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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. quote: Originally posted by Sparky: The "tree huggers" are why we have shade on approaches, rather than clear cuts. And T.N.'s 4x4 don't climb 5.10b. But then again...Trask: are you still making love to AlpK? In the republican sense? I've read your posts, and for all the insults, your input remains nearly as lame as mine...I'm struggling to be as lame as you and taz. It's a full time job.
  2. I'll tell you what Icegirl, you've got a good point. I'm one of the worst. I will make more of an effort (and have been with my jokes and shit) to keep my grody stuff in spray. I agree that it probably belongs there. If everybody else is having a good time spraying in another forum though, I'll join in. That's just the way I am. Okay?
  3. I wanna be E. Normus Alpine
  4. I liked the one where Spock sacrificed himself for the greater good by walking into the nuclear reactor and removing the rods. Killed him.
  5. allthumbs

    ski lessons

    quote: Originally posted by joekania: french friespizzafrench friespizzafrench friespizza ...start up the reactor You'll probably need this you fireball.
  6. Where's E. Normus Johnson? I want his opinion.
  7. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by taz: and for everyone of those 1000 you've read... yur just a little bit dumber Ya know taz, I’m really sorry for all those times several days ago when I tricked you into looking at pictures of my naked, unshaven ass under the auspices of artistic enlightenment. Get over it Uncle Pervie.
  8. Oh shit, you're right. Who was "I Spy"? ...damn that rap music!
  9. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by Jman: red-Do you have any prior RETAIL experience? Or prior CUSTOMER SERVICE experience? That may be more of a factor than climbing experience. There's plenty of schmucks that climb but may have no social skills with the general public (and I'm not saying that you don't). Just remember who the majority of the crowd are who shop at REI. Are they mostly climbers? Not. Think more like: Nordstrom-gone-granolahippie. Would they want a climbing dude to talk techie with? No, they want to know which looks better on them: the light khaki or the semi-psychadelic floral-splashed print. no shitz...can you say Eddie Bauer?
  10. "I Spy" Illea Culleoken ... or some damn thing
  11. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: Dude two words: Meth Lab [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: AlpineK ] Alpine's on a roll .............. [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  12. Well said Sarah, You're absolutely correct. I for one would never speak harshly or negitively towards women, but a lot of people would. This is normal. Good post!
  13. allthumbs


    red, that's exactly what I'm talking about...no material, no brain, no clue. do it...you know you want to.
  14. quote: Originally posted by Dru: " The Rules are simple - Kill or be Killed. " Did Mark Twight write the blurb or what? SYNOPSIS Six sportsmen, ranging from an ex-CIA agent to a Wall Street tycoon, ask the homeless and penniless Mason to lead them on a hunting expedition through the Pacific Northwest. However, the moment the men are isolated in the wild country, and their high-powered guns are loaded, Mason immediately becomes their prey in a vicious and twisted game of man versus man. MOVIE QUOTES "The Rules Are Simple: Kill or Be Killed." -- marketing line for the film
  15. I remembered...see original post. watch it if you haven't seen it. pretty trick [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  16. What was that movie with Ice T getting hunted for sport by Rutger Hower and the boys? Awesome flick. I remember now -- [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  17. You know Dru, you're always calling me a dumbass. That hurts. Try being a little more sensitive you bastard.
  18. allthumbs


    Get a real job. Let's see...for a smart guy like you? Ya, I hear MacDonald's is hiring. Good luck!
  19. Believe it or not, I have a Raven. Even hikers cross snow ya know. I bought mine too long so I hacksawed the damn thing down to about a 62 or 63. I mixed up a batch of 2 part epoxy and reset the spike. I firmly believe it's as strong as pinning, if not more so. The pick on the Raven is SS and some techy material and it's doubtful that it would break under the load of a falling climber. Will it hold a car? Probably not. It really is super comfy to handle, is priced right, dosen't weigh a ton and looks cool. Good enuf for me anyway.
  20. Take your vitamins Cleester, you're a sick son of a bitch.
  21. It's like buying a car. So many nice ones to choose from. Price, quality and fit. I like Arcteryx for those three reasons.
  22. allthumbs


    So how's the Wed. after pub club hangovers guys? Everyone feeling chipper and bubbly today? I got shithouse Monday night and am just now feeling my normal ornery self.
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