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Everything posted by klenke

  1. This was brought to my attention through an email from my uncle not long ago. I must say the idea is intriguing for humanity's future, and the science seems plausible (at least in so much as the article depicts it), but I am still skeptical. Only time will truly tell.
  2. Pub Club synopsis: Well, at one point I counted 20 persons present at least one of which was a first-time pub clubber. Martlet was even present. Man that Martlet is busty! Anyway... I was hoping that a black named Jack would come in for our twenty-first attendee but it was not to be. Instead we had to settle for a white ChucK. I was thinking we ought to be in Vegas with gaming skills like that. Speaking of busts, that's exactly what happened when Squid came in later and we were then 22. I told Szyjakowski not to say "hit on me" to Icegirl but he couldn't resist. Icegirl then hit me and we busted. Good times, good times. It was a gas--especially after we were breathing tequila fire and prairie fire tequilas. Yep, looks like we pub clubbers have graduated to the next drinking level. Pictures at 11? Oh Icegirl, where art thou? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attendees: klenke, To_The_Top, Double E, Dave Schuldt, Szyjakowski, AlpineK, Mattp, Icegirl, Ehmmic, Paco, JayB (pro Paul picture poacher), Skykilo, jja (Thaaaaaat's Great!), rocksanyone, Ade, Minus (Ade's buddy), Alex, _______, _______, ChucK, & Squid. In spirit: Martlet
  3. Thanks for the redirect, guys! You
  4. The moderate masses welcome you into their cult, JoshK. Welcome.
  5. klenke


    Note to self: Icegirl likes making fun of me. That's twice in a row now. Will she make it three?
  6. The answer to your first two questions is YES. The answer to your last question is YES. A picture of Colchuck & Dragontail from Argonaut: The climb of Colchuck from Colchuck Col is easy. Just one steep snowfield to contend with (ice axe usage). Later on this is just talus. At far right in the photo you can see a couloir on Dragontail. You can take that up to the D-tail summit ridge, cross over to the east side and walk to the summit. The couloir is easy (ice axe usage). From Dragontail, it is possible to walk/scramble the ridge east over East Dragontail thence to Little Annapurna. Here is a picture of that ridge from the ENE (East Dragontail is on the left; Dragontail is at right): Alternatively, you could drop down from the col on the immediate east side of D-tail, down the Snow Creek Glacier (take crampons and ice axe for later in season), to just above Aasgard Pass, then go east (possible trail travel) until you can cut back up and right (SE) to Little Annapurna, which is just out of frame to the left. The first alternative is more scrambling but less elevation loss-gain. The second alternative is safer (not including cramponing issues on the glacier) but there is still scrambling to attain Lil-A's summit (mostly slabby low-angle rock with sandy terraces in between but also talus).
  7. klenke


    I nominate this thread for the new CC.COM SNORE AWARD. Boooooorrrrr-ing.
  8. Bock bock bock bck-ock!!! Did the Squid squirt ink all over the place in fright? The still shot was in the paper today. I'm not into seeing that type of thing for pleasure but I think it's important to see it nonetheless to gauge its power.
  9. Am I missing something? Video is about 2-3 seconds longs and shows little if any movement. It looks like a still shot to me.
  10. That was well done, Erden. Big City Dick is a tough act to follow, though.
  11. Oooooooooh, now I get it. Aaaaa.... ...sigh.
  12. I think he's accusing one of us of being a hacker. I am not no neither.
  13. Dang, I thought the title of this thread was "Hilarious new Shrub route" and I got all excited thinking I was going to see pictures of Klenke's element. So what's wrong with the above quote? Grammatically it seems okay. A little awkward perhaps. I'm assuming it is YOU who forgot the period.
  14. Here is a map of the general area. The Viking Horns are on the ridge crest just east of Long Mountain's summit (Pk 5113). Due west of the last switchback at 2,834 ft is Bald Mountain's East Peak. Perhaps you were a little out of kilter on what you thought was west. Perhaps you were looking SSW or even south from that switchback toward the cliffy protrusion immediately SE of the red Section 12 label.
  15. It still amazes me how people have an aversion to doing web searches all by their lonesome. Anyway....Here I come to save the DAAAYY!!!... Dante's is at 5300 Roosevelt Way in the U. District (about one block north of Scarecrow Video).
  16. Someone's Great Aunt needs to die so Matt can take care of the estate distribution. He's got too much time on his hands right now. He needs work. As you can see, he's had to resort to spray to pass the time.
  17. Note to self: never second for Eddie on a hard rock pitch--especially if it's a hot day and he's wearing shorts. So scratching and clawing my sorry ass up a 5.4 crux move means I'm using my anxiety to boost performance? Right on!
  18. Good idea, Michelle. If-n-when we get bored with each other we can retire to the games area.
  19. OMFG! That's what happens when put a CLIMBING GYM on an ACADEMIC CAMPUS:
  20. Thanks, Blake. Well it looks like 6.5 miles of extra hiking/biking to get to the Bridge Creek Trail (for that approach to Goode) and 9.0 miles of extra to get to the Park Creek Trail (Goode/Storm King/others).
  21. Well, actually, chucK said "Klenke, in his element" for the caption of a photo (second photo in this trip report) So, I digress, chucK did no necessarily coin the exact words "Klenke's element" but he was the one who set in motion the eventual evolution of "Klenke's element." "Klenke's element" was used by Toast, Mattp, and at least three others in the weeks following that trip report. Thereafter it just kind of stuck. So, in a way, no one person coined "Klenke's element." It was developed by a team of climbing terminology savvy individuals.
  22. No Marylou, not speaking in third person. "Klenke's element" is an object -- real bad brush -- a term coined by chucK.
  23. Jordop, those two alder images gave me a headache. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Too much of Klenke's element all at once is bad for the brain.
  24. Josh, my estimation is that if your photo is taken in a public space, then you have no rights to privacy for use of your likeness. The mountains qualify as a public space. I'm not sure about something like inside a personal tent. However, if you had a trademark on your likeness (which you don't, you sorry looking sap <-- sarcasm graemlin ) like Tiger Woods does, then your likeness could not be used to sell someone else's product(s). Not that anyone would need to do it, but if a company or individual used your likeness to sell a product BUT you don't own a trademark on your likeness, then you don't have much of a leg to stand on should you want to sue. However, you could probably create a trademark for your likeness later thereby ending their usage. If they continue, then you can sue. If they acquire the trademark (the rights to use) your likeness before you do, then you're really fukked....well, probably not.
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