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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I think an "accident reports" forum would be a good idea. Of course there would be misinformation and spray and sillyness but that's the nature of the site.
  2. Screen flickers with text Spray flows from wicked fingers Trask is a poet
  3. Hallelujah. But Bush has painted himself into a corner with all the big talk. How can he get out of it without a war and without losing face?
  4. Any opinions on what ascender might work well for self-belayed top-roping?
  5. Either one beats Descent: the freshiezone. Sounds like the name of a poor sequel But I meant just Freshiez. After all that's what all the ski posts are about - except for the ones that are about lack of...
  6. Somebody change the forum name to Freshiez ASAP, fer crying out loud.
  7. Sometimes this site just devolves into entirely too much climbing-related shit.
  8. No worries. After all name calling is a time-honored tradition of the site
  9. Alrighty, we'll agree on the following: - There are serious problems in the middle east - War is not going to solve them Then I will also agree with you that basic human rights are denied to many in the middle east, particularly women. But beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Our western ideals and notions of human rights are not generally accepted in the middle east. If middle eastern men do not agree with you and me, then the only way for us to bring what we perceive to be basic human rights to middle eastern women is through war and subsequent oppression. The dilemma is that while some people in the middle east are certain to want to adopt western ideals, a lot of other people in the middle east have problems with western meddling. Of course that includes a lot of the women - after all it's their men you'll be bombing. By the way, the basis of our perceived violations of human rights is the Islamic faith as adhered to in certain regions. So what you are saying is that you don't understand how large numbers of Saudis, Kuwaitis, etc., can consider themselves to be human beings. If you're hell-bent on heading over there to help them out, is this the right attitude? Relax dude. No need for name-calling. It's not like I have any less naive ideas for "solving" the problem myself. My favorite approach would be to get rid of the reliance on oil. This would be possible if we could figure out viable alternate energy sources, which seems to be within scientific reach but possibly not within social, economic or political reach. The net effect of a successful move away from oil would be a huge reduction in the influx of western money into many of the Arab states. I don't think the oil money is doing much good for the people you want to help over there, do you? Have fun picking my idea apart if you want.
  10. Ah yes, the cc.com equivalent to eternal damnation.
  12. Fleece is OK since it's made of pure used bottles, right? Smartwool though, they use a wool-nylon blend I think... that's eternal damnation for you right there.
  13. The burliest PNW ice routes I only ever saw photos of are in Oregon. Ask Wayne, he'll be happy to share.
  14. You're right, because that is one of the tenets of Christianity: to spread the Gospel. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing (unless, taken to the extreme "believe my way or die" as in the Inquisitions). i was reading one of ther responses to dr. laura online somewhere, and it notes that a section of the bible saying that homosexuality is an abomination, also says that eating shellfish is an abomination, and wearing clothing made of mixed fabrics is an abomination. any bible scholars out there confirm or deny this??? like to see some xtians head for ivars and preach to the sinners there abominating themselves with the clam chowder. Leave my Schoeller out of this! (Lock it baby, you know you want to )
  15. At the risk of creeping the thread (boy what a shame), what are you up to these days big guy? Two years of school, huh? So no running into you in the Icicle and bumming your campsite these days? Are you doing that special forces-medic thing you told Geek and I about? Actually, I'm almost certain that you said something slightly different, but bear with me, I have the attention span of a gnat and my memory is even worse
  16. That's amazingly naive Glacierdog. Read the German history of the 20's and 30's for an example of a reasonable reaction with entirely undesirable effects. If you're hungry for more after you're done with that you might browse through middle-eastern history, say the last 5000 years or so. Don't bother with the details, just focus on the big picture... Then, considering that the region has been fucked up the entire five millennia (yup, that's the big picture), ask yourself how one little war now could fix things?
  17. Err... I think the idea is that Iraq might have the wherewithal to make the weapons, but might not succeed in keeping them safe, e.g. some might be lost and might turn up later, elsewhere. Of course that creates a tricky situation if you can't figure out any of the might and might-nots, and even if you could trace to the origin it might be hard to prove intent. So who do you nuke? Iraqi civilians? French farmers perhaps? I mean, at least the latter group burns McDonalds shops.
  18. Blech indeed. Ker-pflooey even. That rainbow thing is hard isn't it! The only way I have seen it done is with a match on the 3rd and what looked like a running jump into a dyno to the 4th Actually, a big part of it is to find the right little nubbins and pockets for the feet, while hanging on to the 3rd for dear life. Your mileage will vary with your wingspan, of course. Strong fingers to you chucK You can do it, you know you can! Just mime the sequence for awhile, think of Dwayner, and it will go for sure.
  19. DMM makes a nice fluke with a metal sleeve protecting the top so it won't get as banged up. That said, I have yet to use mine. I have two New Zealand-style pickets as well and the last couple of times I used them it was just for show. They probably wouldn't even have held body weight. Pickets are cool though because if you really need to you can bury them as deadmen and work-harden the snow, which is slow but reasonably secure.
  20. Wouldn't it be more like a miniature security risk?
  21. Maybe you should take up miniature war gaming? Just think of all the fun you could have!
  22. I've never heard of people dressing up in puppet costumes for protests before. Sounds funny. Maybe it's an American thing? Bringing kids along is easier to understand, since protests in civilized areas are usually peaceful and baby sitters can be hard to come by. Then of course there is the French farmers form of protest, dump some manure and burn a McDonalds, heh. Bet there are no puppets or kids along for those.
  23. What do you mean hopefully they work soon, isn't that a pun on the bridge maintenance thing
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