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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Better watch it Alpine or old Sparky will come rub your nose in it.
  2. Jack and his friends were playing golf one Saturday. As they are getting ready to tee off, a guy walks up and asks if he can join them. The friends look at each other, look at the guy and say, 'Sure.' About two holes into the game, the friends get curious about what the guy does for a living. So they ask him. The stranger tells them he's a hitman. They all laugh. The guy says, 'No really, I am a hitman. My gun is in my golf bag. I carry it everywhere. You can take a look at it if you like.' So Jack decides to check it out. He opens the bag and, sure enough, there is a rifle with a huge scope attached. Jack gets all excited and says, 'WOW! I bet I can see my house through here! May I look?' The hit man replies, 'Sure.' So Jack looks and says, 'YEAH! You can see my house! I can even see through the windows into my bedroom. There's my wife. Wait, there's my next door neighbor! And he's naked too!' This really upsets Jack so he asks how much it would be for a hit. The hitman replies, 'I get $1000 every time I pull the trigger.' Jack responds, '$1000? Well, OK, I want two hits. I want you to shoot my wife right in the mouth. She's always nagging at me and I can't stand it. Second, I want you to shoot my neighbor in the penis, just for screwing around with my wife.' The hit man agrees, gears up and looks through the scope. He's looking for about five minutes until finally Jack starts to get really impatient and asks, 'What are you waiting for? The hitman replies, 'Relax..... I'm about to save you a thousand bucks!'
  3. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: As soon as the weather breaks I'm headed to Muir for a week. I sure hope my half pound of supplies are enough. Hey Ray how much booze should I bring? don't forget to bring a log. if you run into Sparky it'll come in handy as a rectal-avy probe.
  4. allthumbs

    2 headed Snake

    go piss up a rope
  5. allthumbs

    2 headed Snake

    doe's a hobby horse have a hickory dick?
  6. allthumbs

    2 headed Snake

    photoshop magic
  7. allthumbs

    2 headed Snake

    quote: Originally posted by todd: go fawk ya mudda your's was enuf
  8. Forget it. It won't work here for some reason. [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  9. No way...not more empty headed than trask. I worked many years to have nothing to say.
  10. I'm sure we'd all make like slurpees at pub club and act like real gentlemen. No thanks. I'm happy being abused on line. [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  11. So Sparky, why aren't you out with the rest of the rummys?
  12. http://users.pandora.be/p0p0/youare.swf[ 03-19-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  13. Is that dude still alive? What's he about 80 now? It dosen't matter. I think I'll quit posting here. Shit, I don't even climb. I'm going to join a gun forum. Later days -
  14. Shut the fuck up, Biff. What the hell kind of name is Biff, anyway? You some "valley guy" or something? Is your woman named Buffy? Blow me asseyes!
  15. I hear ya. I hunt all the time. I'm moving to Northern California in about a week, so I'll be check out the Shasta area and the local critters.
  16. Yea, and I normally don't watch that shit. But I caught it last night on Discovery by accident, and ended up watching it because they were in the Swiss Alps running this thing. Now that country...I'd love to see.
  17. I realize y'all probably think it's lame, but did anybody watch that Swiss Adventure Race last night? Across Switzerland in 120 hours. That was a nasty course.
  18. yep, he's a real dickless dude, Biff "We are proud of Mr. Nugent's contributions to his profession, and to our state. His involvement should inspire others to greater awareness and action." --Governor John Engler, MI "Ted has his facts. He is very articulate and is also bold, honest, not shy or afraid to meet any challenge. He is carrying on the work which Fred Bear did so wisely and so well." --Dick Mauch, AMO [ 03-19-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  19. I'm constantly amazed at people's stories of going to Mexico (or other third worlds) and acting like maniacs and doing dangerous things. This guy is a veterano, and this story shows what can happen to even someone who knows how to travel right.. Every time I go down there, we always have full bail-outs planned, but stuff like this? Whoa. This is a long, true story worth reading when you get some free time. Mexico Sucks. http://math.ucr.edu/ftm/bajaPages/Reports/KittoAccident.html [ 03-18-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  20. I wonder what Wavy Gravy would have to say about all of this?
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