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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Never mind where TLG is, fern is here, just fight with her instead! Should be just as entertaining! Come on get to it Or if that doesn't work maybe try AlpineK, somehow he had quite the catfight with Kaia the other day.
  2. Damn those Mac users! 400000000000000000 Hz! That's one hell of a power book
  3. What if the drain pipe were bolted to the wall Dwayner? Never know when you're joking btw
  4. Hey Dave! I talked to Wayne on the phone and when he mentioned that you didn't bring any screws I thought I had misheard I didn't realize you also had only one rope. guys The real question is, when did Wayne realize the screws were at home...?
  5. Wayne, Dave... that's some awesome shit Congrats on getting up and down in one piece - or two as it were
  6. That's funny Minx No need for the birdie though, the feeling of smug satisfaction as you ran past the mule train should have been enough. I wonder what they had in the packs that would have helped you if your safety had been compromised... Sorry about the thread creep.
  7. You didn't really mean "The love of America and guns, the hatred of liberal socialism, hot women, and strong drink" or did you? 'Cause we all know you're into the gun part
  8. Allison do you really think people won't be able to get in there?
  9. fleblebleb

    Another shrubby

    Yawn Fairweather. Not bothering to pay for the accounting is merely an application of the same principle that underlies unlimited local calling - local calls are too cheap to warrant costlier billing schemes, therefore there is no profit in it. By the same token, flat-rate unlimited long-distance calling plans are here already - billing costs several dimes a dollar anyway. So should I shoot for a job at a telco maybe? No, wait! I'll run for government and de-privatize the phone companies! Free calls for everyone! Maybe I'll shoot for some economies of scale while I'm at it, expand the school lunch program to college students and government employees or something like that, bwahahahah! Where do you work Fairweather? No free lunch for you...
  10. fleblebleb

    Another shrubby

    I agree with Ray, I think if you're going to have a school lunch program then it should be open to everyone. Greater accountability in the present scheme of things may sound great but I would not be surprised if it resulted in a more expensive lunch program in the long run. Somebody has to pay for all that auditing. Spending money on auditing instead of free lunch doesn't sound that great to me.
  11. Anybody interested in climbing the west ridge of Sherpa and getting a good look at the descent route on Stuart while we're at it? The forecast is good. 2 or 3 days, don't really mind. Wed-Thu would be ideal. Send me a PM if interested.
  12. Actually, I think Ray made the Beckey account to post something for Fred. It was probably the announcement about the new edition of the green book, and the request for beta on new routes, changing access, etc. - can't quite remember.
  13. Which iliotibical band stretches do you guys do? My quads are far stronger than my hamstrings due to a series of hamstring injuries in senior highschool and junior college, and I have a slight but chronic IT band problem in my right knee.
  14. Just think of all the new products that will pop up when the backpacking industry figures this out. I'd make a list, but I'm eating.
  15. Dammit who changed the spelling?
  16. Whoooooo-hooooooooo, the wazzup gremlin is baaaaack! :wazzup: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  17. Mushy snow on wet rock? Just a guess.
  18. It's strong crypto with keys embedded in hardware. The 16 year old from Norway had a somewhat easier time because a software DVD player vendor embedded the unencrypted keys in software (oops). As far as I know all he did was download the binary, extract the keys and include them in his own code. The attitude of "who cares, they'll never get the engineering right" only leads to sitting on our asses while the technology and the legal aspects get ironed out. Intel has a history of getting the engineering right, and Microsoft does too - you can complain about bugs in Microsoft software but there is no real incentive for them to write bug-free software. There is an incentive to maintain a healthy market for new versions and updates though. Some fun reading for you, courtesy of Stallman and others - 1, 2, 3
  19. Yeah, right, people are going to stand for this. I hope. Actually, the real entertainment comes out of contemplating how people would react if the government proposed to put a backdoor on every processor, and comparing that with the apparent reaction to the equivalent proposal by Microsoft, Intel, the RIAA, etc. Fun stuff.
  20. I got one of those once, looked a little bit different but mostly the same. It was sent to an account I don't like messing around with, otherwise I would have replied and tried to figure out what the sender was after. I bet it's something like, get a dialogue going, then going for your wallet or your card number. Entertaining stuff.
  21. On a related note, climbing around Alpental is about as much fun as reclining in a mudslide right now.
  22. How come the Brits don't deserve every bit as much credit for defeating the Nazis as the US and the Soviets do? If the Brits had capitulated or Britain had been overrun in '40-'41 then the nearest entry points to Europe from the west would have been Iceland and sub-Saharan Africa, neither of which is a very tenable option. Then Hitler would have been free to duke it out with Stalin on one front, with three possible outcomes - a Nazi Eurasia, a Communist Eurasia, or a stalemate and something like an even split between Hitler, Stalin and Mao. None of these options sound all that great to me. In any case the US and the Aussies would have been isolated as the only democratic nations left in the world. It's not so clear that the Japanese would have been defeated then - instead there would have been a possibility of Australian and South-American wars. Without the sheer stubbornness of the Brits the US would not have been able to save democracy in Europe - just like the Brits would eventually have been overrun without the help of the US. In the aftermath the US might not have been able to save itself from the Japanese. So Ray, how about giving Ade a big hug eh?
  23. I wouldn't wish our snow upon anyone. I thought it was bad when I went out two weeks ago but last weekend it was worse and this weekend really topped off, or bottomed out I should say. What misery. I wonder what it's like up higher... Anybody got any good ideas for places where the pineapple express brings good climbing conditions? Within ca. 3 hours from Seattle?
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