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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Hey Olympia! You should have offered to clean that cop's pistol!
  2. What do you guys think? Does it clash with my avatar? I think a certain Nodderator is gonna get bitchslapped!
  3. Generally that is the case but I'm willing to bet the cop made a special exception just for MrE because he drives that hippie van... probably was hoping for a bust A quick review of the thread seems to indicate to me that it was Olympia Climber (not Mr.E) that was pulled over for this egregious offense. Also, E don't drive that pot wagon no more. He be drivin a mini-Hummer now that runs on straight spotted owl blood. Edit: You have learned the ways of the stealth edit well my son. Now you must master the koan of the multiple avatars.
  4. I recently climbed "First Blood" at Tieton which felt like 9+ to me though it is rated 5.8. I'm not very good at off-widths though. Carnival crack feels like 5.13. BTW: HERE is an older thread about sandbags.
  5. Put down the scrabble dictionary and get back to work nerd boy.
  6. Alpinfox

    This morning

    Alternatively, you can use GERMAN BABIES.
  7. I would use the Search function as a solo belay device. Might I suggest using "+Solo +belay +device" as your search terms?
  8. O M G ! ! ! ! I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance.
  9. Thanks Andy! 5.8? fist?
  10. Cut down any trees that were younger than you today? Happy Birthday K.
  11. T - A = 0 By the additive property of equality it follows that: T = 0 + A Simplifying: T = A By the inverse property of equality it follows that: -T = -A Running that through our Ghetto translator, we get: "If a bitch ain't be havin' no titties, she SHO' NUFF ain't got no ass!"
  12. I'd be careful about pressing this case. If the college has any control over the cliffs, and particularly if their legal office can imagine any situtation in which they could possibly be liable for any damage/injury/death, it might be easier for them to say "OK, no more climbing" than to try to institute complicated rules/procedures to make sure that climbers (and the occasional hiker) are safe. The best course of action might be to 1) find out who the land manager of the cliffs and surrounding area is. This information should shape the strategy for dealing with the problem. If it's private (e.g. owned by the college) you should shut up. If it's the city, you may be able to get something done through official channels. 2) Perhaps put in a sign atop the cliff alerting would-be bottle throwers to the possibility of climbers/hikers below. The access fund or local volunteer funds/labor could help with this. 3) the trash can idea seems like a good one to me. If the college/city won't install and maintain it, maybe volunteer climbers could service it? 4) beat their Rusky asses next time. Summary: Focusing attention on safety issues at Rocky Butte might not be conducive to insuring continued climbing access.
  14. Yer gonna let a little hail forecast chase you off? WEAKSAUCE!
  15. WA is like a small, accessible, less-snowy, not as dramatic version of AK. We have glaciers. Specifically, we have maritime glaciers (glaciers plus nice forests). CO & CA have rocky peaks and nice forests, but they don't have glaciers or peaks/forests/glaciers together. This is what passes for a glacier in Colorado: We also have decent/good cragging, alpine rock climbing, a little bit of water ice, alpine ice, some backcountry skiing, etc, but other places in the contiguous US beat the shit out of WA in those categories. To sum up, we have this:
  16. Who gives a shit. I'm not going to risk breaking my feet/legs to be considered "not a cheater" by Dru. Fuck that. I used to take a Stick-clip/clip-stick to Smith when I used to climb there a lot. Lots of hard starts there with risk of groundfall.
  17. Alpinfox


    KK, Yeah, I thought the Mark Rich pardon was pretty shitty, but it is very, very small potatoes compared to the idea of BushCo pardoning Lay. I think if Bush did pardon Lay there would literally be riots and calls for Congressional veto of the pardon (I know that is not currently allowed, but that might be changed if Bush tried sucha boneheaded manuever as pardoning Lay). Maybe I misunderestimate [sic] the capacity for anger by the American people regarding corporate/government corruption/malfesance. It certainly seems like Americans don't give a shit about much of anything as long as Wal-mart is still open.
  18. Alpinfox


    I hope he tries. It would be ANOTHER great reason to impeach his criminal ass.
  19. Alpinfox


    And what about that FBI raid on Congressman Jefferson's office on Saturday night? LINK Executive branch intimidating the Legislative? Congress seems to think so and is not happy. Pretty amazing that at the same time Bush is facilitating the hiding of corporate accounting records dealing with government contracts, he is using FBI stormtroopers to obtain evidence from one of the other branches of government. Balance of power shift anyone?
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