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Everything posted by klenke

  1. What Blake said. The Cascade Crest from a hydrology point of view is the thick red line down the middle as seen here. Albeit, in terms of meteorology and its influence on climbing plans, the meteorlogic crest is not necessarily equivalent to the hydrologic crest. For example, up north, I'd be more apt to define the meteorlogic crest as extending directly up Ross Lake where as the true hydrologic crest is roughly 12 miles east of the lake. I've noted in the past how Mt. Goode seems to demarcate the fuzzy barrier between crap weather to the west and nicer weather to the east. Also, the foul Puget Sound weather often extends a little beyond (east of) Snoqualmie and Stevens passes.
  2. klenke

    Peeve thread

    So far I see most people are peeved with traffic asshats and the asinine things they do. No surprise here. What I want to hear about are those little things that annoy the crap out of us. Here are another two: 7. Plastic Shower Curtains: why in the #$@*& can't these curtain manufacturers reinforce the holes at the top enough so that the weight and wear and tear don't eventually pull the rings (usually the end rings) through the plastic? Maybe they make them like this on purpose as an orchestrated plan to get us to buy more shower curtains. 8. What in the $%#@ was the Microsoft programmer on the day he/she decided to make Control-Y the shortcut for the repeat function in Word? I mean, a shortcut is supposed to be an easier alternative to the pull-down route at the top of the screen--especially for something like the repeat function where rapid utilization of said function is commonplace. Yet, look at Control and Y on your keyboard. Can the two keys be farther away from each other? Can it be any more awkward to type?
  3. klenke

    Mini Deathmobile!

    Looks like a suped up golf cart to me. Nothing more.
  4. Avy danger? What avy danger? There is no avy danger in Klenke's element. You've just got to lower your elevation expectations and stick to the brushy sub-peaks. That's what I'll be doing this weekend...until/if I make yet another attempt at that pesky Cashmere Mountain on Sunday.
  5. My parents grow corn. Seems like every time I go down there my mother tries to foist on me a ziplock bag of 5 ears of frozen Klenke corn. It's good 'n all but at some point I just have to draw the kernel row and say no. Otherwise my freezer will become full of the stuff. I know it's easy to cook but I can't seem to eat it fast enough.
  6. klenke

    Peeve thread

    Related to your second entry, Marylou: 5. People who carry on a conversation in the middle of a hallway and don't make an effort to clear a path when you approach. Hallways are for walking; they're not conference halls. 6. People who throw lit cigarette butts out the window of their car while driving--especially at night.
  7. klenke

    Peeve thread

    Touche. Yeah, I suck at cooking toast. I move the toaster underneath my stove's hood but even then the detector sometimes goes off. 4. I hate the way an old bar of soap breaks in two while I'm using it on the body in the shower. Invariably, one half gets dropped. I hate bending over to pick things up while in the shower. [No, don't even go there. I know what you're thinking.]
  8. klenke

    Peeve thread

    Okay, so I've been thinking about starting this thread for a while cuz I'm curious about other little things people notice that mildly irritate them. This is a thread about peeves (pet or otherwise). Let's hear 'em. Here are some of mine: 1. Why is it every apartment I live in puts the smoke detector real close above the stove or near the kitchen? I can't seem to make toast w/o setting it off. 2. I get mildly annoyed when I am spreading mayo on a slice of bread and the mayo glob gets scraped into a divot in the slice. I pick it out of there and re-smear. Yes, I have a problem. 3. Sealed transparent plastic cases for electronic equipment, etc. Why on earth do they make it so difficult to get it open? Example: I got some Motorola walkee talkees for my birthday. I practically had to take a chainsaw to the package to get it open.
  9. Today, on my daily run through this website I saw: 1. This stupid thread.
  10. You're starting to sound like catbirdseat, Josh. BushCo screwed you. Get over it.
  11. Huh? Don't reveal to us your dreams, chucK.
  12. In today's Seattle Times. Reenactment courtesy of Devericks:
  13. One I remember: the classic "Pulp Friction."
  14. Uh, because 4 years ago he was running for President. You don't want to come off like that as a candidate for President. Look what happened to the "good doctor" Dean. Aaaaaaaaghhhuuhhaaaa! It's no surprise what you can say or how you can say it when you're not in public office. Did Gore get paid for that tirade? Maybe he got paid by the decibel.
  15. If the vertical drop of the gully was 3,000 ft, then the only way the terrain distance could have been almost two miles (10,000 feet) is if the angle of the slope was 18 degrees. That's not improbable. It would be a shallow angled gully for climbing purposes but still pretty steep for rescue lowering. It is certainly a gaffe, though. Where would enough rope come from to make a two-mile long combination? You'd need something like 30 100m ropes tied together to make a two-mile long combination. 30 is a lot of ropes to be lugging up the mountain just for a rescue of one man.
  16. klenke

    PC gone to far...

