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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. I find the inflatable sheep save a lot of weight - only problem is you can't eat them.
  2. Never mind.
  3. Why just when you get older? Um, I think that implies that now that he's old, it doesn't do anything but get in the way anymore. Get it?
  4. lizard_brain

    Lost Hikers

    If we find lost hikers while we're out climbing, is it okay to fuck them and eat them?
  5. So you can give him a hug?
  6. Well, I do have a friend that says that having a big penis is not always that great - he says when you get older, all it does is get in the way when you climb.
  7. You know, faggot, you're right. What am I doing in cafe feeling-sorry-for-yourself when I feel so good. I should find something to whine about. I mean, when I first heard about Dr. Denton's suicide, while I didn't understand it, I remember thinking first thing when I heard about her 43-story jump - "Awesome!" That must have been amazing. THEN I went on to think other things about it, and then I just forgot about it. Until cafe group-hugz-from-lifes-victims reminded me of it again, that is. I guess I do have some things to be sad about - do you know just how hard it is to climb in jackboots? The good thing about them is (are?) you don't need gaiters, though. -OOPS! Shame on me! Looking at the positive side again! I'm sorry. I'll go now.
  8. Shit. How many billion people are there in the world? You can focus on the negative and depress yourself - you are a climber, you own a rope, go hang yourself! Or do something else. You weenies that just turned 30 - What wimps! You're kids! I'm a generation older than you, and I'll bet I'm in better shape than you! (And I have a big penis.) I celebrated my 40th birthday by going paragliding. That was a few years ago. Look at Stimsom Bullitt and Fred Beckey - those guys are in their 80s and still climbing. 30 years old, and you're whining! Put a gun in your mouth! Please!
  9. Waddya mean short road trips! This looks like the ultimate travel bus. I want to get one and travel the country in it, state to state, doing freelance executions at state prisons along the way. That way I could declare all of my travel expenses like fuel, maintenance, meals, etc. as business expenses on my taxes. I spoke with a coworker here at the hospital, and he said we could go into business together, and we shouldn't waste money on those fancy drug "cocktails" they use on the inmates, when we could get a bottle of Chlorox for about two bucks and it would last forever. He said the only problem is that we'd spend most of our time in Texas.
  10. http://articles.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20060615075009990034&cid=2194
  11. I bet at the time Inglis was completely STUMPED! (Nyuk - nyuk...)
  12. Fred Meyer.
  13. lizard_brain

    i love you

    Yeah, uh... I love you too. What did you say your name is again?
  14. lizard_brain


    quote: Originally posted by mattp: ...it would be unfortunate if we let the antics of a few, or even the pervasive culture of banter, cause the site to be mired in the realm of bullshit. You mean it's not already?
  15. quote: Originally posted by mattp: ...it would be unfortunate if we let the antics of a few, or even the pervasive culture of banter, cause the site to be mired in the realm of bullshit. You mean it's not already?
  16. lizard_brain


    quote: Originally posted by trask: I got a nooner today. Anybody else score? God I love this site.
  17. quote: Originally posted by trask: I got a nooner today. Anybody else score? God I love this site.
  18. quote: Originally posted by JayB: Other techy type links about gear/climbing out there? Just this... Tom Moyer's Rope and Gear Testing
  19. lizard_brain


    quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: His name is Beetle Juice and he's not "retarded"; he's just an interesting fellow who makes a living as a professional goofball...kind of like working in a climbing gym Not that it matters, and I hate to admit that I know this much about him, but he is in fact mentally retarded, and lives in an assisted living environment, can't read, can't add single-digit numbers...much like sport climbers.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: His name is Beetle Juice and he's not "retarded"; he's just an interesting fellow who makes a living as a professional goofball...kind of like working in a climbing gym Not that it matters, and I hate to admit that I know this much about him, but he is in fact mentally retarded, and lives in an assisted living environment, can't read, can't add single-digit numbers...much like sport climbers.
  21. lizard_brain


    ...Ending the "Muir on Saturday" thread gets my nomination for second place.
  22. ...Ending the "Muir on Saturday" thread gets my nomination for second place.
  23. lizard_brain


    By the way, if anyone's interested... the official jump the shark website...
  24. By the way, if anyone's interested... the official jump the shark website...
  25. lizard_brain


    quote: Originally posted by Lambone: quote:Originally posted by lizard brain: There's tons of shit to sift through here to get any real information...it's usually more trouble than it's worth, especially when there are so many other resouces available. I'm not saying this isn't a good site, nor am I saying that there's nothing of value here, but I would say that it's more of a source of entertianment than a serious resource, and that's the way most people that visit this site treat it. Looking for climbing information on cc.com is like looking for climbing gear at REI - neither is to be taken seriously. I disagree, almost every climb i did this summer I was able to easily find information on, and or get directly in touch with someone who had recently done the route. Albeit most of the routes are popular classic, but I don't plan on being a cascades "lifer" so i'm just ticken the best ones while I can, sometimes more than once... Most of the beta I have seen has been pretty spot on. Read my post. I didn't say there was nothing here, and there is valuable information. But 90% of the post on this site are hot air. Like this one, for example.
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