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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox


    So I'm selling some climbing gear on eBay, and I was checking one of the guys out who has bid on my stuff. Within the last month or so he has bought: climbing rope rope bag weird tricams cologne and.... this: Is that you CHAPS? Michael Layton? CPB? Who is gonna fess up?!?!
  2. I nominate olyclimber's house.
  3. It's just that sort of complacency that gets people's knees skinned.
  4. EXTREME!!! That reckless and irresponsible man should be arrested and the whole park should be shut down! DANGER DANGER!!! Won't someone THINK OF THE CHILDREN! ARGH!
  5. The guy with a John Muir quote as his signature line is advocating higher fees for national parks. Just thought I'd point out that little ironic gem.
  6. Ah.... Using CC.com as an authoritative information resource. Smart. Probably better than relying on the NPS though. The flat part of the blue glacier is ALWAYS dry in the summer, that's why it's called the BLUE glacier and not the WHITE glacier. "officially closed"? WTF? What is the WIC anyway?
  7. Alpinfox

    Free Solo 5.7

    That IS awesome. I remember that clip from one of the Masters of Stone videos. I think it was the same one in which Dan free-soloed some waterfall IN SUMMER using ice tools and a snorkel.
  8. Damn that's fast! Miles Smart climbed W. Ridge car-to-car in 5:50. p.s. Standard Speedclimbing post addendum: Dan Howwwitt sucks donkey balls.
  9. Alpinfox

    So I noticed...

    ...there is an "M" after Olyclimber's name. Discuss.....
  10. In a pointillistic kind of way, yes. More pointillistic bellies:
  11. Alpinfox


    Who's the punniest guy on cc.com? I dunno, it's a MisterE!
  12. I've got lots of land to sell... land for all. Now all of you line up in a single file line please. No shoving.
  13. So you believe a 6-day weather forecast? Interested in buying some prime waterfront property in Southern Louisiana?
  14. Post deleted by Alpinfox
  15. Only after the proper amount of retail experience and several NOLSe courses.
  16. Sir, I regret to inform you that your "vipers" are actually "cobras".
  17. I do not believe that there was a conspiracy from the highest levels of government to rig the last election, but I think it possible, and even likely, that one or a few local election officials with strong republican ideology manipulated the results/rigged machines/falsified records/etc. Isn't it true that the inventor/owner of the Diebold voting machine company is a multiply-convicted fraudster and rabid republican fanatic? The BIG conspiracy theory is just too big. I don't think a secret that big involving (presumably) lots of people, could be kept secret.
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