    Well, that happened too.
  17. The point at which the photo was taken looking up at Goode is wherever that sliver of lake is that shows in the top photo. You can see the same concave-up ridge on the west side of the lake in both shots. Also, I think you are right in the sense that that dark mass between McGregor and the lake sliver is Round Mountain. And thus, more of the lake extends toward Stehekin and McGregor than can be seen in the photo. Ergo, the sliver of lake visible is the section immediately south of Round Mountain and east of Lucerne. You are right that Goode can't be seen from near Stehekin. When I mentioned earlier that the photo was taken from not too far out from Stehekin Landing, I was incorrect. I know it was taken on the return down-lake not too long after leaving a dock. It must have been the Lucerne dock I was remembering, thinking it was the Stehekin one. And this is obvious now, for if it truly were taken from near Stehekin you'd see signs of civilization on that near shore on the right. All this is further proved by the second shot of yours above looking down-lake from McGregor. Doh!
  18. Josh is softcore. A hardcore climber would have schlepped his skis over the whole traverse anyway...despite not being able to use them. Yep, time to put the skis away. Come on. You can do it. Just open the closet and throw them in. June's almost here.
  19. Like Lowell said, most of the difficult stuff is on the north side of the NE Ridge. The easier stuff down low is on the crest or maybe left of it. At this time of year I am almost certain you'll encounter snow on the north side of the ridge. It's not that it would be impossible, just that you will be using your ice axe more. The steepest pitches are probably snowfree but there is other intermediate terrain that will be holding snow. I've seen a picture where someone is climbing past a big snow block on the crest. An old cornice maybe? All in all, I'd wait to do this climb later in the summer when you can enjoy the aesthetics of doing it with rock shoes as a rock climb where you will not be encumbered by snow whales on ledges, etc.
  20. Blake, you said: "Hey Klenke, I don't think that Goode is visible in your picture that is looking from Lake Chelan up the valley. I'm 90% sure that you are seeing Booker/Buckner/Librarians' ridge leading to the McGregor summit." You are 100% wrong. That is definitely the top of Mt. Goode showing in the bottom picture here. Compare the mountain's form with this picture taken from the south (from Saska Peak). It stands to reason that if you can see Lake Chelan from Mt. Goode then you can see Goode from Lake Chelan. Simple logic. You can't see Goode for very long on the ferry boat. You maybe have 10 minutes to view it before nearfield mountains obscure it.
  21. I went to Kent Meridian high school for half of 10th grade. All I can say is Kentwood always seemed to beat Kent Meridian in all sports. If you get the job there, you'll definitely hear a lot of reference to KW, KM, and KR. Now there's a fourth high school over there. I can't remember the name of it but it also has call letters. Make sure you know your call letters for the interview; that'll really impress them. KR = Kentridge High School.
  22. Two totally noir French comedies starring a young Gerard Depardieu that I found quite funny: Get out your Handkerchiefs (1978). Oscar winner for best foreign film. Outrageous theme and plot. Buffet Froid (1979) about hapless murderers. A total hoot this movie. Other good comedies: The Horse's Mouth starring Alec Guiness (1956-British) Jour de Fete (1949-French) about a bicycle postman who tries to modernize delivery but with slapstick results. Very Buster Keaton like. Go Tell the Spartans (1978) starring Burt Lancaster. Comedy-drama about the insanities of the beginning of the Vietnam war. There are always others I could recommend but these are a good start.
  23. Plenty of D-tail fotos are available on summitpost. You could try there (click me).
  24. Not sure. I haven't checked into snow levels and trail conditions yet but I am seriously thinking of heading up the Andrews Creek Trail to climb Remmel Mountain and Andrew Peak in the very near future. I think the trailhead for that is 2,400 ft or so and the place where I'd leave the trail is maybe 5,500 ft. Remmel is 8,600+ ft and Andrew is 8,300+ ft. Robinson Mountain would be doable in a day from the low trailhead (c. 2,200 ft). You could ski the bowl on its east that curls back around to the south then west. This is the bowl between Robinson and Beauty Peak. Also, I imagine Big and West Craggy peaks would be accessible by now. Probably not as much skiable terrain as Robinson but still some pretty high peaks. There are other peaks not too far from the main roads (Eightmile Road and Chewuch Road) that are accessible (e.g. Setting Sun Mountain). Heck, you could look at a gazetteer and pick a peak and have a go with a reasonable chance at success. If you're not necessarily talking about skiable terrain, then your opportunities would be about the same but the travel mode and speed would be different.
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