1. i understand my union's needs will vie against the many other interests that make up the american state, large and small, and that, as american general political philosophy holds, the majority is not necessarily right, and, as a minority perhaps, i must continue to contend for my own. that many people who work in the private sector, particularly in its lower echelons, where it's currently being squeezed the most, should begrudge public employees is hardly a suprise. as always in a republic, my union must continue to agitate, organize, expand, educate and act in the interests of its members. it may well be that many who feel an attraction to public work are in fact more socialist in their political philosophies. ours is a mixed system, and capitalism will always be a pole striving to some extent against us evil, evil left-of-center types. whatever. in the end i'm more moderate than anything, and w/ a limited life-span, i'll suffer the slings-and-arrows of the next 50 years as best i can, hopefully keeping my pennant flying until my own ship founders and i cease giving a fuck. the death of my union is likewise not inevitable, but organized labor itself i can't ever imagine dying off until the race that created it likewise is gone...
2. no shit! therein lies the unending battle.