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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Hnng Trask, it's the bigger (fine, even bigger) picture that's the scary part.
  2. Man, I hope you get rid of both of them eventually!
  3. Hmm, I foresee fern-climbing jokes and vicious retaliation.
  4. What are we educating Tom now? Isn't that a little condescending? China in Taiwan, around the new year, eh Allison?
  5. Boy, you really put value on education. I have heard of arrogant academics but this is something else! You must be really upset about decreased educational spending, war budget or no. But then again you're not talking about that kind of education are you? I mean, the vast majority of protesters I have seen are UW students, hundreds just today, and quite a few of them waving the no-war-for-oil signs. Maybe they deserve a little condescension, or a lot, since they haven't completed their degrees yet? Hmm, unfortunately that doesn't fly though, because the perceived general opinion in academia is not exactly pro-war, not exactly pro-Bush. So, you're hardly talking about academic education. Which puts me back where I started, I can't seem to figure out what you mean by educated other than people who agree with me. Did you meet an educated person that disagrees with the war yet? What kind of education are we talking about? Since you're going to dispute any dissenting opinion with facts, presumably ones previously unknown to the dissenter, I guess I have to conclude that it appears you consider it impossible to be well informed yet against the war.
  6. O ya what cleverness that would be
  7. Read my bit about uneducated folks asserting their opinions on this matter. Uneducated, that's rich. Rephrase: Read my bit about people who don't agree with me asserting their opinions about this matter.
  8. "Little evil bush" - I rapped from it on Cutthroat.
  9. Simply can't imagine trask having nothing to talk about. Can't you see it? Trask shows up to pub club, everybody talks climbing, trask goes YOU COMMIE TRAITORS and suddenly it's all educated politics chat
  10. <insert white noise here>
  11. Actually, France is hardly taking a peaceful stance. On the contrary - which one do you think takes the bigger balls, to go up against Iraq or the US?
  12. Ah-ha! The plot thickens
  13. Ah, you taunt me openly now.
  14. Yes, I think they would. Don't you? Oh really. So you're saying that just because we're mad that Osama Bin Laden went and killed a bunch of Americans, we're allowed to go kill whoever we want? Really? Oh, I forgot, this is America, we can do whatever the hell we please. It's our god given right, right up there with cheap gas. ScottP, I was just commenting on VeggyBelay's poster stating basically something like "Move over you liberals, We'll protect America". It seemed that VeggyBelay was talking about protecting america from some attacker, that being Iraq. My only argument was that Iraq never attacked us, it was Bin Laden, and there is absolutely no connection between the two. Therefore, we can't justify using 9/11 and our emotional trauma for going and attacking Iraq. That is totally weak and lame.These are two totally seperate issues (Osama and Iraq) and should stay that way. There has never been a shred of proof that there is any link between the two, but our president and the media has done a really great job convincing the American public that there actually is!!! For some reason, nobody seems to be able to come up with any proof. Personally, I think the pres. is super embarrased that he couldn't find Osama and doesn't want to look like more of an ass, so he's drummed up some mystery evidence to link Osama to Saddam and is now using that to rally the American people to support the war in Iraq. It's worked on some people, but there are lots others, including me, that think it's bull and are still waiting for this convincing evidence. It's probably just as good as those forged documents that the US was trying to use as proof that Saddam was building nukes. Remember that? Seems to have gotten swept under the rug rather quickly eh? It's just sad that our government is so full of fucking lies and deceit and so many fucking minions walk around happy being fed this shit. Yikes, can't figure out whether it's DFA or MtnGoat.
  15. That's more like it! Besides, how do you know I'm not iain?
  16. Bah I can't really play this game. Can't get rid of this darn capitalization-and-punctualization reflex. Maybe if I have lots of and ?
  17. None! Whoo-hoo! You guys are so OWNED!
  18. Just figured I'd see how many posts the dinos would get in between my back to back ones
  19. Sheesh, I was right on the money there really is only one of them, with a mirror and a keyboard
  20. Oh come on just ban it and solve the problem already
  21. Except when you least expect it! How can you be sure?
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