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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Current Score on this thread. First one to 20 wins. Squid = 7 Joshk = 6 Scott Harpell = 10 j_b = 3 klenke = 3 cracked = 17 All others = 2 or less
  2. But Michael Moore is soooo last page of this thread.
  3. Okay, j_b, all stances that seek to ameliorate the current condition are termed progressive. The term progressive is synonymous with proactive (to initiate rather than react). Instance of a progressive stance of mine: I am for the education of children in Third World countries. I have leant my services to Room to Read. I could always do more for them--always more but I have to look out for my own welfare (need to watch my money more when I am unemployed). I believe that education is the key to empowering people to be more than they can be. And yet, if you look, it's always the highly educated nations that are warring with each other (at least in modern times). So, by educating these people, are we really elevating them to the stresses of world participation that they are currently nescient about? As for the war, I was neither for it nor against it. And that is still the case. I understand (or seek to understand) both positions on the justification for war. I can see both sides' points. Regarding the positrion typo: j_b, you need to get a sense of humor. Use a graemlin for once. How ya like the pink text, boys and girls? That's progressive and liberal, right?
  4. Nah, anyone who uses red text would be a communist.
  5. The red text wasn't used merely to be emphatic. It was just the color I blindly chose from the font boxes. When you start quoting quotes ad nauseum you need to delineate text. What can I say, I'm an engineer. If I wanted to be emphatic, I'd put it in bold, you lame ass sorry excuse for a sprayer.
  6. Ha, that's funny! It keeps getting bigger. Run the software again. Keep at it until it's over 10,000 ft of gain. Then we'll be hardcore. My methodology for the calculation was as follows (rounded figures): T.H. = 3,500 ft Argo summit = 8,500 ft Low point of Argo-Colchuck traverse = 7,500 ft Colch summit = 8,700 ft Total gain = (8,500 - 3,500) + (8,700 - 7,500) = 6,200 ft. The rest was downhill mostly. This analysis ignores those annoying ups and downs on the Stuart Lake Trail and the Colchuck Lake Trail and the traverse around the lake. Who knows.
  7. are you going to pretend that you are/were against this war? i just did a search of your posts about iraq just to make sure, and indeed i cannot find a single statement expressing disagreement with the present war but i did find many statements justifying current administration policies in the middle east. You said you just found these statements, so what were they? Why didn't you quote me? Copy-paste, my man. Copy-paste. since when is it a moderate positrion to support the building of a wall around communities to prevent the free movement of persons, a wall that takes away arable land and aquifers? What's a positrion? Is that a physics particle that emanates from politicians? As for the wall, I will not reanswer that question. You can look up that argument we carried on from a few months back on your own time. I stated my reasons in that thread. They haven't changed. sorry, but 99% of your politics are conservative and you are not showing anymore ability to be swayed than i am. as far as i am concerned, i am progressive and proud of it. in turn, i believe that placing human dignity first, be it that of americans or other, is the moderate position. You really don't know me at all...but you think you do because you keep mislabeling me. Sure I look conservative to you because you're way liberal. You've made probably 100 times as many political posts than I have so I feel I know your stances better than you know mine. Anyone that doesn't agree with your viewpoint you will label as conservative. Question: is there anyone you know who is more liberal than you? And if so, based on what topic/issue? By the way, I am progressive and cultured too. Probably a lot more than you think. I like progressive music and I've traveled and seen quite a bit. My eyes have always been open to the world around me. Albeit, I am not so progressive to embrace the non-capitalization of first letters in sentences. Gee, I guess I am conservative after all.
  8. SON, STEP AWAY FROM THE BONG.... Since you're obviously ignoring this user, Josh, here's what he had to say. I thought it was an excellent jocular jab.
  9. No, cracked, we don't get tired of this bullshit because we're losers who don't have anything else to give a fuck about during the morning, during the day, in the evening, and while we're lying awake at night. I can just sense j_b poring through all my political posts trying to answer my question. Chug-a-chug-a chug-a-chug-a chug-a-chug a.
  10. Squid, the problem is when it's one man's word against another and neither can be proven by the objective analyzer (us), we tend to go with the word that jives with our own viewpoint. The moderate thing to do is to weigh each and then decide. If a definitive decision cannot be made based on the evidence, then you can choose to A) abstain, or B) go with gut feeling. Neither is necessarily wrong, but most go with the latter because they don't want to "waste their vote." Concerning secrecy at Lockheed, not every worker there and/or every plant makes secret products. Sure there are the Skunk Works, but there are other open "works" too. I know, I know. I've said nothing. Always nothing.
  11. And waiting and waiting and waiting.... j_b: still waiting for you to answer the question: which policy of killing 1,000's of Iraqis am I in support of? I just can't remember which one, if any. Since you seem to know more about what I think than I do, I'm asking you.
  12. j_b: Which Iraqi policy that kills Iraqis are you purporting that I am in support of? Refresh my memory. I do believe my viewpoint on the Israel wall is a moderate one. But that's my belief and probably what a lot of moderates would be in line with (conjecture). Where as I can be swayed to one side or the other, sadly, you cannot. You're definitely too liberal to understand persuasion other than you attempting to persuade others to yours. Ergo, right back at you: give us a break, will ya?
  13. I'm on the fence, JackY. Anyone else? If Kerry develops a stance, a platform that I agree with, I will vote for him. As it stands now I will not vote for him simply to vote against Bush. That is, I'd rather vote for neither. Kerry needs to tell me more about his intentions first and not straddle the issues, not simply tell me that Bush sucks. Telling me Bush sucks in the present isn't going to do anything for 2005-2008 (the next political term). I know what Bush is all about. I don't know what Kerry is all about other than he's not about Bush.
