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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I talked to two people in the Hoh parking lot last summer who claimed to have just returned from summiting Mt. Tom. I didn't realize it was such a rare event or I would have asked for more info.
  2. Will, this question has been addressed MANY times on this website. Use the "Search" function to find those threads. The general consensus is Ramuta.
  3. Innovation? You mean like?:
  4. MisterE wants those 14yo girlies screamin' in HIS ear. YEOW!
  5. Rock shoe on good foot, boot on bad foot. You climb like monkey. WA Pass best bet for "alpine" with short approach. You know this already. Go climb monkey.
  6. But its OK that the MountainEars can "unilaterally decide" to put a summit register on a particular peak? I don't think they get permission from the Park Service/Forest Service/BLM/climbers-in-general/etc before they drop those things off. Sure it would be cool to find a film canister summit register on a remote/seldom-climbed peak with only a couple of names on it, but I don't see ANY historical value, or any OTHER value, in having a register on Das Toof, or Forbidden Peak, or any other commonly visited peak in WA. I don't like seeing big metal cans with "MOUNTAINEERS" stamped on them in the wilderness. Thier apparent sense of ownership of mountains in this state pisses me off. Those fuckers should keep a personal journal or a summit log at their denmother's house if they feel the need to keep track of their mighty accomplishments. Occasionally someone actually writes something worth reading in a summit register, but for the most part it is lame chestbeating and a surregate pissing post. Maybe it keeps people from carving/spraypainting their name into/onto the rock - that's good obviously. I'm surprised I'm in the minority here. Maybe I take the Leave-No-Trace ethic a little too seriously. WWJMD?
  7. shut up bitch
  8. Decided you didn't want to have a bunch of 14 year old girls screaming in your ear?
  9. Robert Rogoz is supposed to be an excellent PT/massage therapist for injury recovery and such . He is a climber, so he "gets it".
  10. Mtn Zone article about Stimson written by Sean Courage
  11. SpecialEd, Are you thinking of the THIRD pitch? I know Jeff did a hook move in a drilled hole on p3; I didn't see any drilled holes (easy to miss) or do any hook moves on p2. Looking up the third pitch:
  12. I don't remember having to bust any free moves on p2. Maybe you ain't steppin' high enough in the stirrups? Wherz yer pictures?
  13. Dru, How many napkins required for this trip? What is the pointy bit in the sunset photo? Nice!
  14. The "Mckinely" experience on Baker. That's rich. Good luck on Cho "Oye".
  15. Mt. Tom has certainly been climbed numerous times since 2001. Not everyone signs summit registers. Looks like a great trip. The way you did it, it was probably even worth carrying your packs past Glacier Meadows. Thanks for the TR and pictures.
  16. Alpinfox

    Strange Days

    The end is near...
  17. You can upload the pictures to the gallery, or add them as attachments to your post. Click HERE for more info on pictures.
  18. I didn't want to dump that water out, but the wombats were on fire.
  19. There is really nothing better than a nice dry red wine when you are really dehydrated and sitting in the blazing sun.
  20. An important correction: I have been informed that Brook won the ice-axe toss. I've filed a complaint with the international glacier games association and will be requesting drug testing of the "winner". Yes, skiing that line would be fun and better than downclimbing. Sure wish we had brought skis. The whiskey survived our five tent-bound days because we didn't want to endure the resulting frequent trips out of the tent to "shake the dew off the lily".
  21. You are probably right. When I did it, I remember thinking, "Wow, I'm a long way off the ground, I'm glad I dragged another rope up here". I didn't think about rapping to the blocks.
  22. Single 60m rope reaches fine. Two ropes ARE required for Princely Ambitions though.
  23. "As your attorney I recommend you put me on belay." "WE CAN'T STOP HERE! THIS IS WOMBAT COUNTRY!!!"
  24. It was a MARMOT dude! An aquatic rodent.
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