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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. hey marie, did any of them look like this? this curious guy was seen near colchuck lake saturday afternoon.
  2. always good to hear that people had a good time up there!
  3. lol. illustrious tr, photos notwithstanding. nice job!
  4. i still gotta get up there and try that route some day!
  5. sorry, fern; i didn't realize that was an issue. i guess it will be an ongoing one for some time, eh? sucks to be on the way to 2010. oh, well ...
  6. just go. i think you have enough sense and have picked up enough on what to watch out for to make intelligent choices for yourself. go, be cautious (just as you would in any other situation that has inherent risk), have a great time (since that's why we do this stuff anyway), and write us a tr and post some pics when you're done.
  7. it's not a matter of need. luckily i have easy access to getting myself spanked ... on or off the rock.
  8. trog, there aren't a whole lot of great moderate sport climbs in squamish, but ZOE is a fun single-pitch 5.10a over at murrin park. (pretty short walk from the parking lot.) as suggested above, i also highly recommend KLAHANIE CRACK as a must-do. long-ish hike but it's through nice woods and really a fun easy 5.7 hand crack. squamish has a multitude of nice moderate multi-pitch trad routes. maybe it's time to convert your partner to the more enjoyable side of climbing! i hope you have fun up there. that's where i learned to climb cracks and multi-pitch routes, and it is one of my favorite places in this world. also, if you can find someone to give you directions, go up north a little and do STAR CHEK - you drop over the side of the hwy and rap down to the chekamus river and climb back out. (i think it's about 3 pitches or so of up to 5.8 sport - i can't remember for sure.) highly recommended on a hot day!
  9. you suck! and you better bring back a good tr and some fancy pics or we won't forgive you ...
  10. are you looking for someone who wants to exchange spankings, or are you just looking to get yourself spanked?
  11. thanks for the pic. that's more than i was hoping for at this time but my partner wants to get in on it pre-permit. i thought it was a lot of mileage for two days as well. (i don't think he realizes how painful that's gonna be for me!)
  12. my partner wants to do this in two days, colchuck in, over aasgard, and snow lakes out ... anyone been up there lately? as in, how much snow? and do you think we can throw in prussik along the way for good measure?
  13. how OLD are you?
  14. when i was at the theater the audience actually started laughing during a supposedly serious scene because the acting/dialogue was so bad!
  15. well, your first point is debatable. your second point, probably not. my "comment" to those initial posts merely meant that i thought they were pathetic. not only are those women not representative of the bulk of women in their native countries ... but there are women here in our own country that are just as "hot". but, hey -- i understand the need to fantasize ... especially by many of the guys on this board.
  16. that sounds quite cozy! we'll be anxiously awaiting multiple tr's. and don't forget you digital cameras please!!!
  17. wow; she's more active than me these days. i hope you get her all fixed up!
  18. i wanted to add that i think it's really great that they're going to offer free wifi in public places where you don't have to buy something to use it.
  19. i've been on that site before. it gets pretty geeky if you start looking around too much. i actually already know quite a few places i can *go* to get free wireless. (heck, i can just walk up the hill and sit in my jeep!) but it'd be really nice to get it from the comfort of my couch.
  20. are you only sticking to alpine stuff in the meadows? if not, i might recommend royal arches (5.6) and snake dike (5.8). sorry; i haven't done much climbing in tuolumne but if you'd like a short non-alpine climb up there that's fun, i'd recommend hermaphrodite flake (5.8). (we did the tunnel/under version - yeehaw.)
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