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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I just hope they call off the game so I have less traffic driving to Tieton tomorrow. However, if the game happens, I think the cats is gonna claw them dawgs somthin' fierce. This year it's: vs.
  2. I asked the same question of a BASE guy I met in the Index parking lot. He said: Get really good at the body positions of sky diving (from a plane). Hundreds of jumps. First BASE should be a bridge (greatest margin of safety) He said some other stuff too, but I forgot what it was. He gave me a card for $10 off my first jump at some skydiving place.
  3. Yes, I DO actually own the whole set, I'm just having problems with disc #1. I've contacted Nat Geo's customer service department, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. A very generous person has offered to copy that disc for me, so hopefully that will fix the problem.
  4. Anybody here have this program? I have a copy but my first disc (the one with the installer on it) seems to have gotten scratched or corrupted or something. Anybody out there willing to burn a copy of their disc #1 for me?
  5. Alpinfox

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    Happy Birthday ye giver of fine chalk bags!
  6. Alpinfox

    messner game

    My best is 977.3 Another game: Torpedo Joe *Edit: I fixed the link
  7. Pandora likes syrup! Happy birthday!
  8. Do you have any evidence to support that accusation? I've never heard that before. I've always heard that it was a consentual affair (as consentual as sex between a slave owner and his "property" can be anyway).
  9. Alpinfox

    The Other Side

    You're correct. I don't think wars can "go well". They are horrible things which is why this one shouldn't have been started in the first place.
  10. Alpinfox

    The Other Side

    "Make the pie higher" is a collection of actual George Bush quotes arranged by Richard Thompson, a Washington Post writer. (I know because I have that poem on my refrigerator) Squid IS a funny guy though.
  11. Alpinfox

    The Other Side

    I don't care if the guy believes in Tarot and worships a golden ass (I suspect he actually worships corporate profit and power), he's still a menace to my way of life, most of the world, and to future generations. However, his faith (born again chrisitian fundamentalism stupidity) gives him a sense of moral self-righteousness and divine mandate motivating him to "mold the US in god's image". It's clear that Bush wants to be remembered as a "transformational president" and imposing Christian - BORN-AGAIN-FUNDAMENTALIST-CHRISTIAN that is - morals on us is certainly part of his plan. Woe vs. Wade is certainly NOT unassailable. It only passed by a 5-4 margin in 1973. It is a VERY REAL possibility that it will be overturned in the near future. I can't believe a bunch of dipshit bible thumpers were able to get their man into the white house. I'm so embarrased.
  12. Alpinfox

    The Other Side

    The "Patriot" Act reduced civil liberty. Bush's administration has accelerated the rape of the environment and the pollution of the air, water, and land. He has destroyed our credibility around the globe as a progressive leader on the environment and international justice (Kyoto, ICC, etc) and has reinforced our image as an international bully which is why the US is despised by many people around the world. He has done nothing to make this country or this planet a better place to live. He has sent innocent Americans off to kill innocent Iraqis (and a few guilty ones) all the while sitting behind a desk and making millions of dollars for his corporate cronies. He is a fucking criminal and I hope he rots in hell. Soon. p.s. Did any of you actually go read that forum I posted the link to?
  13. Alpinfox

    Very Funny

    The protests at Shrub's first inaguration were pretty spirited (eggs were thrown! ). I wonder what will happen this time.... If I lived on the East Coast, I'd be stockin' up on eggs.
  14. Alpinfox

    Ashcroft Resigns

    This is the only good political news I've heard in quite a while. I say again:
  15. Alpinfox

    The Other Side

    I came across this bulletin board and thought all of you folks who like to talk politics would enjoy it: I'm Pro-war, goddamn liberal media, sniveling liberals, Clinton, Kerry's fake war metals, blah blah blah If you are a liberal, prepare to be disgusted and outraged. These people are rabid republicans and it has apparently liquefied their brains (as rabies is wont to do).
  16. Alpinfox

    Firefox 1.0

    Have you been using the beta? Have you come across any Cons yet? How does it compare to Opera?
  17. Alpinfox

    Firefox 1.0

    Nice to see something to compete with M$. Get it here.
  18. It's cloudy in Seattle tonight. Anybody live somewhere with clear skies tonight?
  19. "I just put a skylight in my living room.... ....the people who live above me are furious". -Stephen Wright
  20. I was in Juneau this June with Fred Beckey and we visited Kenny at his house. He was a very warm and generous guy with lots of great stories to tell. I especially enjoyed playing with his son Zach who seems to be a budding climber (of trees anyway). Very sad news. I'm so sorry for his kids and wife.
  21. Sorry man, I tried to take some pictures, even a video, but it didn't capture anything. Hopefully tomorrow night will be clear for ya'll. More aurora Websites: http://www.geo.mtu.edu/weather/aurora/ http://climate.gi.alaska.edu/Curtis/curtis.html Not my picture:
  22. Holy shit. I saw a lot of aurora displays when I lived in Alaska that were brighter and more colorful than this one, but I have NEVER seen anything anywhere near that dynamic! Pulses, shimmers, dancing waves and curtains... The pulses would start in the north and quickly spread southward brightening up the curtains of pale green. WOW!
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