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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. that's pretty sweet. when they bringing it to my house, though? i can pick up the uw's cse wifi but - sadly - they do not allow just anybody to connect. i think if i had a good antenna i could pick up a free connection, but unfortunately i have a hill on one side of me and union bay on the other. anybody out there using a cantenna over a relatively long distance?
  2. mit must be the real life real genius school. that movie rocked!
  3. that's got to be the strangest-looking blender ever!
  4. the last pic on that page makes it look pretty steep!
  5. holy shit! trippy!
  6. the link doesn't work. :-(
  7. i'm not saying they're beautiful, but i saw one in my neighborhood that was totally pimped out and it looked pretty cool. but it was the sound of that hemi that really got my attention.
  8. you might check with climbing club libraries if you just want to look and maybe make some copies.
  9. "Rangers discovered the men's bodies about 100 yards apart on the Paradise Glacier just east of the Muir Snowfield and about 200 yards from one of the most popular climbing trails in the park."
  10. vroom. vroom.
  11. thanks for the tr - better late than never. i suffer from the same height challenge you do ... sometimes it pays off, though.
  12. i'm snickering in the background on this one.
  13. personally, i'd rather eat v8 than cat feces.
  14. thanks. i know someone who will appreciate this!
  15. i wonder if that's why they stock v8 in the fridge here at work.
  16. will be coming from boise.
  17. i have the wild things epic unhooded version and absolutely love it. i never go climbing without it. it has stood up to much abuse in cracks and packs fairly small. very simple and does the job.
  18. robin hood would steal a nice rack of new cams from some porsche-driving climber and give them all to some dirtbag climber who can't afford to buy his own gear because he doesn't want to get a real job. jesus would preach about sharing with your neighbors and tell you that a cam means nothing and you should be happy that you didn't lose your life. or maybe that's a buddhist monk. i get all those religions confused sometimes. any normal person would take the cam and revel in the find. how does that song go? finders-keepers; losers-weepers?
  19. how 'bout a big plate of spaghetti?
  20. <---seattle times link---> ... now that's news!
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