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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. but ballardites recycle their cabernet bottles whereas Bellevue-ites throw their Starbucks frappacino cups in the trash. Actually, I agree with you JayB. There really isn't much difference between the two in terms of environmental footprint, e.g. action vs. words.
  2. HERE is a link to some hooplehead's spray about Groundhog Day.
  3. I don't think he swings that way.
  4. In multiple orders I assume? I think I've placed 5 orders now. I doubt they'll actually send me anything, especially since news of this scam has spread around the internet, in addition to the fact that I chose "FocusFucker" as my account login name when I ordered stuff. FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Request Number: XXXXXXX ONLINE RESOURCE REQUEST Request Date: Aug 21, 2006 Online Donor ID: XXXXXXXX Dear FocusFucker: Thank you for your recent resource request completed on the date shown above. The following resources are included in this request, shipping to the address(s) indicated: ======================================================================== Item Item Item Suggested Code Description Qty Donation Donation ======================================================================== Shipping to: Focus Fucker, XXX XXth Avenue Ne, Seattle, WA, 98115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AD072 The Chronicles of Narnia Radio Theatre 1 79.00 79.00 Complete Set Total shipped to Mr. Focus Fucker: $ 79.00 ************************************* * Total for ALL Resources = $ 79.00 * ************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR DONATION - Today I donated the following in support of the family ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your Total Donation.......... $ 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions about this request, please feel free to contact us via email at family@custhelp.com or call us at 1-800-A-FAMILY. When contacting us, please refer to this request by its confirmation number of XXXXXXX. Sincerely, Focus on the Family
  5. Yeah, that's what I thought the one on the right was. Is the one on the left Summit Chief?
  6. OK, I've got one too. I took this from Tonga Ridge last weekend. Tonga ridge is east of Skykomish on the south side of Hwy 2. This is looking to the south. What are those peaks? I think I know what they are, but want confirmation from you scholars. Where the hell is Klenke these days anyway?
  7. Good question. I think it's something like this: So... homogeneity, conformity, a belief in the American Dream. Living in the suburbs, driving your SUV 10 blocks to the grocery store to stock up on processed foods, watching American Idol, etc.... What I always hated and detested and cursed above all things was this contentment, this healthiness and comfort, this carefully preserved optimism of the middle classes, this fat and prosperous brood of mediocrity. - Hermann Hesse This miserable state is borne by the wretched souls of those who lived without disgrace and without praise. - Dante Alighieri
  8. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    proximal oh SNAP! Somebody knows their anatomical/topological antonyms! Fucking kangaroos...
  9. NE ridge of Torment looks like a LONG fun scramble. I'd say she goes at 5.5. Go get 'er.
  10. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Uh Oh. You should spit that cum out before you try to talk.
  11. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Apparently in addition to being counting/spelling/grammar challenged, you have poor reading comprehension skills. Fact: I was on your friend's ass for > 4 miles. Our unplanned convoy didn't catch up to the really slow Subaru until ~1 mile from the trailhead. edit: I see you have edited your above posts to be more alligned with reality. Nice work. Whatever, I hope you and your kids had a blast. The take home message of all this bullshit is this: In the future, you should warn folks if you plan a Mounties-style siege of a narrow road with your minivan convoy. You know, post on cc.com, mountie's board, craigslist.... due dilligence. That's about 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  12. <_____Insert "yo momma" joke here_____>
  13. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    No, there was your friend the physics genius in front of me, then you, then.... four miles later.... we all caught up with the blue hair in the slowbaru. I know counting isn't an emphasized skill in Engineering, but by my estimation there were two slow cars in front of me at first, and then three. And "Pax" means "leadfoot" in Cantonese.
  14. Nectar. Not sure if I can make it. It's a bit far for my comfortable post-beer consumption biking range.
  15. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    innocent? Here's a tip people: When you are on a narrow road and another car appears out of nowhere behind you and starts tailgating, that means they want to drive faster than you and you should pull over and let them pass. This is especially true if you have THREE cars backed up behind you. Fucking fucks. Yeah. Pretty much. I was going "hiking" after all.
  16. You bastard. You teased me last week; not sure I can stand being stood up again. The Dungeon? I left my CC there last time, so it would I could check a couple errands off the list if we go there. Cheap nacho night?
  17. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Leland is one of the author's of the route. He's a good guy and put in a lot of work on the route and, for the record, I believe that he legitimately didn't know that the area was in a wilderness area when he put it up. I don't think folks need to have climbed a certain route to object to the style of ascent/development. I mean, I think the Compressor Route on Cerro Torre is fucking retarded and if anyone did that in modern times they should get a big boot up their ass. I feel quite comfortable saying that - even though I've never climbed the route, and probably never will.
  18. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Why? This is a sincere question. Climbing infinite bliss is like screwing a fat chick or riding a moped. It might be fun, but you won't respect yourself in the morning, and you don't want your buddies to find out you did it.
  19. Awesome Blake. You have been making me very jealous recently. Keep those TRs coming!
  20. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    I've been told I could make a living doing that, but I'd have to be a bit more choosy about my clients though.
  21. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Then, why not just ignore it, rather than pissing on people who don't meet your expectations? I'm trying to make some money.
  22. Alpinfox

    Infinite bliss

    Kevbone, There are multiple, large format color pictures of the route with annotated overlays. There is a six page-long topo in PDF with every bolt shown. There are photos looking up and down from key spots on the route where some people have gotten off track with annotations showing the proper way to go. There are dozens of trip reports. All of this stuff is readily available on this miracle of communication we call Teh Internut. If the stuff you found ain't good enough, perhaps you aren't ready to climb outside of the gym yet? Or maybe you are just bad at computer searches? In either case, like I said, I'll guide you up the thing for $200. Problem solved. I'll give you the step-by-step beta. Even through the Oh-so-scary, unbolted, 4th class section. Sorry if you think I'm being a smart-ass or an asshole, but I'm suffering from climbing withdrawl and I'm tired of this route and peoples questions about it. It is not the style of route that should engender so much interest or enthusiasm. It is not the type or route that I want representing WA climbing.
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