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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Yo mama's so dumb, she thought masturbation was a karate teacher.
  2. http://www.thomas-crapper.com/ [ 05-02-2002, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: ]
  3. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: You all suck especially max and except for Dan Larson he swallows Cpt., if my dog's face looked like your face, I'd shave his ass and make him walk backwards.
  4. quote: Originally posted by specialed: We should have a rule that pub clubs cannot be held at pubs in strip malls. That way pub club could never, ever, ever be held on the eastside. brilliant, gonad- learn from your parents' mistakes -- use birth control.
  5. that's not necessarily 100% true, dru...i climb out of bed every morning.
  6. Mike- I busted a BD trekking pole the other day. It was new and totally my fault. I called BD, (don't fuck around with e-mail) talked to a very helpful guy in service, and received a new pole, no questions asked the NEXT day. Killer service...course I'm pretty humble and nice on the phone when I'm trying to get something. trask
  7. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: transtesticle I gotta go look that one up.
  8. allthumbs


    Yea, Ray Borbon was like a fish outta water...no spray...nuttin' but serious shitz. Now Caveman, on the other hand, well that sucka can spray. Fuckin A kiss it sucka, you know you want to [ 04-29-2002, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  9. allthumbs


    Hey Cavey, was that YOU in the Red Wing Jersey?? Great pictures by the way...how bout' some more. trask
  10. Rachel Babkirk on Leave It To Jesus (11d) New River WV
  11. I was up the Baker River Trail today for something to do and ran into a big old black bear just inside the National Park boundary. I clapped my hands and he/she?? beat feat up a tree. No big thing, but the first bear I've been really close to in about 5 years.
  12. WTF!!! "who let the dogs out?? woof woof woof woof"
  13. Very agile, Tricky I like to slip into my "Thriller" jacket after a hard day cragging. The fraus at L'worth dig it almost as much as my normus jonson.
  14. On those hot summer days I like to wear my yellow shorts. [ 04-27-2002, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  15. allthumbs


    2 [ 04-26-2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  16. quote: Originally posted by erik: i would like to say that....mueller contributes little to the site as far as i can see. just personal attacks and plagerized photos. Hi Erik! Yeah Mueller...listen to what Erik says. Trask is the only loser that should be allowed to contribute NOTHING other than crap, because his brain is the size of a pea (just ask borbon) and he's generally an idiot (but has a really large sausage) . The rest of you guys should all have something to say. Trask has spoken! [ 04-26-2002, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  17. quote: Originally posted by Jack Kenoff: Who keeps taking down my posts??? There is nothing wrong with them!!! Other People have dirty pictures and words and mine get taking off. I think that new moderator, Harry Balls is removing them. Contact him, or E. Normus Johnson to lodge your complaint.
  18. allthumbs


    does my ass look big in this thong??
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