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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. clog is very high quality stuff. the company has been around for decades making stuff in Wales.
  2. what's the difference between a light bulb and a blonde? A light bulb is smarter, but the blonde is easier to turn on.
  3. How would you know? Does he swallow, too? Squeal like a pig?
  4. Pagetop? I reset the number of posts per page. Who cares now, or ever?
  5. The points on her crampons are askew. Is this some new kind of equipment modification?
  6. is that dude in the photo, like, crying?
  7. definition of alpinist: climber who relies on tenacity to slog up technically moderate routes in the mountains?
  8. check http://www.montanaice.com/icecond.php
  9. Fill in the blank: Hotdogs are just like __________. Nothing but lips and assholes.
  10. Screw that. Let's pursue ever diverging topics --with only a semblance of addressing other's arguements-- while pumping up the volume on insults. eg. "Alpine" is a crunchy stereo system, but you're so fat, your cereal bowl has a life guard.
  11. erden, your body no doubt absorbed much energy from Kropp's fall. A catch of a fall with device like a GriGri attached at the waist would be a harder catch than having the rope tied off to your arm, let alone slipping around your arm. I would venture a guess that your catch of Kropp's fall was more dynamic than the majority of catches of falls these days (and not "closer to static than not"), given the prevalence of belay devices like the GriGri.
  12. Antarctica is a desert. There are spires in Queen Maud land. Are they not alpine? Doesn't "alpine" refer to a style as well as a type of ecological zone?
  13. F U C K Y O U is a whopping 102%
  14. odds are low, but possible: http://www.bdel.com/alpinism/icetools_rage_recall.html
  15. nuclear maniacs sea of fire
  16. The P is for "performance".
  17. Wildcats played like a high school team, and they still beat Washington State. It's been fifteen years since Washington State won a game against Arizona. This has gone beyond ugly.
  18. 1.5 ton come-along, shovel, tire chains, snow scraper and brushes, 15' square plastice tarp, water, food, space and wool blankets, gloves, 12 volt airpump, and a wrist-rocket slingshot.
  19. You're the man at the wheel. In my experience, even an inch of slushy snow causes people to drive like idiots. It's a lot of fun to get sideways. And it's also fun to click on the 4wd and actually be in control while the Camrys on the road are spinning at the intersection, or unable to scale the hills. It's even better to chug on up to the mountainss to enjoy the recent snowfall, but I'm on nurse-duty for a few days. BTW, "terrorists" has become so diluted by its use for trivial shit that it's tending towards meaninglessness. For example, I've called bullshit on on people who refer to WTO member countries as "terrorists". Is there a better term for terrorism-lite?
  20. My terrorist-supporting, Japanese-made, f'ed-up-dented-side, ozone-hole-depleting, road-trip-basecamp, most-precious-vehicle SUV was great to drive through 6" of fresh on the town roads this morning.
  21. freeclimb9


    I ride a board nowadays. Gave up the skis after about 30 seasons of using the 4,000 year old invention. A board is the tool for deep powder. Compared to skiing, the effort for maneuvering a board through the deep is minimal. A person on skis would be hurting trying to keep up with me on a phat day. I make no excuses for the simplicity of the board. It is easier than skis. And it's more fun. Surfride the whole mountain, top to bottom, one go. Any lazy fuckers laying on the slopes have aerobic capacity issues. If you navigate on skis, good for you. Puritans think you need to suffer to achieve holiness which leads to the conclusion that skiers are holier than boarders. Many certainly act that way. Especially the free-heel crowd. "Such is life", as Ned Kelly put it. I would venture a guess that it's pretty frustrating to be skiiing on a $700+ setup and have a nappy-ass boarder roar by on his $300 stick.
  22. If you can, try a pair of Tecnica boots. I've got a pair of Altitude Plus of which I can adjust the ankle considerably. Also, for any boot, judicious use of overhand wrapping of the laces over the foot portion will let you tie the laces at less tension over your ankle.
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