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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Well, if you MUST inform the missus, be considerate and try to get out of hearing range of the silence lovers and luddites such as myself. And keep your conversation BRIEF! I fuckin' hate hearing/seeing people chat on phones in the wilderness. However, I did call my girlfriend from 14K on Denali once (borrowed cell phone) and I got major brownie points for that! Not exactly "wilderness" there and I made a special exception for myself. Hypocritically yours, -Alpinfox
  2. Preach Abstinence / No Bush or Dick in 2004 Bush on Mars 2004 Your College Sucks (written in that fancy script) Your Kid Might Be An Honor Student But You Are An Idiot
  3. There is no secret about it, but I may not be "able to discuss" it because I can't remember all the details. We discussed what the goals and mission of the WCC should be and though it isn't formalized yet, it will probably be something like: to act as an advocacy group for climber's interests in discussions with land managers and policy makers... to preserve access to established climbing areas and allow access to newly developed areas... to act as a first point of contact for land managers/property owners concerned about issues related to climbing (trails, bolts, people, parking)... to educate climbers about no-trace ethics and land management issues... etc. These things are still under discussion, and we would welcome input on helping to formulate/refine these statements. One of the issues discussed was whether "detailed minutes" from the meeting should be published on the website or if we should merely publish a general sketch of issues discussed. I don't remember a definitive conclusion being reached on that issue, but the latter seemed to be a more popular plan.
  4. Jim check your private messages (little flashing envelope icon at the top of the page). Edit: Here is the "meat" of the PM I sent to Jim: If you would like to get involved with the WCC, please stay tuned here, or at the WCC website for the next scheduled meeting. At that meeting, officers will be elected and we will organize some groups to handle certain projects like trail maintenance, trailhead signage, etc. I believe you can now register as a WCC member on the website and recieve email updates about WCC events. We really haven't done anything yet except discuss the direction and mission of the WCC, but have big plans for the future. Thanks for your interest!
  5. There are no elected officers at this point. What do you want to know?
  6. MVS, I sent you a PM but I guess you logged off before seeing it. I'll check this forum tomorrow AM, but probably not until 8:30 or 9ish. Anyone else?
  7. Anyone have the day off tomorrow and wanna climb some cracks? I'd prefer a 5.10 (or better) capable partner for tomorrow, but if I don't get any bites, I'd also be happy to do some of the more mellow climbs. Edit: BobbyP? TimL? LanceGranite? Mr.E? Where my ropeguns at? Sizzy, I see you checkin' my post. Quitcher Job BEEEEYOTCH!
  8. Alpinfox


    From the ACLU website: "without a warrant and without probable cause, the FBI now has the power to access your most private medical records, your library records, and your student records... and can prevent anyone from telling you it was done." Perhaps the Patriot Act has been used (abused) and no one knows about it? I don't think it's OK for Intelligence agencies to have this kind of power. I like my rights. I like my privacy. I think the government had the power to investigate and prosecute organized crime/"terrorism" before this legislation was passed and I think it only passed because of the climate of fear and knee-jerk protectionist "Patriotism" following 911.
  9. isn't that exactly what you said you wanted? I THINK my adze is a CF, maybe it's fiberglass. I don't know how to tell the difference. It's a straight shaft and 50cm. Original purple leash. See attachment for picture.
  10. How much will you pay for it? I've got a CF adze and a BRS hammer. Send me a PM if you wanna negotiate.
  11. Having this big flame war on this website is not likely to do anything except further piss off the opposing sides due to name-calling and other stupid shit and give some land managers a view of the ugly underbelly of the climber usergroup. That said, I think it IS appropriate and possibly beneficial for people to express their opinions of this sort of bolting/route-making ethic here. Maybe the guys doing those route alterations have never had anyone (or maybe just one person) tell them that what they are doing is unacceptable to many climbers and this will modify their behavior in the future. So here is my opinion: No matter how nasty and garbage-strewn dishman is, I don't think climbers should tag the rock with route names. The fact that this was done makes me VERY suspicious of the ethics of the folks doing the route alterations out there. I also don't approve of bolted-on holds and bolted cracks in general, but I think I would have to see the routes in person to form an opinion in this case. Bolting a crack that is an established traditional route is BS. I don't think a route should EVER be chipped. Let's try to keep the discussion civil, but get our opinions out. Cheers.
  12. I'm selling it because I'm an unemployed climbing bum who relies on his partners to bring a tent and I need some money. It's a solid, 2-person, 4-season tent and will serve your mountaineering needs well. I'm not sure about the weight. I've looked around on the web and haven't found a quote for it. I suppose I could go to the Post Office or REI or something and weigh it, but that's a lot of work. I probably won't get around to that in the next few days.
  13. Yeah, just leave it OFF unless there is an emergency. No ringing and certainly NO CHATTING in the backcountry.
  14. RUMR Note my edit above. I don't think it renders my arguement moot, daisies are still a great personal anchor system, but newbies should know about the issue. I tried to find a picture on the web to illustrate the potential danger, but I couldn't find one. If anyone has seen one, perhaps they could post it here?
  15. F4, Don't scare the poor girl with your misunderstood dynamics and poorly defined terms like "shockload". If by "shockload" you mean a fall on an inelastic system like a daisy or sling, that isn't going to happen in free climbing because the climber is going to be tied to the ROPE which is DYNAMIC. While it's true that a relatively modest fall force on most brands of daisies will rip the loops, that doesn't reduce the strength of the daisy iteslf. It's still ~20kn, just like a sling. And furthermore, one should belay through the anchor, not directly from one's harness when clipped into an anchor, so the daisy shouldn't even "see" that force. Daisies work great and don't cost as much as that PAS gimmickry. edit: You are correct that one should never clip a biner to more than one loop on a daisy at the same time though. That IS dangerous.
  16. You are on a roll today Mr. Monkey. Did someone spike your banana?
  17. Jim, If you are in the Seattle area, you should come to the Washington Climber's Coalition meeting tonight. There will be a lot of route developers there and people who know about land management/bolting issues. Click here for more info about the meeting
  18. Due to overwhelming popular demand, I set the tent up and took some pics: It's a solid singlewall tent that ventilates well. $200 firm. It's still setup in my backyard, so if you want any more pics, let me know soon.
  19. The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. -Hunter S. Thompson More Hunter: When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye. I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me. America is just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
  20. Still got a Garuda Kusala tent for sale. Anyone? Come on, daddy needs to buy aid gear!
  21. Alpinfox

    Lightest rope?

    2nanometer diameter rope!!!
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