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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Uncle Pervie Becky - Lock up yur women, boys!
  2. Happy now, you nut-draggin' piece of shit? Up yours!!
  3. You're too insignificant to second. You are a pathetic moron. Eat balls and die.
  4. No way...we need those guys around to talk smack and keep this place from becoming a sausage love fest.
  5. No advantage. Just Arcteryx trying to upstage the next guy and scrambling to introduce new product every year. Must be a bitch to have to come up with new shit constantly.
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dave Schuldt: What about Trask- rumor has it that he doesn't eaven climb!!!!That's not rumor dumbass, that's fact. Get it straight! Now go spank your monkey and leave me alone.
  7. I've got a Feathered Friends Helios jacket They make awesome shit
  8. I like to gently stroke and massage my rope while washing. I'm always carefull to lift it above my balls and get the tender sack area too. My rope always comes out squeeky clean and the gurlz like to play with it alot.
  9. According to the Bend Bulletin newspaper in Oregon, Ray recently had some of his nonvital organs removed along with a reduction of his bone mass to increase his overall daily hiking mileage. Apparently Mr. Jardine reduced his pack weight to the lightest achieved and is now focusing on the internal body and how to efficiently maximize trail performance. His next visit to the surgeon will consist of the doctor sewing a large skin pouch on Ray's abdomen, much like a kangaroo. "This pouch will store all of my gear", reports Jardine.
  10. What out for Eastwood. I hear he vacations and climbs regularily there now.
  11. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Trask - You owe us. You gonna show up at the Lucky 7 Saloon and buy us all a round? - MattpNo, but I just might show up at your office around lunch one day. We can go have a bite to eat, a couple martinis and brag about all the hootchies we bagged when we were younger. Up for it?? trask
  12. Jon, kiss my ass, you woe-begotten piece of whale dreck.
  13. Jon, what fun would it be to ban me? You'd all miss me. Kiss it! You know you want to.
  14. The Chillcoot Pass ski to sea.
  15. It never ceases to amaze me that there are only about 8 (if that) true posters at cc.com; the rest are avatars of the same person. I would never take anything serious around here. Like Dru said...
  16. allthumbs

    fun shit to do

    Posted by butterfingers... This is a copy of a post i did on the mt. whitney board. I usually do whitney once a month to stay in shape and am heading out again the 18th of this month. FUN THINGS TO DO ON YOUR WHITNEY HIKE. 1. Buy a pack of camel filterless cigarettes, and light one up just before you pass someone on the trail.(don’t inhale) I used to save this one for people that would speed up when they knew you were going to pass them. 2. At a rest brake, or any time you can get away with it, sneak a couple of rocks in your partner’s backpack. 3. Shortly before the summit, put on a pair of beach flip flops and give your daypack to your partner. Act liked you just walked up carrying nothing. 4. If you are doing a day hike, bring a large expedition bag and fill the rest with Styrofoam peanuts in a plastic trash bag (make the pack look huge) then blow by the line of people going up on the trail. Extra points if you are smoking a camel filterless cigarette. 5. This wouldn’t work on Whitney, but is good for other summits. Wake up way before light and drag up an old dilapidated rusty beach cruiser bicycle to the top of a popular mountain bike trail. Wait for the local iron men to show up wearing helmets and looking like gypsy rodeo clowns. Ask for directions someplace far away. Extra points for smoking a camel and wearing foot flops. 6. Tie a long thin string to your partners’ tent when they are not paying attention. After they are in bed pull the string from your tent every so often. Don’t answer if they ask if you heard anything.
  17. I don't know about the skiing/mtn'ing shit K, but I'll hang out with you because you're cool and the chicks think your a sex-magnet and hung like a stud field mouse. I really need some babe lessons because I aint been too lucky in that department lately. What say?
  18. I prefer my single wall Baker tent. When set up properly and the sheapherder stove cranked with some hand-cut alder logs, man am I ever comfy. The 4 man version weighs about 65 pounds, less stove, but if you have some dumbass buddy willing to hump the tent for herb, what's the diff?? Remember, Ray...lite is right [ 04-08-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  19. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Hey trask, try Colt 45 22's, MadDog 20/20. Will, send me your old wine to put on my lawn. The grass will come up half cut and will cut down my time with the lawnmower.
  20. Rohypnol is an illegal drug. Awareness is your best defense!
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