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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. You should rap off of brand new Grivel 360s or Americanos. Nothing less will do. p.s. Please leave the plastic caps taped to the screw or something. Thanks.
  2. Wow. Nice work Clint. Makes me wish I still lived in Anchorage.
  3. HEY MIKE! Can you get me a pro-deal on THESE bad boys!?!?! Man those things look SICK!
  4. Here is another rare photo of a spray god. And who are his friends?
  5. I think I actually owned this as a kid:
  6. Where is your sense of humor? five screws for $120 Super sketchy screw for $13.50
  7. riiiight. one word: PROBLEM Thank you for highlighting this very important "problem" with my post.
  8. I didn't realize you had been climbing more than a couple of years. A full tape job is indicated for certain routes (e.g. Royal Flush) or for multi-day climbing trips to preserve skin (a week in the creek), or for certain rock types (handcracks at Josh). Taping to support tendons while gym climbing is at least psychologically beneficial and maybe even physically. Tape is aid. This thread will go for 6 pages.
  9. For other stupid people such as myself. "Banquette"
  10. Yeah, there is a link between obesity and aspartame. Here it is. Aspartame is in diet foods. Only obese people eat diet foods. "Yeah, I'll have two big macs, a large fry, and a diet coke please". Viola. Pretty much all of these nutrition-to-phenotype studies are bunk.
  11. P.S. I might be willing to spend some kinky time with your hot girlfriend as partial trade for the cams. Let me know.
  12. I'd like a new rack of c4 camalots on the cheap. Willing to pay $4/cam. Must be new with tags. HELP A BROTHER OUT
  13. Alpinfox

    A Snaffle For Muffy

    fat housecats are aid
  14. ...people continue the thread title into the body of the message? p.s. The shark would kick the grizzly bears ass.
  15. That picture is so out of date. Here's a more recent pic:
  16. Oh man. This sucks. I only met Carl once or twice, but I loved his pictures and his stories. My sincere condolences to the Skoog family. South Face of Mercedario (6770m) in Argentina. More info on Mercedario
  17. Alpinfox


    NO no no! He didn't buy that stuff from ME! You can see on Ebay what people have purchased from anyone on Ebay by checking out their profile. Maybe it was NOLSEY getting himself some chaps to match that cute little vest of his to complete his cowboy costume?
  18. Alpinfox

    Just Desserts

  19. At the tender age of 14, our young Clintoris is also an expert on extreme mountaineering footwear
  20. Hey, Have you guys heard the trick of pouring hot water into your thermos to preheat it before adding your tea/coffee? Works great I hear!
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