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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I have a set of costalots, .3 to 3.5, and I badly want a second set of Metolius or DMMs. The bigger camalots are so frigging heavy it makes me want to train like a Russian avatar just to be able to lug them around. The .5, .75 and #1 have been good to me though, they make up the cam selection on my alpine rack.
  2. I was only kidding. See you there.
  3. Good deal Matt! Sounds awesome. I should go practice some, I'd like to ski that some day
  4. Battle won, war not over
  5. Quick, somebody change the venue bwahahahaha
  6. I had no problem filing for myself and my wife last night. One free cam, in the mail
  7. Hey, the reports are fun, the arguing is fun, the only thing that isn't fun is if people are rubbed the wrong way and then stop all that good fun... I don't remember if I said this already but reading about Layton and Matt's Big Four trip was really cool - up there with Colin and Marko's Johannesburg extravaganza because of the cornice tunneling methinks.
  8. fleblebleb

    One more hour

    Get your free $20
  9. Classical music and Chinese water torture definitely go hand in hand, methinks. Can't abide the one, can't abide the other.
  10. fleblebleb


    What, aren't we giving Beck credit for starting pub club? Not so bad
  11. Bah. The only thing that defines the skier is the skiing. After all, you can parallel ski on modern tele gear just fine.
  12. fleblebleb


    The word you're looking for is "asswipe"
  13. fleblebleb

    Cascade Joe

    No I don't. Yes you do.
  14. You go girl Try to get some climbing in between expanding the krawl guidebook willyah
  15. What are you trying to do give people nightmares? Naughty
  16. Lots of not-so-consolidated snow last Saturday, and little ice to speak of except there was a nice little curtain at the top of the first pitch that took a stubby. There is a fixed pin in a rock outcropping out on the snowslope above and a good stopper placement right next to it, for a decent anchor. Leading the second pitch was tools driven spike first sometimes to halfway up my upper arm for a one ropelength runout, exactly like Jim's book says - except a whole lot nastier than the picture of Kit Lewis with the nice firm snow. The final two pitches have lots of trees and rock pro, they're no problem. There was much less ice than I expected - unblunting my picks took a little while yesterday. We used 1 screw, 1 #1 costalot, 1 knifeblade, 2 stoppers and 1 picket, plus slings on the trees of course. We could have left all this stuff en route and still had a decent rack on the summit. Oh well. Beautiful day to be out, I'd have killed for a pair of skis once done with the rap down the little gulley.
  17. Huh, Dru can make jokes about Allison screwing? Hey, how about having pub club at the Snix in the U District in the second week of April?
  18. Yeah, like, did you run into any of these pesky Canyucks? Sounds like awesome climbing Dave!
  19. It's Pope and Dwayner. Get your context right.
  20. Try a 4-season tent with more space at a little over half the weight. Get them at Jim's.
  21. Bah, semantics Happy bday! Sorry I didn't show, but I got some fun climbing in Saturday (2:45 alarm, ugh)
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