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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. it never hurts to keep your valuables with you at all times.
  2. so what time should we all show up?
  3. i really think verizon has the best coverage - mountains or no. right now i have two cell phones - at&t and verizon. i got verizon for my move to telluride because at&t was worthless there. the verizon service is way better ... but is also quite a bit more expensive for the type of plan i need.
  4. maybe that's the new standard in today's driving courses.
  5. if anybody has a small phone they don't use anymore that they're willing to donate or sell for cheap send me a pm. my tdma nokia's a bit outdated and i want to switch to gsm so i can take advantage of a better plan. thanks!
  6. from valhalla pure, thank you very much.
  7. i just bought a pair of nice blue lexan wine "glasses" ...
  8. you staying more than one day this time? finishing up that route finally?
  9. sweet. paco's got PINK shoes now! do i hear a squamish pub club coming on???
  10. yeah, that kitty is cute! MEOW!!!
  11. to what extent depends on the activity and the people, but for the most part - yes. not that i am, but i often strive to be. cool question, by the way.
  12. what days do you need a sitter? and whereabouts are the dogs living?
  13. sweet! glad you had a happy father's day!
  14. the july 2004 issue of Climbing
  15. that was a pretty funny thread. have fun pulling on big pebbles!
  16. cool. i didn't know there was any spelunking around - not that i've ever inquired that thoroughly. sounds like an interesting experience!
  17. seems to be quite some "careful" wording in there. i wonder what you have to agree to when you sign up for the service.
  18. the flashed website lists their address as being in calgary.
  19. thanks for the info. my domain name host won't host my site (without me paying more money) but they do give me mad web/pop mail so i don't want to change my domain name host. sometimes i get lost in the techie lingo so i wanted to make sure about the ip address "stuff". thanks again!
  20. i rarely get spam in my yahoo account. my hotmail account, on the other hand, is full of it.
  21. sweet ...
  22. i am shy and i rarely talk to guys in bars. in fact, i rarely go to bars, but one night i went to a ski move after party at some bar downtown. right before i left this guy came up and started talking to me. my friend made us exchange contact into, and when he saw my email address, he mentioned this website that he sometimes goes on to check route conditions ... well, about a week or so later (after i moved to colorado) i got a pm saying he didn't remember my "real" name but remembered my avatar. eventually the "internet dating" began. so ... the moral of the story is it DOES exist ... and i am now happily having cake ... and eating it too.
  23. hey do you actually use that "digital space" server? i could use a supercheap reliable host. i have a techie question. i have my domain name host already and don't want to change hosts because i like the free web-based mail i get with it. it looks like "digital space" requires you to have your domain name hosted by them ... is that correct?
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