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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Ah, clever! Try banning catbirdeat and see if either thelawgoddess comes back or Dalius gets all uppity!
  2. If only that clown had fangs, or at least pointy teeth, but you'd only see them say every 1 time out of 20 bwahahahaha
  3. Nope, I'll vouch for Dalius. I met him at Pub Club. Don't go spreading vicious rumors. Dalius is not DFA. That sounds disturbingly like somebody else. Has anybody met this catbirdeat character in person? Other than DFA, err, Dalius that is... Maybe catbirdseat is actually thelawgoddess? OHMYGOD!!! They've never been around at the same time have they...?
  4. I have come to realize this bulletin board is actually... aid. I just don't know what for, yet.
  5. Ah, yes, the agony of all the local sprayers over insensitive caricatures is almost too much to bear. Lay off of everybody's favorite hardest climbing Russian avatar! You're just jealous your Pi avatar isn't nearly as entertaining
  6. Well duh, are y'all stone blind now? Dalius is obviously DFA's avatar. Excellent disguise DFA!
  7. I am training everyday to become a below average climber though Milosh, but an above average beer drinker. What is your adult beverage of choice, vodka or aquavit? En av livets smaa glæder Good stuff, but Danish. No laying traps for the strongest Russian climber!
  8. Ach ja, comeback of the strongest russian avatar! Whoo-hoo
  9. Classic - complain about wasting too much time on this board, then use it to ask for help for a crossword puzzle
  10. And don't even get me started on their piece-of-shit record-breakingly useless website. I figure all that uselessness was so expensive that they just have to run the highest prices in the industry.
  11. Heeheehee Is Daisy Allison? I say she should just ban that Jon fellow, whoever that is. He gets all rowdy at times.
  12. Heh, you couldn't restrain yourself could you Dru? Harvey Manning wrote a fun article about the Ptarmigans that you should be able to find in the Mounties library - it's in the '58 annual. Blah, blah blah, yada yada, yada yada, blah There, good deed of the day looking up old roast fowl threads for Daisy
  13. Sloop! Anybody coming from the downtown/Capitol Hill/Eastlake/U District/Montlake area? PM if you can give me a ride. I'm quite friendly, almost all the time.
  14. Perhaps if you offer to buy him a glass of water?
  15. Great weather today. At least I got to enjoy it at the UW rock. Met Charlie and NbyNW, guys. And of course the regulars, Coach and his royal court.
  16. fleblebleb

    I'm lost.

  17. Can't imagine anyone would be that attentive while watching the X-man
  18. I got a copy too, I think it's cool. More content in one of those than 2-3 R&I issues - I think it's a better value, as in, $ per hour spent reading.
  19. Because it changes the rock, yada. Matt, you're right, Spanker and I didn't quite write what we intended (or at least I didn't - but I'm pretty sure the same goes for Geoff). I think posting about having to nail a clean route because I realized I couldn't get down otherwise, because I misjudged the conditions, is kind of like posting about having to get a helicopter rescue. The tone ought to be more like, here's my mistake (heading up in a storm) and here are the results (nailing a clean route) so don't do what I did. I didn't mean to chew Collins out at all - unfortunately the nature of the medium is to eliminate a lot of the subtle signals that may be all that distinguishes a friendly conversation from a hostile argument. Hey, to you Collins, at least you didn't have to have your frozen ass dragged off the cliff, and you didn't make the evening news either. Brew to you too Matt
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