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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. Oldest summit register? I think it's Trask!
  2. snaffle season
  3. Oooops - it's back. I blame the software. (Always blame the equipment.) Topic? Oh, yeah...I find that REI's window displays are more believable than their photo ads.
  4. Hey - my autosig is gone too...and it was a pretty innocent one! Wassup?!?!?
  5. You can't be serious...
  6. At all times. My doctor says I need to protect my brain cell.
  7. quote: Originally posted by greghinemeyer: how does one go about preparing a snafflehound ?
  8. And now...PAYBACK TIME!!!!!!!!!!
  9. quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: Revivex is also the stuff endorsed by Gore...if that means anything. I think it's endorsed by Gore because it's MADE by Gore. But I still like the way it works.
  10. I like Revivex. Revivex works pretty well, but it doesn't last real long. Nikwax sucks.
  11. Damn...my picture didn't take... [ 08-12-2002, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  12. I used 7mm x 24', but I wish I'd used 6mm or even 5.5mm Spectra - but the Spectra costs about three times as much as the Mammut.
  13. Never been over 4,000 feet? Maybe it's better that you don't go anyway!
  14. [ 08-07-2002, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  15. quote: Originally posted by Dru: take horsecock put in blender with vodka blend until pureed ta da - horsecock flavored gu. You need some caffeine in there...maybe grind up some no-doze or vivarin. Or add a can of Red Burp. [ 08-07-2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  16. Here's their website....
  17. P.S. You can probably find a certified instructor at Tiger - just go to the landing zone there and ask around.
  18. I tried paragliding for a while a couple of years ago. Gave it up partly because of the expense. I was renting gear during my lessons - at the time, the gear purchase and lessons cost about $5,000. I've seen people glide off of Baker and land at the helipad at the ranger station - highly illegal, but they considered the fines part of the expense involved. I met them later and they said they had done Adams also, and were planning a couple of others. A couple of disadvantages of this are that the conditions have to be perfect to take flight, and if they aren't, well, you just carried a 40 lb. kite (in addition to your gear) to the summit, and you get to carry it back down. Finding and making it to your intended landing zone can be a problem - I don't know how many places there are to land near the volcanos, excluding private property and power lines and roads with 60 mph vehicles. Some advantages - two days up; 45 minutes down. That's about it. Personally, I preferred skydiving. Better rush, and you go up in an airplane instead of lugging your gear to a hilltop. [ 08-06-2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]
  19. Content-type: text/html Software error: LoadStyleTemplate no longer takes a number.Backtrace: lt_40.cgi:131 -> sub main::RequireCode<br /> Backtrace: ubb_lib.cgi:1828 -> sub (eval)<br /> Backtrace: ubb_latest_threads.cgi:4 -> sub main::LoadStyleTemplate<br /> Backtrace: ubb_lib.cgi:1844 -> sub main::Tracer<br /> For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@cascadeclimbers.com), giving this error message and the time and date of the error. Content-type: text/html Software error: /home/.gumnutblender/climb/cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ubb_latest_threads.cgi: [Mon Jul 22 06:39:22 2002] lt_40.cgi: LoadStyleTemplate no longer takes a number.Backtrace: lt_40.cgi:131 -> sub main::RequireCode<br /> [Mon Jul 22 06:39:22 2002] lt_40.cgi: Backtrace: ubb_lib.cgi:1828 -> sub (eval)<br /> [Mon Jul 22 06:39:22 2002] lt_40.cgi: Backtrace: ubb_latest_threads.cgi:4 -> sub main::LoadStyleTemplate<br /> [Mon Jul 22 06:39:22 2002] lt_40.cgi: Backtrace: ubb_lib.cgi:1844 -> sub main::Tracer<br /> [Mon Jul 22 06:39:22 2002] lt_40.cgi: For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@cascadeclimbers.com), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
  20. quote: Originally posted by trask: I turn them inside out for my own pleasure. You mean when you pleasure yourself....
  21. I know! I wish I'd thought of that.
  22. Some people will do anything for money. Tattoo this!
  23. quote: Originally posted by trask: you talkin bout that large hemroid that won't stay stuffed in your drawers?? Yeah. It's name is "trask".
  24. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Some people attach large poles to their bodies. Serious! Already have one, thanks.
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