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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. YEEHAW! Thanks for sharing. Remember to post pictures when you get them. Great trip report! (except for the "checked Hood off in the book" part). There are other interesting routes on the mountain and the North Face will likely be very different should you ever choose to repeat it. Thanks!
  2. The most recent R&I has a picture (taken by our own AlpineDave) of the IB route with Priess' route drawn in, as well as a letter from Preiss describing his route. Preiss also has a letter to the editor in Alpinist 8 making fun of the holier-than-thou attitude of Twight & House.
  3. A friend of mine is going to try the first winter ascent of a cascade peak tomorrow.
  4. Mr.E does not have the software nor the wizardry to create such a masterpiece.
  5. This was most likely a mountain lion. Check THIS WEBSITE and listen to the cougar and bobcat sounds (try "cougar6") to see if you can find a match.
  6. We spent one day bouldering at the Buttermilks:
  7. We're back you moss-infested, web-footed, PNW-livin'-forest trolls! I've got flip-flop tan lines on my feet! YEAH FOR ME!!! HAHAHAHA. p.s. The climbing was ver gut. Blue skies, warm granite (or quartz monzonite, whatever ), and funky-ass trees:
  8. According to Shane MacGowan (the undisputed expert on personal hygeine) the correct sequence is: A shit, a shave, a shower, and a half a' pint of Powers. Cheers Beyotches!
  9. It's chilly and a little breezy tonight. I be freezin' my nizzzuts off! Really nice during the day though. We got a little "off w00t" today.
  10. This email address is listed in his profile: gearup5000@yahoo.com
  11. Alpinfox

    Good lyrics

    Dru, Hallucination Engine ___________________________ Well I'm wilder than her what else can I say I guess that's why she fell in love with me She's a house on fire She's got all those charms I'm a house on fire, too But I got four alarms And I'm wilder than her And it drives her out of her mind I guess she thought that she was just one of a kind But she's a summer storm And I'm a hurricane One just blows through town One blows the town away And I'm wilder than her When we go drivin' in our cars Racing through the night She can drive as fast as me But she stops at all the lights She says it's 'cause I'm crazy And she's probably right But I think that the reason is that I'm twice as wild And I'm wilder than her And it drives her out of her mind I guess she thought that she was just one of a kind But she's a summer storm And I'm a hurricane One just blows through town One blows the town away And I'm wilder than her But when she takes my hand And she looks me in the eye I see something that I've never seen in my life She takes the fire And turns it down low She takes the night And makes it not so cold She takes the distance And breaks it into miles She makes my life just a little less wild And I'm wilder than her And it drives her out of her mind I guess she thought that she was just one of a kind But she's a summer storm And I'm a hurricane One just blows through town One blows the town away And I'm wilder than her
  12. This guy found the tree. Interesting trip report. Apparently the tree died <--Click! This picture from 1998, original album art 1986 (damn, I'm old).
  13. I have a complete set of BD/WC stoppers found one piece at a time. Damn! You lucky.
  14. As someone said recently, "I kid because I love". Peace to the big boys. p.s. Hey Off_Route, Welcome to cascadesprayers.com!
  15. That is only true assuming you are at some point in the earth's gravitation field where g = 9.8m/s*s which is just an AVERAGE after all. Cracked, with one of those roller-biners and a few dozen bottle rockets strapped to your fat ass you might get jerked off the ground when belaying someone. Wouldn't that be a treat?
  16. These things would allow the force to be more distributed to multiple pieces of gear and the belayer. They cost $25 each though. The only screamer I rock climb with is Squid. Fun armchair speculation problem though.
  17. Sunny High: 68° Low: 45° Sunny High: 69° Low: 45° Sunny High: 67° Low: 42° Sunny High: 66° Low: 43° Anybody need to borrow my umbrella while I'm gone? Doesn't look like I'm gonna need it. p.s. Hey Olympia-climber, your tree looks ill.
  18. Here it is, THE Joshua Tree, even though it's not a real joshua tree: And all it's friends:
  19. I had a friend in junior high/high school who, after the U2 album "The Joshua Tree" came out, thought that there was only ONE Joshua Tree. You know, THE Joshua Tree?
  20. Alpinfox

    Good lyrics

    Damn it feels good to be a gangsta A real gangsta-ass nigga plays his cards right A real gangsta-ass nigga never runs his fuckin mouth Cuz real gangsta-ass niggas don’t start fights And niggas always gotta high cap Showin’ all his boys how he shot em But real gangsta-ass niggas don’t flex nuts Cuz real gangsta-ass niggas know they got em And everythings cool in the mind of a gangsta Cuz gangsta-ass niggas think deep Up three-sixty-five a year 24/7 Cuz real gangsta ass niggas don’t sleep And all I gotta say to you Wannabe, gonnabe, cocksuckin’, pussy-eatin’ prankstas Cuz when the fry dies down what the fuck you gonna do Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
  21. I agree. About OB/GYNs: They are sued so frequently because most families cannot afford to pay for lifelong care for a child born with a disability or disease. Their options are: give the child up for adoption or sue the OB and/or hospital claiming they did something wrong in delivery and it's their fault.
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