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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. only if you're buying...
  2. twas a little loud, too.. had to work too hard to hear, it made for little groups trying to hear each other. food was kinda $$$. 20 bucks for a salad and a few beers. not dirtbag climber fare
  3. thanks dru! I've worked with some hydrologists in FL, too bad it does not freeze a lot down there and it's sooooo flat... Yeah, the best years I've seen at banks (and most places) were the ones with hydration and cold.
  4. are those ice picts for real? I was not sure if there was going to be enough H2O for anything to form... wooohooo!
  5. so seriously, about the ice report... or lack thereof... I'm guessing that although it's been so darn cold, there is not enough groundwater to give us any flows... And they say it rains all the time up here.... right.
  6. icegirl


    hey now, I run a mac, and the only thing I've not been able to utilize is the chat. and that's probably me, not the computer... careful there trasky, them can be fightin' words
  7. fake boobie = foobies...
  8. they are "foobies" "they feel so strange" "that's because they are real..." [ 10-29-2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  9. if an insured climber and an uninsured climber fall and have the exact same (assuming HARD to treat) injuries, the uninsured climber is 5 times more likely to get the more appropriate care at Harborview medical center (being that the physicans there treat trauma more than the private practice guys) than the insured climber. How's that for ironic. This is from a research paper written by one of our general surgeons.
  10. I don't know how much room the pictures take up, but perhaps only links to pictures would be better and take up less space...
  11. icegirl

    Hey Icegirl

  12. icegirl

    Hey Icegirl

    she's sitting here staring up at me, trying to figure out why I'm wastin' all this time on the computer...
  13. welcome to dog-share-ones-life-with-dom!! She is extra cute! [ 10-17-2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  14. icegirl


    Erik Erase needless hate and flaming!!! there is enough of it on this site to last a long long time already... I'll do my part
  15. Give Pub Club it's own forum... I know it sounds silly, but if we are talking about saving space, then that's two or three threads a week...
  16. Another vote for the Sony DSC-S85. I've been very happy with it..
  17. The cops won't do anything about it until a certain number of thefts or prowls happen in a given amount of time. Then they label it a "Hot Zone" or something like that, and pay a little more attention. If enough people complain enough (squeaky wheel thing) then maybe the cops or staters or whomever is supposed to be watching that area would have a patrol car hang out there during the after work rush. Perhaps we should leak a "story" or send an editorial to the seattle times or something connecting it to the credit card theft ring and lack of interest by the local law enforcement, and see what a little publicity does...
  18. hah.
  19. At places like Harboview, where lots of this kind of surgery (no insurance, self pay, etc..) is done, as long as a person is making a good faith effort to pay the bill, they won't give him a hard time. After looking at the cost of the plane ticket, living expenses while recovering, etc, is it really going to be that much cheaper?
  20. If you've ever been ice climbing over at Banks lake in the winter, you would see that there is indeed an increase in the number of 'climbers' frequenting the area, an area that used to be mainly locals is now swarming with West Siders... As far as Omak, Okanogan, Tonasket, et al are concerned, speaking as one who grew up in the area, there are indeed very nice boulders on private land, but ALSO very nice climbs on range land. Just depends on how much of a "stranger" to them there parts you are. If you hook up with the local climbers, and have a vested interest in the area (as in not just gonna show up once and leave your gu, poo, and cliff bar wrappers) you might just find yourself invited onto that private land.
  21. registered nurse or surgical technologist working agency/per diem. Make your own schedule.
  22. That was like, odd, dude... Just watched "Lord of the Rings" kind of reminded me of some of the goblin/ork scenes... Kind of an artistic rendition.
  23. I hear that your intercranial pressure can reach >70mm Hg when you sneeze. Normal is 5-15mm Hg.
  24. Sometimes after a long weekend of long approaches and long hard climbs I find myself relieved to be back at work, not because I did not have a fantastic time, but need some recovery time (mental and physical) to get ready to do it again. [ 08-19-2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
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