  14. Squid, Marylou, et al, If Michael Moore is so morally correct and truly trying to save the world (aren't we all according to our own beliefs?), do you think if he ran for political office he would be elected? Would you liberals be all Gung-ho for the guy? In my estimation he is no politician. He's a business man that uses shock value to make money. Does he take $500,000 per year of the money he makes and donate it to help feed the starving in Africa? Should he have to? What does he do with all his money? Like I said in my previous post, no one is so pure that they aren't to some degree a hypocrite. This is America, this is reality, this is humanity: we have all got to look out for number one first...unless you're a hero sacrificing your life for the good of the many. And, even if you liked what he had to say at the Oscars, it was still not the right place to get on a soapbox. Be gracious, accept your award, thank whoever helped you, and exit. The political statements have nothing to do with Academy Awards, nothing whatsoever. If you went to a baseball game, would you want them to stop the game for a minute so the stadium announcer could grab a microphone and air his political opinion just because he had the technology to do so. To you people, everything's okay as long as what is said jives with your own opinions. You're willing to accept that the medium was the wrong one for the sake of getting your everlasting message out. Also, it means nothing to me that Moore is from Podunk, MI. He could be from anywhere. If you admire a man for where he comes from not who he is or what he has done, you need to try and be more profound.
  15. You know we're all hypocrites when you factor in everything that we do and say and are and aspire to. None of us is so pure that he has two firm legs to stand on in his principles (the Amish notwithstanding; but I'd venture to say none of us are Amish). The point is that none of us can ever be wholly right or wholly wrong. We grasp at belief, belief in what is true. We don't grasp at truth. Josh: snopes is not to be taken as gospel. Sure, it's fun and stuff. But woe is he who reads entries on that website and believes everything he reads. rbw1966: you said don't think for a minute that you support Michael Moore. So you don't support Michael Moore (at least not fully). But do you know why? Your answer(s) will be neither here nor there. They will be based on your belief of what is true and what is not true. Unless, of course, you merely don't support him because he's a fat slobby looking dork or because he makes six to eight figures per year and you don't. Why do I think Michael Moore is full of shit? I think he's full of shit because he's always rubbing me the wrong way. I liked Roger and Me but I was more naive back then. I think he's full of shit because he lacks respectable behavior when he should show it (e.g., political grandstanding at the Oscars where said activities are unnecessary and unwarranted). I think he's full of shit for a lot of the reasons Harpell has elaborated on. He strikes me as a guy who spins/edits information to make a point. He is the master of taking things out of context. There. There is your moderate viewpoint. Thank you. Thank you very much. Klenke has left the building.
  16. They're both worse. It's like having to choose between two stalls in a public bathroom where neither of the previous users flushed their shit down. Both stink. And both are hard to deal with. You wind up going to a third reliable source...you pucker up and go home...and shit in your own toilet.
  17. Ryland said, "If [Moore] continues to do this, he will lose credit and people cannot take his word at face value, which before I had no problem doing." He's already full of shit as far as I'm concerned. Clutching at straws. People will believe anything these days. There's no such thing as fact or fiction anymore, only spin. Round and round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows.
  18. Love lorn [squid] So tell me about Aurora, Squid. Excerpt: "ANCHORAGE, Alaska - It looks like [squid] is in love. After meeting the very fetching and slightly younger Aurora, he changed color and his eight arms became intertwined with hers. Then, the two retreated to a secluded corner to get to know each other better. We're talking about giant Pacific [squids] here. "Aquarists at the Alaska SeaLife Center introduced the 3_-year-old [squid] to Aurora on Tuesday morning. The two really hit it off. Spermatophores were seen hanging from [squid's] siphon. "'We really were not sure he had it in him,' SeaLife Center aquarium curator Richard Hocking said Wednesday. "Love almost passed [squid] by . At 3_ years of age and _52 pounds, he's reaching the end of the line for his species, the largest [cephalopods] in the world. [squid] is in a period of decline that occurs before [squids] die. His skin is eroding. His suckers have divots. "'He's not as strong as he used to be,' said aquarist Deanna Trobaugh. "With so little time left, [squid] wasn't going to let the sweet Aurora slip through his eight [squid] arms. While she had to make the first move, he caught on quickly , especially for a [squid] who was collected on a beach near Seldovia in 1999 when he was about the size of a quarter and has lived the bachelor life since." Click the above link for more sordid details. ...
  19. Gee, the :-) is soooo yesterday. Slothrop will not be too agreeable with this passage from the article: "Keyboard manufacturers, however, anticipated the move and have already begun shipping keyboards with the quartercolon instead of the back tick, which no one uses anyway."
  20. Interesting. I was telling the guys the total gain for the day was 6,100 ft (but I wasn't accounting for the ups and downs on the approach trail and other little things like that). Plus, we didn't go all the way down to the base of that south-trending spur ridge halfway between Argo and Colch. Instead we went up that little couloir on the spur ridge that's visible in the extreme bottom-right corner of the image below. That saved us about 300-400 ft of loss. Of course, if you were following our tracks, I'm guessing you went up that little couloir too. It sure felt like 7,400 ft, though, especially after losing the trail for a spell coming down from the lake.
  21. russ, you missed the joke. I is a dumbass with writing dates. How much of our tracks were still visible a week later on the upper snowfield and on the traverse to Colchuck?
  22. That sounds too erudite for a man who's suppose to be on vicadin.
  23. Here you go. You want one? Press me hard. Question is, though, is it proof?
  24. I think if you're a dumbass like me and don't strap down the tent correctly on your pack and you lose it then you pay for it. I guess whether you or I ask for repayment for things lost that belong to us depends on our personalities...and how expensive the item lost was. I'm not going to pester someone to pay me back for a lost 'biner; but a $200 tent, probably.
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