massive thrust up our ass-canals in the immediate future luckily we had plenty of office episodes left to watch... [video:youtube] my midnight it was douching snow - the next morning it went on unabated - it kindly cut off for the hour required to break camp and take off, but soon it closed in again and chased us out of the wilderness i am a retard sasquatch i'm gonna do my best in the years to come to forget the last bit of the bitch-slap - the half hour spent questing for josh's cached shoes - the thrutch-fuck down the dipshit steep forest slope - the trail gone - the fresh foot of snow - the fall after fall over logs n' forest-fuckall - the eventual emergence onto the even older 4wd road that probalby closed 50 years ago and is now only discernable from the surronding wilderness by the fact that it's flat, but oh-so-awfully overgrown n' plastered in thick, wet flakes we did eventually make it to the road, and then it was just a matter of endurance and embracing the suck, and then getting so wasted we couldn't possibly recollect a bit of it [video:youtube] to next year!
  22. if fat boy could psych himself into running in the great goddamn deluge that's been coming down all day, i think he'll do well!
  23. bill hicks percieved rush best - scat-muncher! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F7Q7BkAbCk
  24. rush is like the evil twin of obiwan kenobi - strike him down and he'll just come back more powerful than we can possibly imagine
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