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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. That stuff reads like something by an angry junior high schooler - pretty scary stuff. Maybe he was just acting out - performance art!
  2. How about his art? http://newsbloggers.aol.com/2007/04/17/cho-seung-huis-plays/ Wow. Just - wow.
  3. For Bush?
  4. What an F-ing weed.
  5. -running -snowshoeing -photography -reading -writing -very occasionally posting here....
  6. Dude, that's like violatin' my civil rights and stuff.
  7. This hits close to home because I work just a few blocks away from where this happened. Make the helicopters go away!
  8. Not that they work, but they didn't serve it to him in the first place - they couldn't find him.
  9. Funny, I dint see him...
  10. I was here the whole time.
  11. BodyGlide. Great for distance running, too.
  12. Two words: Liquor license.
  13. Here's another "aye" for leaving the stove at home unless it's multi-day and you need to melt snow for water. Montbell makes some good lightweight polarguard jackets and lightweight raingear (my current favorite). Serratus made a good 15-oz. pack, but I think they quit making them. Take iodine instead of the filter, use Gatorade bottles for water - 3 of those weigh one pound less than 3 Nalgene bottles.
  14. Rent goddam snowboards. If they can't learn snowboarding in a day, bitch-slap them and send them back to the east coast.
  15. ...fyi, they have gotten alot better and guarantee their products for life. They have a shop in S. Seattle and replace or repair any OR thing you have.... Yeah except the last time I went in (a seam blew on one of my fleece/schoeller jackets) I was told I could pick a new one, which was a new style I did not like and only in bright red. When I said I would just like the old one fixed they said it would be 3-4 MONTHS because they only had one guy sewing stuff for the entire U.S. I thought that was weak. I just took my old jacket home with me. Now I have one side that has a breast and hand pocket and the other has one big ass long pocket. Whatever. Still good stuff. Kyle OR seems to have good designs but poor quality, especially in the seams. (In my opinion.) <--Disclaimer.
  16. What I hate is when those war-mongering budhists hijack and blow up airplanes.
  17. lizard_brain


    That would be "Mr. Johnson" to you...
  18. lizard_brain


    Oops - sorry. I thought this was the "pirates only" forum. Whatever happened to "snatch"? Is that too 70's? Beaver? Muffin? "Vagina" just sounds so clinical.
  19. lizard_brain


    Arrrr... Pity the wench what must suffar the wrath o' me cutlass! Full up to the hilt, I'll give it to her!
  20. I was up there the weekend before last. There was a 10 year old kid up there, and a troop of boy scouts.
  21. Arrr... Give that bastard the floggin' o' his life, then keel-haul the son o' a wench!
  22. Now this is a topic I can sink my teeth into...
  23. She's hot! Seriously! I gotta get some summit pics with her!
  24. Joke? True story. Happened to me the other day. ... water was really deep too. Tell me about it...
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