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    Bellevue, Washington USA

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. It was taken from the ridge line just below the final summit step. We are above and to the east of the descent gully.
  2. This was taken from high on Redoubt at sunrise you can see em both pretty good Yeah thats Bear Mtn. front and center
  3. HammerDrill Roto Hammer Notice the differance?
  4. So if yer talking low angle rock and good stances a gas powered rotor hammer is the ticket. As far as sharpening carbide sds bits I wouldn't recommend it, the dust is toxic and can cause health problems. Buy a new bit cheapy! If not gas then battery powered is the way to go, min 18 volts and 1/4-3/8" is about right for 18v rotor hammer. Probably get about 20-30 1/4" holes 3" deep I'm guessing. fewer in 3/8" Hammer drills suck unless your drilling into ceramic tile.
  5. I'll be around the 'cicle on Friday. I'll keep an eye out fer yer pups and say
  6. what's a little rain? I'll be sendin' on Friday while the rest of you are still pack'n up!
  7. I for one might enjoy those shots. It's not every day you get to build one of those.
  8. Ha! I finally figured it out!! (posting a pic that is) I got to lead all 6 pitches of Orbit with a newby on Sat!!
  9. depends how clean your rope is. i replace as soon as i get two fairly pronounced grooves. when i can run my fingers over and feel it pretty well. that is when i get kinda iffyon em. Ya depends on how clean your rope is. When I can see/feel a groove it becomes suspect and gets tossed
  10. I have dedicated draws as well and always clip the same biner to hanger. It's always a good idea to inspect your biners for those grove marks as once in a while ya end up clipping slings to extend. I like to use emery cloth instead of a file since it conforms nice to the radius and doesn't load up your file. A good bur will shred soft goods. That being said, last year I bailed off a route in a down pour. The rope picked up lots of grit in the rain and acted like 80 grit sand paper on my rap biner. It put a rope sized groove into the biner.
  11. He's done my shoes 3 times and I'll take em back for a 4th when they need it. Cheap and fast Ramuta
  12. Thanks for the info on the 2 rts between SR and TS Matt. I have been on Bushy Galore, it is as advertised The start was bitchen hard for 5.7 (it was wet though) and then it continued with lots of needles higher...I think we did about 4 pitches before it blanked out into a sea of granite...no gear or bolts too be seen...ran into SEF that day. What happened to Steve?
  13. I was up to camp Schurman 2 weeks ago. I wouldn't recomend traveling the route without crampons, rope and axe. I am not familiar with Mt Ruth, but if it puts you up to Camp Curtis, then it is possible to continue up the exposed rock ridge right up into Schurman but to get into camp you'll have to descend some pretty loose rock above the hut. Some folks that didn't like the shape of the Emmons left that way while we descended the Emmons. They claimed "No problems" getting to Camp Curtis
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