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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Black Diamond ATC-Guide $25 MSRP -Autolocking mode like Reverso (but no sharp edges like reverso) -High friction mode for skinny cord raps Looks sweet! Anybody used one? Good review at rc.com If it's good, I might replace my reverso with one of these when it wears out.
  2. He hasn't posted in over 12hrs. I'm worried.
  3. TNF is now owned by Marshall's or Ross or some shit like that. I forget whom exactly. I think Montrail's shoes are shit. I've only owned one pair and they fell apart. I've had friends who have had montrails and their's have all fallen apart/delaminated/split/prematurely worn out/etc. Their rock shoes are the ugliest on the market. Their rubber is shit (and no I don't mean "THE SHIT"). I think some of their trail running type shoes (goretex sneakers) were OK from what I've heard. It's nice that they WERE based in Seattle. Maybe that will change now? Overall, I give Montrail - Sorry Toast.
  4. While we are on the subject of congratulating people, I'd like to congratulate/thank Ron Cotman for developing Pearly Gates. It's the best craggin' in the Icicle in my opinion. I'm glad he got on the cover of the book too. BTW: If anyone would like to try to order "Weekend Rock" for $0 plus $5 shipping, CLICK HERE. Your order will be cancelled, but it's a fun little game.
  5. sorta like yer mom? p.s. Sorry. It was just too perfect.
  6. Hey, it's a Mountaineers Book. So are most of the climbing guides in North America. Now take back yo' playa hatin' and give the local boy some props! Best Rekognize! Plus, "The Mountaineers" the publishing company is pretty much now entirely seperate from the climbing group "The Mountainears". Or so a little birdie told me.
  7. Maybe posters of trip reports should be allowed to moderate their own trip reports. I, for one, don't mind spray in my TRs, but I know some do.
  8. This is a great book. David draws beautiful topos and his route descriptions are spot on. He also has a knack for choosing only the most handsome and sculpted specimens of manliness for his photo subjects. Bloated tadpole bellies need not apply! Thanks for the hard work David!
  9. Hey Mr. Beckey needs to find a good dentist. Anybody have any recommendations? Regular family dentists are apparently NOT what he is looking for.
  10. Park at middle fork Snoqualamie trailhead. Walk across the million dollar footbridge. Turn left. Wall will be on your right in about 0.3 mile. Ratings are solid. True slabby climbing (very few knobs, edges, etc). It will be running with water right now. It's north facing and is mossy/dirty in early spring.
  11. MORE INFO "Collagenase percutaneous needle fasciotomy is currently undergoing clinical trials. Preliminary results by Badalamente and Hurst show an astonishing results of more than 90% correction of MCP joint, 66% correction of the PIP joint, and minimal recurrence rates. Adverse effects include pain at injection site, minimal swelling, and hematoma. Although collagenase is showing promise in clinical trials, surgery is still considered the criterion standard for a cure."
  12. I have a Dupuytren's contracture in my right palm between my ring and pinky fingers. It is painless and has only a very minor impact on extension of my ring+pinky fingers. It happened while climbing in the gym and I experienced a minor "pop" sound and sensation, though it was painless. I talked with Dr. Hanel (the hand surgeon at Harborview mentioned above) about it while seeing him for another tendon injury and he confirmed that diagnosis. He also said that DCs CAN and DO occur following trauma, especially in climbers (in fact he has one himself) and that they may, or may not progress with age. Basically, they are no big deal. You might try some massage and stretching to try to relax and extend the collagenous fibers. You might want to get a second opinion and rule out the alien baby issue; that's a commonly misdiagnosed condition frequently overlooked in the differentiall diagnosis by even the best hand specialists.
  13. If you want to clip both half ropes into one piece of gear, use two different draws/slings, preferably of different lengths.
  14. Apparently a lot of people are desperate to get those HB offsets. As evidence, I am posting a link to an ebay auction below. This is NOT my auction, I'm just posting it because it's pretty amazing the price people are willing to pay for the HBs. LINK
  15. My housemate went out there on Sunday and they didn't find much dry rock. All those cracks and the forest above have absorbed a lot of water over the last few weeks, so I wager it will take more than a couple/few days of dry semi-sunny weather to yield much climbable rock.
  16. DS, thanks for volunteering to take a reading comprehension class so that your comments will be a little more on target next year.
  18. Alpinfox


    I think it's wilson pickett. p.s. KEXP played several of his songs last night. That guy did a great "Hey Jude". LINK
  19. <--Click Be sure to check out her movies! I think she's got a good chance of making it.
  20. Have I mentioned where I'll be this sunday? Oh... That's right. I did. GO HAWKS!
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