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Everything posted by ivan

  2. great porn star name!
  3. muchas gracias
  4. open yet? time to take the kiddies for a kamp-out...
  5. right on there, phuzzy boy, keep it light n' breezy! fuck the politics, keep this thread to what you did? 7/13 - a lap on young warriors w/ geoff and a lap (sans cord) w/ geoff n' adam 7/15 - dod's jam flying swallow next?
  6. never rope up w/ republicans
  7. hard to appreciate your family if you're dead, but it's also hard to appreciate anything if you're bored w/ life - it's a tight rope, no? for myself at least, i've found my solo ambitions have dialed way back, and my interests turned more toward the staid world of big walling.
  8. two 50's on teh chain will [safely] bring you to teh bottom with the rope stretch.
  9. http://bit.ly/rG96FI and having not-so-unnerving raps ain't the worst thing in the world
  10. Well hot damn... only gots me eight more TR'sssss b'fer hanging up da etriers. Guessin its gonna take a bit longer...
  11. sure, it'll have a hair less horseshit raining down on your head and not the same crevasse-fucked approach, but still...
  12. pretty lousy time of year for that there golden route
  13. just got back an hour ago, dood - can you get to camas? gimme a call?
  14. if only i wasn't hopping into a car at this very moment to go the valley!
  15. ivan

    DC = deer killer

    at some point in the spectrum you DO arrive at guys taking pix of gooks they wasted and then pissed on - i reckon this'un's a bit further than nearer to that though
  16. you've no need to climb at beacon?!? the year pass works out to 3$/month - shit, i don't even give npr that much patronage
  17. ivan

    DC = deer killer

    haven't humans been posing w/ their kills since forever-fuck ago?
  18. no shit - i can drink a 5 liter box of burgundy in a day if properly motivated
  19. leaving for the valley in a hair more than 24 hours n' trying to finish up the school year too so not much time to choke my muse's chicken
  20. wouldn't it just be cheaper to take a chopper to the summit?
  21. the Management makes no guarantees
  22. the webbing on my old buckle-system is much wider than the new setup...course, that old system did occasionally give me fits trying to thread it back through.
  23. yeah, that's what i've been doing, it just seeeeeems so sketchy compared to the old buckle system
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