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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Are you serious? I'll trade you a two-headed chinese baby and a six pack o' brew for it. Shit. Are you in Spokane? Where is "Mr. Clean" in relation to "The Fault"?
  2. Muir on Saturday thread is still the longest. Interestingly, it has more replies than views. Nodder is a close second in terms of replies but has WAY more views. Lots of lurker reader nodders out there. SURE ARE NODDER! This thread is second all time in terms of views. Only 6000 more "refresh" clicks to go Oilyclimber!
  3. For DEB SEWS, it is a very easy approach if you park at the hairpin and go straight up to the base. Thanks for the pictures!
  4. Alpinfox


    OH! I've got a good "crazy old skool scientist" story. A guy in my department (who happens to be somewhat famous in the climbing/mountaineering community as well) was once tasked with synthesizing and purifying some metabolites to a particular drug. Rather than synthesize the stuff conventionally using organic chemistry techniques, he decided to just take the drug personally, let his liver and kidneys make the metabolites, collect his own urine, and isolate the metabolites out of it. Worked like a charm supposedly and with fringe benefits!
  5. We actually had ours rigged so we could just rap down to the ground after the jump, but I guess that won't work in your case unless you wanna get wet.
  6. You could toss a haul bag full or rocks (~160lbs or whatever you weigh) first as a test, but then you have to get it back up. PITA. When my bridge jumping anchor failed it was after a dozen jumps or so and was due to the webbing rubbing back and forth across the concrete beams that we had slung. Fortunately we had two anchors. Make sure your anchors don't rub on things and there are no sharp edges. A dynamic climbing rope will hold a big swinging fall like that just fine with relatively low loads. I never felt the need for a chest harness. I wish I could do this with you guys.
  7. I've seen that video, and I think someone DID die (or was paralyzed). The dumbshit who came up with the idea did something like, "well, this cable is rated to 5000lbs, and all of us together only weigh 1500lbs, so we'll be fine". Of course much higher forces are generated in a fall than the weight of the mass falling, so the cable broke.
  8. Also, I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance!
  9. Unto this world, a child is born. Congratulations Ken and M____!!
  10. Just got some great news!
  11. Supposedly Hansel did a 150' jump off the trestle at x38. That's 150 feet. No swing, just straight down. Swear to god. That's Osman-caliber craziness.
  12. PUSSY! Don't use a static rope. Seriously. Use a dynamic. It will be safer and more comfortable. Also, build TWO good anchors and equalize the fuckers. I used to do stupid shit like this a lot back in HIGH school. I once had one anchor fail on me during a bridge jump.
  13. Alpinfox


    SWEET MERCIFUL JESUS! That is a beautiful fucking picture man!
  14. Might want to take a picture of your bag and itemize the stuff in it in case of loss for insurance purposes. My attorney might weigh in on this topic as to whether that sort of documentation would actually be worthwhile/useful in the event they lose your bag.
  15. I think the old rules are out the window now with the current CODE RED status, but previously everything has been OK except maybe the nut tool. It's all up to the TSA person's personal discretion though. Personally I'd check everything.
  16. There is a Disappointment Cleaver on Glacier Peak?
  17. Wow. This is my favorite trip report I've read in a while. and regarding this: I hope you aren't an editor of an outdoor magazine.
  18. Well, he could have splayed it out better. I can't see if that's one or two 0.75s. And DAMN! That's a lot of small cams. It might also help to know what route the rack was for. I think that's all the smileys I can use in this particular post.
  19. Where? Will the place be big enough for my entourage? Will there be jam packets?
  20. Bonus question for bwrts, what do you think the author meant by the following: My review:
  21. OH! It was just a little gas from lunch. I'm OK now. Carry on.
  22. I think Hansel had a hand or three on his ass at the time. That shit is hard. edit: The climbing. Not Hansel's ass. 2nd edit: I'm not saying Hansel is out of shape. 3rd edit: Nevermind
  23. I feel an odd sensation. I think it might be guilt?
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