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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox

    Photo question

    Anybody know the maximum fps for a digital point and shoot? Say.... a Canon s400? Is it all about the card speed? If so, what kind of fps rate can you get with a "60X Hi-speed" versus a "normal" card? edit: yes I meant sd400.
  2. A nice tangential benefit is that since you are out in the woods practicing your religion, you are exempt from the need for the forest pass.
  3. Alpinfox

    hybrid cars

    Do you make your own or do you buy it? How much more does commercial biodiesel cost in BC over regular diesel?
  4. Whooohoowhatever is the new Divot/Crampon. LOL
  5. Well yes. Of course. That's obvious. OK, I did a quick google search: A quote from: Alpine Club of Canada tests "The 'static' devices such as the Grigri (there may be rope slip through the device of 2 to 5 cm, while it is 50 to 120 cm for a dynamic device) may produce twice the force on the last runner than a dynamic device."
  6. Go climb 3AM and Incredible Hand Crack and look at all the troughs carved into the rock by pulled cams. Wingate sandstone is good for sandstone, but it's still pretty soft. Yes. This fact has been well demonstrated in tests by some lab or other (I can't remember which). I think the data were posted on here not that long ago. The primary factor was probably a cam that was too small as AFIVE pointed out in the first post, but the use of the Gri-gri didn't help.
  7. Alpinfox

    hybrid cars

    They are expensive. Buy a 40mpg+ beater. Example Whirly's suggestion is good too.
  8. "Bush met Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and thanked him for supporting the US-led war in Iraq, and for sending more than 100 troops."
  9. I have lived in 11 different places all across the country, and I pretty much agree with Jay that anything east of I-25 is suckland. I have a special hatred for south central Pennsylvannia, but that's for personal reasons. All of East Texas is about as horrible a place as I can imagine living in the US. This song is by James McMurtry (son of Larry McMurtry - "Lonesome Dove" novelist) and deals with his feelings about East Texas. Levelland - James McMurtry from "Where'd You Hide the Body" 1995 Flatter than a tabletop Makes you wonder why they stopped here Wagon must have lost a wheel or they lacked ambition one On the great migration west Separated from the rest Though they might have tried their best They never caught the sun So they sunk some roots down in the dirt To keep from blowin' off the earth Built a town around here And when the dust had all but cleared They called it Levelland, the pride of man In Levelland Granddad grew the dryland wheat Stood on his own two feet His mind got incomplete and they put in the home Daddy's cotton grows so high Sucks the water table dry Rolling sprinklers circle round Bleedin' it to the bone And I won't be here when it comes a day It all dries up and blows away I'd hang around just to see But they never had much use for me in Levelland They don't understand me out in Levelland And I watch those jet trails carving up that big blue sky Coast to coasters watch 'em go And I never would blame 'em one damn bit If they never looked down on this Not much here they'd wanna know Just Levelland Far as you can point your hand Nothin' but Levelland Mama used to roll her hair Back before the central air We'd sit outside and watch the stars at night She'd tell me to make a wish I'd wish we both could fly Don't think she's seen the sky Since we got the satellite dish and I can hear the marching band Doin' the best they can They're playing "Smoke on the Water", "Joy to the World" I've paid off all my debts Got some change left over yet and I'm Gettin' on a whisper jet I'm gonna fly as far as I can get from Levelland, doin' the best I can Out in Levelland - imagine that
  10. Nonsense, poopy-pants! No one can say for sure, but the GriGri could have made the difference between an ordinary leader fall and decking. The Catbird might be a poopy-pants, but he might also be right in this case. I don't let my belayer's use a gri-gri when I'm climbing gear routes.
  11. If you want lightweight, go with down. If you want the lightest weight you can get with synthetic, check out the Integral Designs Andromeda Strain.
  12. Frank Buckley crankin at the mudpile:
  13. I'm trying to imagine the conversation. "Hi fucker. Can I have my jacket back?" "Uh, ok." "Hi, I think you have found my jacket. I'll give you 20 bucks for it." Canadians.
  14. So that takes care of the anonymous part but you still need to: -stop picking fights -donate some money -write some TRs John, you don't know shit. Shut the fuck up.
  15. Alpinfox


    I agree with the sentiment anyway. But if someone offered me a big raise and it required a commute, I'd have to consider it and it's not so easy to just move close to your work once you have a house/family/roots/etc.
  16. Alpinfox

    Worst Haircut Ever?

    You've got to be kidding.
  17. Alpinfox


    but fuel costs are only part of the cost of driving... I agree. Ammunition is CRAZY EXPENSIVE these days.
  18. and a fine place to show off your new apres-climbing windshirt or leather vest.
  19. p.s. "John Frieh", go fuck yourself you self-righteous prick. Pretty much everybody on this board knows who I am. I'm not anonymous (at least with this avatar).
  20. Alpinfox


    welcome to teh suck! My commute takes 9 minutes on my bike. A guy I work with (at UW) commutes from Kent everyday via bus.
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