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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Swine flu

    KKK is a Libtard.
  2. Bug

    Swine flu

    Thank you for having the courage to ask these important questions....
  3. Bug

    Swine flu

    Was Oswald in on it?
  4. I hear there is faux Scottish stack climbing in Renton.
  5. Bug

    Fear Mongering

    Pleeze. Tell us that brown stuff is something inoccuous.
  6. Bug

    Hey fantasy nerds

    Are you sure you want your inlaws to know you are watching it? I watched 10 minutes of it and went back to reading the dictionary.
  7. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    Chronic Wasting Disease is such a tragedy when it occurs in humans.... Hey your internets is working again. Start tracking.......
  8. Bug

    Fear Mongering

    That's what keeps the backwoodsman humble.
  9. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    You're not tracking well lately. Prions do not belong to deer. If anything, the deer belongs to the prion. Check your internet connection. That may be backwards and all turned in on itself too.
  10. Bug

    Fear Mongering

    Where have you been? It's been almost intellectual around here. Too bad you missed it. Oh. Wait. Seriously, been climbing or something?
  11. What the hell jon! You created the internet. Deal with it.
  12. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    Sorry. I didn't realize spray was now regulated to on-topic discussions. While the Atlantic article is interesting and vexing, it does not by itself constitute scientific fact. That could become the case if the scientific community would practice science and explore Jefferson's findings in detail. But it is also possible that Jefferson made some mistakes in his data gathering methodology. I am not qualified to comment on it either way. What I do know is that I am not going to throw all my eggs in one basket because you found one study that contradicts everyone else in the field. There are just too many variable at work here. So for now, I will go with what my good family doctor from the old school said, "Eat your vegetables, drink your milk, get lots of vitamin C, stick copious amounts of neosporin oinment on anything you can reach that isn't acting right, and get vaccinated. Oh, and stop jumping out of trees."
  13. You are obviously a libtard, hell-bound, heathen.
  14. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    Except me. Bug has spoken.
  15. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    While that may be true to a large degree, it fails at the social responsibility level in that, all to often, to have the flu is to spread the flu. So while most of us could fight off most flu strains or at least survive being infected, vaccines may help to decrease the effected population. "May" in that the vaccines that come out each year are a best guess on what strains will be most active in the coming year. Sometimes they hit it right and PREVENT a lot of suffering. Sometimes they don't and we all have to "fight it off" with the requisite puking out of guts, pains in the muscles, fevers, and loss of days working and playing. There is no silver bullet. But NOT getting vaccinated is like eating in a soup kitchen to save money (imo). Why not take the whole family right?
  16. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    For those of you who do not have as much time to surf the internet as Tvash and I, "A prion (pronounced /ˈpriː.ɒn/ ( listen)[1]) is an infectious agent that is composed primarily of protein. To date, all such agents that have been discovered propagate by transmitting a mis-folded protein state; the protein itself does not self-replicate and the process is dependent on the presence of the polypeptide in the host organism.[2] The mis-folded form of the prion protein has been implicated in a number of diseases in a variety of mammals, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as "mad cow disease") in cattle and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. All known prion diseases affect the structure of the brain or other neural tissue, and all are currently untreatable and are always fatal.[3] In general usage, prion refers to the theoretical unit of infection. In scientific notation, PrPC refers to the endogenous form of prion protein (PrP), which is found in a multitude of tissues, while PrPSc refers to the misfolded form of PrP, that is responsible for the formation of amyloid plaques and neurodegeneration. Prions are hypothesized to infect and propagate by refolding abnormally into a structure which is able to convert normal molecules of the protein into the abnormally structured form. All known prions induce the formation of an amyloid fold, in which the protein polymerises into an aggregate consisting of tightly packed beta sheets. This altered structure is extremely stable and accumulates in infected tissue, causing tissue damage and cell death.[4] This stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents, making disposal and containment of these particles difficult. Proteins showing prion-type behavior are also found in some fungi, which has been useful in helping to understand mammalian prions. Fungal prions, however, do not appear to cause disease in their hosts and may even confer an evolutionary advantage through a form of protein-based inheritance.[5] The word prion is a compound word derived from the initial letters of the words proteinaceous and infectious, with -on added by analogy to the word virion." I hope that clears THAT up.
  17. The bug zoo is a must. Say Hi to mom. The Royal BC Museum has a Cinemax. They had the new Star Trek when I was there. But I didn't get to see it. The wax museum seemed artificial. The miniature World was well, too narrow in scope. The Royal BC Museum is very good. They had the Rosetta Stone when I was there. We spent two or three hours in one exhibit. The seafood place by the seaplane port SUCKS. Pay the extra money and go someplace else.
  18. Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole And Bug. You hurt my feelings. Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other? Your feelings should still be intact. Unless you are addicted to spray. I am sure that future societies will look back at our stance on Gay Marriage the same way we look back at slavery and womens rights. Well, most of us. Anyway, Ripping Tvash for his heathenistic view on society is probably entertaining to him. My motivation was to entertain one and all. It is, however, very sad that Christian religions cannot dig their way out of legalistic dogma and extend some of that Eternal Love to their Gay brothers and sisters. As a Christian, I find this wide spread, "We know a sinner when we see one", double standard absolutely embarassing. It is ironic that those who adhere to it are committing the "sin" of being judgemental.
  19. Huhhh I'm of the impression many gay people (and straight) would vehemently disagree with you. Pay the hell-bound heathen no mind.
  20. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    You can tell because he keeps hitting the submit button too soon.
  21. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    Trash's jokes are all inside.
  22. Bug

    Flu Vaccines

    Mutt or climber?
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