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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I don't know what Gary's smoking; I think those images are terrible. That sort of image quality is OK if you are trying to prove the existence of Sasquatch, but not for pictoral storytelling. No offense intended. I'm not saying you are a bad photographer or image processor - Ansel Adams probably wouldn't have faired much better with the tools you used. The subject matter is obviously top-notch, but I wouldn't bother sharing the pics that you have posted due to their crappiness. 600X800 should be the max size for an image in a trip report (any larger and some folks with antiquated monitors will have to scroll back and forth to read the text and see the whole image). Most images in a TR would be fine at 480X640 or something and then for the really "golly gee wow" pics, use the 600X800. Filesize should be <100kb, and preferably ~50kb. This is more for page loading expediency concerns rather than server storage space concerns. I look forward to seeing more of your pics when you get a real camera. Thanks for the TR and booty alert though.
  2. Haven't done it, but it's supposed to be a really nice flatish hike through old growth timber. Significantly longer than the col approach though. Report back with your impressions if you choose to go that way. I've considered doing it that way.
  3. SOMETHING YOU PROBABLY DON'T CARE ABOUT HAPPENED! BUT I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT IT IS!!!! All the excitement of a PP post, but without the link so we know WTF you are talking about. Thanks.
  4. Alpinfox

    magic indeed

    Video of British troops attempting field exercises while tripping on LSD
  5. Is there an ETA for Kurt's return home?
  6. Alpinfox


    Fancy Footwork More (no Cindi Lauper on this one)
  7. Forget what I said about the ferocious reptile. It's perfectly safe down there. Carry on with your search. What flavor are the slippers?
  8. 9 views and no one has found my Chaco yet!?!? WTF!? If you guys would spend that much time thrashing around in the bushes at the base of Castle Rock and fighting with rattlesnakes, I'd have a complete pair of sandals by now. Shit!
  9. Men's size 9ish Chaco with red webbing. Just the right one. Last seen tumbling off ledge below Jello Tower. Probably ended up somewhere climber's right and below "The Fault" route on Lower Castle. Possibly could have been swallowed whole by the rattlesnake I found during my search for the lost sandal. If you find it, let me know. alpinfox at yahoo dot com.
  10. Oh. I just had a lackey solo up the Beckey route with a bottle of Cabernet for summit celebration purposes.
  11. yeah, make the second carry the shoes, water, and lunch. What else do you need?
  12. Yeah, I was gonna do that one, but it was in the sun. I didn't notice. That's worrisome. Sounds fun. So I was looking over YOUR BIOGRAPHY and wondering where the interest in rock climbing came from? Was that something you got into before or after 'Nam, being buried alive, and brainwashing the population of Millville?
  13. I heard Steve House lives somewhere else now. Maybe Bend. Can anyone confirm that?
  14. Greetings to the newest member of the Bushwacker Club. Congratulations Doxey!
  15. How much was the shipping? I've got two cams I'd like to get reslung; anybody else in Seattle have some? Perhaps we could combine our orders to save on shipping?
  16. I was expecting that one. It seems that Mt. Thor is having the most fun. Fun is aid.
  17. Rupal Face (~15,000') is the tallest mountain face in the world, but it's average slope over that distance is probably less than 70 degrees (wild guess). What is the highest ~90 degree face in the world? Wikipedia's answer: Mount Thor - 4,100' vertical.
  19. I agree with everyone. Thank you for allow Fox to post on meaningful website discussion.
  20. I didn't know Howard Stern was a climber.
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