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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. i learned how to ride a motorcycle - woohoo! i was really glad the rain held off and it turned out to be a nice autumn weekend! also saw the asylum street spankers saturday night and watched the 4th quarter of the seahawks game on tv yesterday. (glad they finally kicked that losing streak.)
  2. don't forget the helmet.
  3. there's really good skiing in colorado, but i personally wouldn't put breckenridge in my list of places to find it. the only draw i could see to living in summit county is if you need easy access to a big city for work.
  4. hey clivus, have you skied the norbert joos in much hard crud or icy conditions? just curious what you thought of the performance in those arenas ...
  5. i've never seen good prices at the expo. could be because they never have the stuff i'm looking for, though.
  6. i used the cloudveil ice floe for 19 days of water ice climbing in ouray/silverton/telluride last season and never really had a problem with them sopping. (perhaps it depends how much of the water ice you're climbing is actually ice? ) i'm not saying the gloves stayed perfectly dry but i didn't usually find the lack of waterproofness a huge issue for cragging and day climbs. i haven't had any luck finding warmer gloves that offer me the good fit and dexterity i want for this type of pursuit, though, so i definitely put up with more than i perhaps want to ...
  7. chains on your unimog??? yikes; watch out!!!
  8. didn't watch the whole thing but it sure looked sweet even from the city.
  9. snow sounds inviting but i'm learning to ride motorcycles this weekend - yeehaw! looking forward to the rain, too.
  10. sames as genepires - i have the cloudveil ice floe that i use most of the time and the bd dry tool for when it's really warm. (i think the cloudveil feels better overall; the dry tool is a little loose on me.) i also had a pair of bd fleece liner-type gloves that i would wear inbetween climbs. one time i forgot to switch back and climbed with them and was surprised how well they worked.
  11. melted out southwestern colorado mud also sucks. (literally!) i wanted to buy real linked chains for my car ... but "they" said no way; had to get those lame cable chains. i had to get a 4-wheel drive xterra pulled out of a ditch by a toyota pu once. that was sweet.
  12. you don't just go for the movie; you go for the good times and group stoke.
  13. when i got mine fitted in t-ride they actually used one of those little toaster ovens. came out quite nice and toasty! if you're doing anything like t1's, after toasting put liner on foot (can use a toe spacer) and use tape wrapped around ankle area to close tongue, then insert into boot. the tape seemed to be a great trick!
  14. thelawgoddess


    "... humanity took a giant step backward to survive." hmm ...
  15. not sure about thanksgiving. well, maybe the day after i could go for the weekend. but i'd need a partner, too. i'll have to see what happens between now and then before i make any plans, though. i definitely wanna go when you take your old roomie (mr. rr) out for his first time so sign me up for that one for sure.
  16. cool pics. purple snow rocks!
  17. see flyer here
  18. yeah, out of those things boots are the ones you'd like to be able to try on ... but also perhaps the biggest chunk of change without looking around for a deal. depending on what binding you want, they may be difficult to find deals on period. just decide what you really want first and start shopping around.
  19. no, i haven't, but i know someone that uses the raichle tongue in his AT boots for the ski and he's recommended that to me. his would be a bit big for my boot, though, but probably modifiable. i haven't looked into whether they make smaller ones and where to get ... but maybe that's my next step. anybody happen to know if these are available anywhere in/near seattle? or know of an online source? maybe i should call my local bootfitters?
  20. i think shop owners like jim nelson can be good resources for gear reviews. reviews are probably better taken if you respect the people giving them, and shop owners often know what's coming because the reps will not only bring it by their shop but give them the opportunity to demo it.
  21. k2 makes soom nice bags and stuff, too.
  22. you planning on doing more trips like that this winter?
  23. that sounds great ... but what about a fast-flying jet for those of us who have real jobs? people stuck in town should see the events forum for the nov. 6th "ice" comp at cascade crags ...
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