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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. If yer horny and you know it clap yer hands...
  2. Now THAT would be annoying. 0.4% fertility rate afterward. ( http://www.thevasectomyclinic.com/index.html )
  3. I'm annoyed by falling for crap that I read on the interweb and letting it scare the shit out of me. Vasectomy - All juice, no seeds.
  4. There was a study which indicated a slightly higher level of prostrate cancer with those who had vasectomies, but it was later learned not to be accurate. ***WHEW!!!***
  5. That doesn't annoy me, it SCARES me!!! skull skull skull
  6. ...And don't forget to vomit...
  7. Truth is, I lost about 15 pounds since last fall, and gained back 5 in the last 3-4 weeks. I saw my doc a few days ago. It happens that I'm running a marathon on 5/20, but that's not why I was seeing him. But he's a runner, and the topic of the marathon came up. He wants me to lose 10 pounds. He thinks that losing it before the marathon would be even better, if I can (this was a few days ago). Three reasons: 1) I'd be more comfortable during the marathon. 2) I'd trim a lot of time off the run without carrying all that extra weight. 3) Less risk of injury. I guess it's like running 26.2 miles while carrying a bowling ball - it'd be a lot easier without it. I'll dump at least 5 by the marathon, maybe 10, more likely somewhere inbetween. Cut out the junk food and the mochas and I'm halfway there already.
  8. Would you look at the time - I must go throw up!
  9. But not by a horse.
  10. My plans for next winter are to snowmobile out to my chosen ice climb with my skis and snowshoes strapped to my back. Oh, and I'll have whiskey. Then, I will die a spectacular death. No horse involved. Remember, don't take any water. Snowmobilers are required to take beer anyway.
  11. 2006-2007 winter season avalanche deaths: 13 snowmobilers 11 skiers 1 snowshoer 1 climber Who do you think got the biggest write-up? (source: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6600ap_wst_avalanches_snowmobiles.html )
  12. Way too complicated.
  13. I'll get in there this afternoon. I forgot to mention the fact that they are "health-concious" women, too. This ain't no bar scene.
  14. A word about yoga classes: I highly reccommend them. The female/male ratio is usually at least 9:1. Excellent training method. :tup:
  15. That'd be nice, but it's possible only by personal mental state, not external conditions. Wow.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/19/commentary.nugent/index.html
  17. The first thing Bush said was that we had to obey gun laws. Well, there are laws against murder, too, and that didn't seem to stop him. But I digress. Some gun nuts, even a senator I heard on NPR, claimed that the gun laws on campuses are too restrictive, and that if more of the students had been armed, they may have been able to plant one between this guys eyes and stop him before he killed 32 people. I suggest that we take it a step further, and not only do we make it legal for us to carry weapons wherever we want, but require all Americans to defend each other, and require all citizens to be armed at all times. We could all be standing in line at the bank, just watching and waiting for someone to show his face to the teller, pushing that note forward, and when they look around and the teller gives the nod, everyone in the place would just open fire on the scumbag. There'd be nothing left of him. Problem solved. How much crime would there be left after a year or two? Not much, after all of our criminals had been turned to swiss cheese by armed, obedient citizens. Even if not all of them were armed, we could have just a few of them carry guns, just some that are trained, just a few from the fringes of society, former playground bullies, jerks, wife-beaters, maladjusted types that would want to carry firearms and deal with situations involving criminals in our society. Oh, wait - we have those already. We call them police.
  18. lizard_brain


    Stay away from Seattle.
  19. Which helmet do you use when ascending the Haystack?
  20. And a cell phone. That will make you safe.
  21. No doggy style jokes yet? 8D
  22. No - you need to wear your capeline underwear under your running shorts.
  23. Wait a minute - doesn't someone have a Mount Si hiking class? Or isn't there a book about planning a hike of Mount Si?
  24. Mount Si is the only hike in Washington. You need to practice by walking around Greenlake with your gear after you buy it at REI. You need to go to REI and ask them advice for gear. Trust them - they know everything. Tell them you want to hike Mount Si, and ask them what gear you need to accomplish that. They will help you with your selection.
  25. Up yours!
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