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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Obama's Undoing

    I love it when you guys think you have it all figured out and post long explanations with links. I'm serious. Still, There is little or no discussion. There is little or no give and take or cooperative development. There is mostly pontification. Perhaps it is an expression of the medium in that it takes a long time to put all of this down in type. None of us puts this endevour at the top of our priorities. Not in this forum at least. I certainly do NOT have it all figured out. But I do have strong opinions backed up by decades of study in the soft science of Socio-cultural Anthropology. In my opinion, the primary driver of the disagreements in internet boards is the inability of the individual to internalize a significant portion of the information available on a given topic. More precisely, there is no structure to the interaction as in a debate or a classroom, etc,. On top of all that, there is no reward for collaboration or compromise. The opposite is in fact the case. It is a purely competitive environment where each post is like a swipe of the sword. In spite of that, I enjoy your links and general impressions of what is being said. From the social scientific perspective it is almost a complete microcosmic holigram. We and our children are the generations that will be studied for a thousand years.
  2. There once was a boy from Nantucket......
  3. I am always suspicious of a man with a vulva.
  4. Thanks for the information. Did the freezing levels get above 5500?
  5. I am looking for someone interested in a recon/ski trip into the valley above the log bridge (Mountaineer crk). It is the hanging valley just NorthEast of Colchuck lk. I am going overnight with skiis hoping to find powder in that north bowl. There may even be some ice. I am available Thursday-Sunday. If you have any idea how conditions are up around Colchuck, that would be helpful.
  6. Better yet, find a canoe carving website to haunt.
  7. Nobody on this board is responsible.
  8. How much do those food stamps cost?
  9. I usually just go out with climbing shoes and a speedo. How do you post pictures on this here site?
  10. Republicunt = Pig with lipstick.
  11. Bug

    Obama's Undoing

    JH has hemeroids. Be gentle.
  12. Bug


    Lederhosen chaff.
  13. you don't think she'd be spending us in oblivion as well? I think she still believes in America--which is more than I can say for the clown that the folks here elected. Cheney would be so proud of you for standing up against the patriotism of any elected official who isn't a republican.
  14. Its way more funny to watch you argue with yourself. More to the point, nobody cares how a useless tent and its expensive counterpart compare. Never heard of either and having seen the link, I know why. Have you thought of trying to wage this battle on Backpackers anonymous or someplace like that? But thank you for the entertainment.
  15. Hey! We're talking about packs now? Cool. I like Camp Trails. They have those bars that stick up so you can hang your frying pan off one side and your coffee pot off the other.
  16. You posted in spray. You get nonsense.
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