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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I believe there SHOULD be a maximum $$ for medical malpractice cases. Say, $1 million? I do NOT think there should be a maximum for most other defendants. Another reason why there should NOT be a $$ limit on lawsuits against big companies is that the lawyers won't invest the investigation time, money, and energy if there isn't a big payoff. The Erin Brokovitch-type stuff (lawyer spends years researching chemical pollution resulting in medical problems/deaths, sues chemical company, wins) wouldn't happen if the max payoff was only $1 million.
  2. WOOT! Fun times. Thanks Jon! I hope we paid the bill off?
  3. Jon, I agree with you that $40million seems unreasonable, but the other side of the issue is that only big settlements like that get big corporations to change their practices. I believe that 99% of health care providers are honest, caring people who have their patient's best interest in mind, but I don't feel the same way about the chemical companies for example. I think they produce some dangerous products and don't care if they injure people as long as they make a shitload of money. The only way they will change their ways is if somebody sues the pants off of them or perhaps publicly shames them into action a la "unsafe at any speed". They sure ain't going to change their ways if injuried parties can only sue them for damages (medical bills or whatever).
  4. http://www.mountainphoto.boltblue.com The page belongs to a friend of Gotterdammerung Be sure to check out the Antarctica pics and the movies. You Freshiez freaks should definitely watch the "Arctic Tracks" video.
  5. I've been on two expeditions with people I hadn't met beforehand. One involved three people sleeping in a 2.5person tent and on the other we were stuck in a tent for 5 days during a storm. Things worked out fine. Maybe I'm just easy to get along with? Just one positive anecdote to balance out the other.
  6. Especially if the beers were this big:
  7. So THAT'S why the mounties wear gaitors while rock climbing! It all makes sense now.
  8. Or.... "Living is hard & requires sustained effort. But if it were easy to accept that life was hard, life would be easy, and it's not." -John Long
  9. Damn. Lucky bastard. Wonder what the story behind that is?
  10. It happened during college at a party. I got really drunk and... My most satisfying climbing gear recovery was a blown out cam deep in the handcrack on OuterSpace. If I ever get the trigger wires replaced the cam will be servicable, but it was quite an accomplishment to fish it out of the crack. It was at least 24" deep and I had to dangle two nuttools on long strings and somehow hooked it and pulled it out after inverting it. I've gotten a few pieces of gear deep in cracks with the fishing method.
  11. No, density is related to volume. Mass is one dimensional. WHO'S SQUARE NOW!?!?!?
  12. SexyChoc weighs 1.78lbs/inch (are you a chick!?!? ) Rudy weighs 1.92lbs/inch I weigh 1.96lbs/inch. Distel weighs 2.1lbs/inch WillStrickland weighs 2.24lbs/inch Drederek weighs 2.6lbs/inch Bogen weighs 3lbs/inch ChrisT weighs 4.03lbs/inch Ya'll are a bunch of lard asses.
  13. Voile split decision board on Seattle Craigslist edit - It's not mine.
  14. Here is a picture of Pandome from 1/22/04:
  15. Climbing is cool.
  16. I think I can out-gun you Klenker, you take that pic down and I'll take this one down:
  17. Hey isn't Hibox right next to "Three Queens"? I see two queens, where's the other one. Just kidding. Nice pictures guys.
  18. A couple of summers ago I hiked a two-week long section of the PCT down in California starting at the south end of Lake Tahoe and ending about 200 miles north near a town called Quincy, CA. Before heading home, my partner and I hung out in Quincy for a couple of days because it was such a cool town. We spent the night in a public park on the north side of town and in the morning were washing up in the restrooms when we spotted this guy who looked like a "fellow traveller". He had one of those BMW motorcycles that are made for road/dirt, a bunch of panier bags and stuff, and looked like he hadn't shaved in quite a while. I started chatting with him and he said that he was from Germany and had flown over to Toronto with his bike and started riding around North America. He had gone south to Florida, then northwest to Alaska, and was then on his way south to South America. His plan was to go all the way to Tierra del Fuego! I noticed he was hobbling a bit and that he had a bandage on his foot, so I asked him what happened. "Well, last night I was sleeping in my sleeping bag up on that hill (he pointed behind us to a small hill above the public park) when I woke up to find a bear biting down on my heel. I screamed and the bear ran off" I wasn't so sure about his story, but he pulled off the bandage to reveal a couple of puncture wounds on his foot and the next day we saw a little article about the incident in the local paper. Crazy. You meet a lot of "interesting" people on the PCT.
  19. Apparently not. quote from somewhere: Presidents Clinton and Reagan saw seven Cabinet seats change hands after they won new terms, President Nixon nine and Presidents Truman and Johnson four each.
  20. Shouldn't it be "WTF: Good Roommate"? for "want to find" of course...
  21. I think it's Phoenix Crack in Yosemite. First 13a ever climbed. FA by Ray Jardine, 1977.
  22. What is going on in the Bush cabinet? Are the large number of resignations we are seeing at the end of this presidential term unprecedented? There are only 15 department executives, so we have >50% turnover. Is Bush asking these people to leave so he can replace them with better ass-kissers or people with more extreme right-wing fascist (KK ) views such as his own? Or are they leaving because they are disgusted with Bush? Or do they just want to retire to Florida and play golf? What is going on? On the way out: Dept. of State (Colin Powell) Dept. of Homeland Security (Tom Ridge) Dept. of Health & Human Services (Tommy Thompson) Dept. of Education (Rod Page) Dept. of Agriculture (Ann Veneman) Dept. of Energy (Spencer Abraham) Dept. of Justice (Asscroft) Dept. of Treasury -probable (Snow)
  23. I don't speak canadian.
  24. $20? Really? I'll take it. You gonna be at the sausagefest slide show?
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