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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. Sounds to me like your friend already fixed it.
  2. And I thought I needed a life!
  3. I definitely agree with mikeredding!
  4. Parker - This isn't the Himalayas, it's the Washington Cascades. Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
  5. He posted the same scam *I mean* request on the Mountaineers climbing bulletin board. I'm curious as to how many other climbing boards around have his message. Good luck, Nick! Let us know if it works out.
  6. banishment works, too...
  7. I sure don't mean to discount the disaster in our countrty last week, but one of the reasons I climb is to escape from the "outside world" for a few hours. Support America, but don't resort to trashing the outdoors to do it. There are much more practial ways.
  8. Must've hired new marketers to raise their readership...
  9. I did it some years ago, but with the opposite philosophy - I took my time. If I liked a place, I'd stay there for awhile. Noone knew when to expect me back, so I had no schedule and no deadlines. My brother dropped me off at Snoqualmie, and I hitch-hiked back from Stevens when I was done. Beautiful trip.
  10. Anybody rembmber that REI lost $11.4 million last year, and that they sold off MSR to Cascade Designs, and are closing stores now? Looks like they may have been overreaching... http://seattlep-i.nwsource.com/business/34210_rei07.shtml
  11. No, the car was not real.
  12. Bolts belong in gyms - not in mountains. They are just man-made trash, just like highways and clearcuts. Save them for the playgrounds like Frenchmans.
  13. Why did the skeleton burp? Because he didn't have the guts to fart!
  14. Or give cash to the Red Cross 1-800-HELP-NOW http://www.redcross.org/donate/donate.html
  15. Just curious - was the guy who died of head injuries wearing a helmet?
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